Changelog for 45

45.0.2552.898 – 2017-06-13 blog post
- DNA-61103 Address field icon cut on dark skin
- DNA-61434 Crash at opera::installer::Wininet::InternetStatusCallback(void*, unsigned long, unsigned long, void*, unsigned long)
- DNA-61576 [Win] Fallback to Current User installation fails if user cancel UAC when package is downloaded to temp
- DNA-61587 “Über%tragen…” in context menus
- DNA-61705 [Win 10] Huge memory usage which causes OOM when trying to play H264 MP3 video
45.0.2552.888 – 2017-05-31 blog post
- DNA-59347 [Reborn Linux] Unable to drag window by the sidebar ☣
- DNA-60318 [Installer] Update to O44 Stable keeps “Opera 43” on the Win 10 task bar icon
- DNA-60768 [WebUI] Remove grey wallpaper from list of wallpapers
- DNA-61000 German Sidebar translation fix (de) for Opera Desktop
- DNA-61367 sidebar extensions on OS X – elements can’t get focus
- DNA-61401 Update makerepo script to use new key
45.0.2552.881 – 2017-05-25 blog post
- DNA-59998 [Linux] Broken drop down list elements (wrong font color)
- DNA-60171 [Mac] No space for dragging the app window ☣
- DNA-60397 [Linux] Black borders on context menus
- DNA-60408 [Linux] Sub-menu after expand is visible /expandable/ only once
- DNA-60524 [Mac] Crash at media::DecoderStream::OnDecoderReset()
- DNA-60528 [Linux] Menu not position correctly + no menu label
- DNA-60745 [Win10] Video popout – resize window
- DNA-60768 [WebUI] Remove grey wallpaper from list of wallpapers
- DNA-60878 Corrupted installer message is not translated
- DNA-60944 Full screen issue 1px line at the bottom
- DNA-60991 Crash at blink::WebSpeechSynthesisVoice::operator blink::PlatformSpeechSynthesisVoice*()
- DNA-61026 Crash on right clicking extensions sidebar (signature: ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(int, ui::MenuModel*, int))
- DNA-61028 Opera crashes when trying to manage print preferences
- DNA-61040 Dark theme hint polish translation
- DNA-61368 Get the new wallpaper into master
45.0.2552.812 – 2017-05-15 blog post
- DNA-60092 [Win|Linux] Red UI elements in high-DPI with Reborn enabled
- DNA-60226 [Mac] Crash at mojo::edk::(anonymous namespace)::ChannelPosix::GetReadPlatformHandles(unsigned long, void const*, unsigned long, std::__1::unique_ptr*)
- DNA-60638 [Win] Opera pins back to taskbar after being launched
- DNA-60709 [Linux Ubuntu 17.04] No global menu in unity
- DNA-60721 Current theme is not updated when selecting it from “Customize start page” in some use cases
- DNA-60820 MFDemuxer stalls after seeking
- DNA-60853 Error about missing opera_200_percent.pak
- DNA-60958 Fix messenger feature page’s URL
45.0.2552.634 – 2017-05-08 blog post
- DNA-60337 Downloads icons’ notification dots do not disappear after opening opera:downloads manually
- DNA-60849 [Mac] Old icons in suggested search phrases/urls (address bar)
- DNA-60892 [Mac] Crash on open in new tab via Ctrl+Click and activating
- DNA-60898 [Linux] H.264 support broken after package update
45.0.2552.632 – 2017-05-04 blog post
- DNA-59768 Bookmark bar dragged item text is blurry
- DNA-60100 [Adblocker] Tagnames not blocked WP1
- DNA-60184 UI doesn’t load on start, only glass background is displayed ☣
- DNA-60223 [CAT] Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarViewViews::Dock(opera::BrowserSidebarItemContentView*) ☣
- DNA-60424 Speed dial adjustements
- DNA-60435 [Win] Omnibox icons improvements
- DNA-60447 Missing cam/mic usage notification for messengers in panels
- DNA-60491 stack-use-after-scope in suggestions code
- DNA-60520 [Win] Omnibox style and order improvements
- DNA-60555 Tooltip “Unpin sidebar” do not hide
- DNA-60599 “Add a site” pop-up does not dismiss after opening the Customize Start Page Panel in the background
- DNA-60606 Use sidebar API in navbar when reborn flag is enabled
- DNA-60680 ppapi test file in beta package
- DNA-60756 pgort140.dll is included in release packages
- DNA-60759 Sidebar’s activity item is initialized twice
- DNA-60766 Please replace opera://about/thanks image with default theme
- DNA-60801 Page is marked red when dragging from folder to the bookmark bar.
- DNA-60806 Compress animations with webm/VP9 or mp4/h264
- DNA-60824 [Videopoput] Detach Button: Wrong video matched for prime handler
- DNA-60839 [Adblocker] – videos/images miniatures don’t show when adblock is ON
- DNA-60847 Enable adblocker-tagname-support flag on all streams
- DNA-60850 No “Tabs” in navbar context menu
- DNA-60851 O45 translations integrate with stabilisation branch (Chromium)
- DNA-60853 Error about missing opera_200_percent.pak
- DNA-60862 [Win] [NI] Fragment of code visible in EULA
- DNA-60867 Synchronization problem of elements in sidebar
- DNA-60887 Theme is not consistent for each location in O45
45.0.2552.626 – 2017-04-27 blog post
- DNA-59680 Unable to add bookmarks to unsorted bookmarks if you have them
- DNA-59832 [Win] Timeouts in MediaSourceTest tests
- DNA-60262 Invalidations not working on O44 and O45,TRANSIENT_INVALIDATION_ERROR
- DNA-60423 Old cogwheel icon for customise start page panel
- DNA-60474 [macOS 10.12.2] Opera crashes when opening file dialog with Touch Bar
- DNA-60483 [Linux Reborn] Remove space from tab bar when window is not maximised
- DNA-60501 [Plugins] Redirect requests for opera://plugins to opera://settings?section=plugins
- DNA-60506 [Mac] Touch Bar Crash at libc++abi.dylib@0x185a / -[BookmarkView createFallbackForBookmark:]
- DNA-60533 [Reborn] [Mac] Incognito icon in inactive tab should be white
- DNA-60544 Sidebar is not updated after sync ☣
- DNA-60557 Video not playing on some sites with disabled #media-windows-mf-demuxer
- DNA-60579 Crash at media::MFSourceReaderAdapter::Initialize(base::Callback const&)
- DNA-60639 [Mac] Network Installer contains high-resolution background
- DNA-60687 [Mac 10.9] Crash at -[NSView(OperaAddition) setDarkVibrancyAppearance:withColor:]
- DNA-60733 O45 translations integrate with stabilisation branch
- DNA-60739 Remove unnecessary dll’s from Opera package
- DNA-60743 Address bar dropdown looks bad on OS X 10.9
- DNA-60757 [WebUI] Cannot disable wallpapers
- DNA-60776 [Themes] Top 10 themes not present in theme selector
- DNA-60795 Crash at base::ObserverListBase::AddObserver(opera::SearchProviderStripModel::Observer*)
- DNA-60796 [Adblocker] Change default internal lists names ☣
- DNA-60830 Crash on startup libc++abi.dylib@0x184a
- DNA-60846 O45 translations integrate with stabilisation branch (missing Czech lang – Desktop part)
45.0.2552.453 – 2017-04-20 blog post
- DNA-60359 Confusing label in O-menu booksmarks trash for deleting bookmarks object
- DNA-60369 [Mac] Sync icon in toolbar has a shadow effect
- DNA-60428 Secure connection dialog shows up to high
- DNA-60430 [Adblocker] List is not shown as enabled when clicking fast ☣
- DNA-60466 [Mac] Extension button should not appear on identity window
- DNA-60508 Some links opened in new tab don’t render
- DNA-60522 Sound notifications are ON while sidebar is unpinned ☣
- DNA-60552 [Linux] H.264 video support broken
- DNA-60569 [Mac Reborn] Transparency on address bar dropdown when dark theme enabled
- DNA-60626 Never ending memory use increase on youtube 24/7 stream
- DNA-60643 Provide default theme that is 200kB the largest
- DNA-60646 [WebUI] Wallpapers wont load immediately
45.0.2552.225 – 2017-04-10 blog post
- DNA-59231 [Win] Auto-updater is crashing
- DNA-59613 Sidebar tooltip displayed too long ☣
- DNA-60387 [Engine] All lists updated after adding another list ☣
- DNA-60439 [Win] Tooltips of sidebar buttons stay active while scrolling
- DNA-60480 High memory consumption with enabled VPN
- DNA-60521 Messenger hovers pinned Whatsapp/Telegram during new users onboarding ☣
45.0.2552.89 – 2017-04-06 blog post
- DNA-59611 [Mac] Extensions on toolbar in pop-ups
- DNA-60083 [Mac] Download progress indicator should be blue
- DNA-60094 Crash on startup at LoginHandler::LoginDialogCallback(GURL const&, net::AuthChallengeInfo*, LoginHandler*, bool)
- DNA-60112 Sidebar tooltip displaced after scrolling ☣
- DNA-60279 [Reborn] ‘Unpin sidebar’ freezes in private window. ☣
- DNA-60392 It is not possible to set default value for content setting.
- DNA-60393 [Win7] Extend the grey frame ☣
- DNA-60394 Add –repo-root switch to
- DNA-60406 [Adblocker][Mac]New popup improvements
- DNA-60409 Attempt a few copy retries for files
- DNA-60412 Mac: Krebs Menu has wrong onClick color
- DNA-60415 Sidebar items’ tooltips do not show when the panel is expanded ☣
- DNA-60418 [Mac][10.9] Wrong sidebar color and close tab not visible ☣
- DNA-60422 Heart icon should be centered
- DNA-60427 [Adblocker] If a regional list is marked as default, default only for region ☣
- DNA-60432 [Mac] Missing borders in TabBar ☣
- DNA-60433 [Adblocker][Mac] New popup shows total ads blocked instead of ads blocked in the site
- DNA-60437 Enable #adblocker-split-rules on all streams
- DNA-60460 [Win] Files in installation folder not removed during unistallation
45.0.2548.0 – 2017-03-30 blog post
- DNA-47203 [SD] Speed Dial redraw in a new tab after resizing Opera window
- DNA-58322 Newly opened start page sometimes has wrong size
- DNA-59564 [Installer] crash on RunInstaller
- DNA-60015 Extend Windows Controls hover/press area ☣
- DNA-60038 [WebUI] content disappears from internal page in private mode ☣
- DNA-60129 [Mac] Popup UI improvements WP1
- DNA-60163 [Linux] No close button with maximized window in gnome 3 ☣
- DNA-60178 [Adblocker] Implement updateAll for lists to avoid redundant onRulesLoaded events ☣
- DNA-60269 [Adblocker] Settings: List keeps “importing” all the time ☣
- DNA-60276 [Reborn] [Sidebar] Notification badges setting disables all dots (not only for communicators)
- DNA-60283 [Win][Reborn] Inactive tabs become transparent when switching from non-Aero to Aero theme in Win7
- DNA-60287 Enable #improved-heart-popup on all streams
- DNA-60290 Wrong app frame color ☣
- DNA-60295 VPN UI bug when 0KB of data is used
- DNA-60322 [Adblocker] Japanese and Latvian lists keep updating ☣
- DNA-60323 [Mac] AdBlock badge displayed on the URL after changing tab
- DNA-60326 [Win] Missing buttons in popup and dev tools windows while switching from non-Aero to Aero theme
- DNA-60341 [Adblocker] Ads are not immediately displayed after disabling all lists ☣
- DNA-60342 Crash at opera::MainMenuView::UpdateBackground()
- DNA-60343 [Reborn] Activity icon is not immediately shown after logging in to sync ☣
- DNA-60349 [Adblocker] Romanian list doesn’t work ☣
- DNA-60351 Enable #adblocker-advanced-selectors on all streams
- DNA-60352 BrowserSidebarItemViewViews are initialized twice ☣
- DNA-60353 Messenger cycler stopped working on windows
- DNA-60354 [Adblocker] Wrong label shown for page with no ads
- DNA-60363 [Reborn Mac] Narrow sidebar icons cut off when scrolling is enabled ☣
- DNA-60368 [Reborn] [Sidebar] Download notification dot does not always disappear ☣
- DNA-60382 [Win][Reborn] Buttons on the sidebar are cut off when changing window’s height
- DNA-60389 [Mac] Resize cursor visible on a right edge of sidebar ☣
- DNA-60390 [Mac] Address bar icons are not colored properly in dark theme
- DNA-60401 [Reborn] All items are always visible event mustn’t be
- DNA-60404 Add content-length header to reported headers
45.0.2545.0 – 2017-03-27 blog post
- DNA-57676 Capture icon going into high frequency
- DNA-58632 Credential management key icon is not shown after going to site with saved federated password
- DNA-58688 PGO video test profiling sometimes timeout
- DNA-59110 No theme preview for images with parentheses in a name
- DNA-59757 Crash in -[TouchBarSpeeddialController reloadNode:]
- DNA-60036 Crash at media::MFDemuxerStream::Read(base::Callback const&)
- DNA-60040 Move packaging targets out from desktop/
- DNA-60051 Use updated animations on messengers welcome pages
- DNA-60082 Enable the ExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottling flag
- DNA-60085 [Linux] Add unit tests to FFmpeg preload module
- DNA-60187 [Adblocker] Ads still blocked after disabling all the lists ☣
- DNA-60189 [Reborn][Mac] Icon refresh
- DNA-60190 New minimal width for panel needed ☣
- DNA-60193 [Adblocker] No lists displayed after enabling adblocker for the first time ☣
- DNA-60202 [Windows] Unittests crashing in debug
- DNA-60203 [Win] Communicator panel hides while undocking
- DNA-60204 #enable-quic should only be enabled on developer
- DNA-60218 Hide notifications badges setting when sidebar is disabled
- DNA-60219 [Mac] AdBlock badge displayed on the URL when ‘Content Blocked’ message appears
- DNA-60221 Incorrect use of weak pointers in black list loading ☣
- DNA-60231 Allow user to selectively enable internal blocking rules WP4
- DNA-60232 Intake 58.0.3029.6 review fixes
- DNA-60234 [Win][Reborn] Popup window’s title too close to the upper edge
- DNA-60237 [Mac] Media capture indicator is not displayed after dragging tab to different window
- DNA-60238 Sync icon with a wrong color on dark theme
- DNA-60243 build error: Unresolved dependencies.
- DNA-60247 [Mac] build error: unresolved dependencies
- DNA-60257 [Adblocker] Settings: Unable to select custom list from file
- DNA-60260 Messenger is not muted anymore after browser restart ☣
- DNA-60266 [Adblocker] Settings: Sort lists
- DNA-60270 [Mac] AdBlock badge trembles on hover when dark skin is enabled
- DNA-60274 Installer_helper kept in the old installation directories
- DNA-60277 [Adblocker] Settings: Special characters not upper-cased ☣
- DNA-60278 [Reborn] [Dark skin] [Mac] Black font in address bar after pressing left arrow
- DNA-60281 Minor styling changes
- DNA-60282 Move browser sidebar item view state logic to model from view ☣
- DNA-60285 [Mac] AdBlock badge displayed on the URL after closing ‘Content Blocked’ message
- DNA-60289 Suggested ABlock blacklists are not updated when enabling/disabling lists in normal list view
- DNA-60311 Crash 30s after opening in a popup
45.0.2539.0 – 2017-03-21 blog post
- DNA-58614 Check failed: false. Client #0 is not expecting more events!
- DNA-58849 Extension auto-update request follows UA changes done in the browser
- DNA-58852 Copy download link does not work
- DNA-59090 Reload page when user enables/disables ad blocker
- DNA-59161 No hover on padlock icon in address bar
- DNA-59231 [Win] Auto-updater is crashing
- DNA-59325 Include content_browsertests in chromium_tests
- DNA-59414 [Reborn] Old navigation bar shown for a moment when opening new tabs
- DNA-59448 Sidebar could switch to already opened tabs with internal pages
- DNA-59720 O45 translations integrate with master
- DNA-59772 [Mac] Broken animation for opening heart menu
- DNA-59780 Address bar suggestions are confusing and useless.
- DNA-59791 Use executable name instead of process type to set symbols-package in crash metadata
- DNA-59801 Add support for advanced selectors and tags WP2
- DNA-59809 Proprietary media types not supported in Opera 44.0.2505.0
- DNA-59813 Extension browser tests fail
- DNA-59857 [Reborn] [Mac] UI in dark skin breaks after changing accessibility settings
- DNA-59938 [Mac] Should be easy to get version number of the netinstaller
- DNA-59967 WP2 – Add menu for sidebar panel
- DNA-59984 Allow user to selectively enable internal blocking rules WP2
- DNA-59990 Do not use StringPiece when passing strings to JS
- DNA-59992 [Mac] Opening links with cmd + click makes Address field grey
- DNA-59993 WP3 Sidebar menu content polishing
- DNA-60005 [Mac] Font is too dark in address bar in dark theme when not focused
- DNA-60006 [Win] NI does not work.
- DNA-60008 [Mac] Tab hover state not refreshed after skin change
- DNA-60009 [Mac] Icons in sidebar are too close to control icons
- DNA-60011 Dark theme: parts of URL which are greyed out should be using the same color as placeholders
- DNA-60012 Title bar of the panel is light although dark theme is enabled
- DNA-60017 Remove blue rectangle in a selected item
- DNA-60018 Add regional & other lists
- DNA-60019 Pin icon is in “pinned” states while using overlay
- DNA-60020 Toggle icon in sidebar and navbar are not in the same place
- DNA-60021 [Mac] Loader on tab is too dark in dark theme
- DNA-60022 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarViewViews::Dock(opera::BrowserSidebarItemContentView*)
- DNA-60023 Crash at ManagePasswordsUIController::UpdateBubbleAndIconVisibility()
- DNA-60027 Extend panel shadow
- DNA-60028 Enable #improved-heart-popup on developer
- DNA-60029 [Mac] No hover on padlock icon in address bar
- DNA-60030 Enable MFDemuxer in content_browsertests
- DNA-60031 [Mac] Fix sidebar open animation
- DNA-60034 [Reborn Messenger] Refresh button overlaps the padlock
- DNA-60046 Add sidebar section to the “Basic” category in settings
- DNA-60050 Fix typo in rate opera prompt
- DNA-60054 Netinstaller footprint gets much bigger since 2017-03-13 ~11:30
- DNA-60057 [Reborn] [Sidebar] Crash when trying to fill saved credentials in Messenger
- DNA-60059 Margins for right side Address Bar icons are messed up
- DNA-60068 Adblocker: custom lists are not loading
- DNA-60084 [Mac] Sidebar content is empty
- DNA-60090 [Mac] Crash at -[SuggestionTextField drawRect:]
- DNA-60095 [Mac] No tooltip on page badge
- DNA-60102 Whatsapp & telegram content is empty when starting with any of them docked.
- DNA-60104 Allow user to selectively enable internal blocking rules WP3
- DNA-60123 [Reborn] [Mac] Unable to open pinned messenger using keys combination
- DNA-60130 ‘Insecure’ login to Opera sync
- DNA-60131 [Mac] No tooltip on badges in address bar
- DNA-60138 [Adblocker] Unable to add/delete exceptions for adblocker
- DNA-60139 Adblocker custom block lists – new added list is not focused, invalid url loads endlessly
- DNA-60140 [Reborn] [Mac] Black font in dark theme at address bar for suggested URL ending
- DNA-60142 [Reborn] [Mac] Keys combinations do not work in sidebar for WhatsApp
- DNA-60143 Enable #adblocker-advanced-selectors on Developer stream
- DNA-60152 Enable #adblocker-split-rules on Developer stream
- DNA-60159 blink_platform_unittests don’t compile
- DNA-60168 [Mac] Tabs are not properly drawn in retina/nonretina monitor setup
- DNA-60169 [Reborn] [Mac] Communicator panels in sidebar freeze
- DNA-60173 Frame/border is broken
45.0.2531.0 – 2017-03-13 blog post
- DNA-57705 Revert: [WW] Add Weather Widget
- DNA-58201 [Linux] Wrong pointer to the changelog in .deb
- DNA-58435 [Win] Titlebar not displayed properly in maximized private window.
- DNA-58955 Improve messenger show/hide animations
- DNA-59177 Make the new packaging framework tests run on GOTH
- DNA-59302 Audio stuttering badly when media-windows-mf-demuxer enabled
- DNA-59480 [Mac] Broken Time remaining on battery saver dialog
- DNA-59507 [Win] Shortcuts do not work when active undocked messenger window
- DNA-59656 [Reborn] Whatsapp splash screen refers to Facebook Messenger
- DNA-59666 [Win] FocusPreviousPane shortcut doesn’t focus Omenu when sidebar is enabled
- DNA-59670 [Windows] Package Opera, Autoupdate and Assistant self-extracting archives
- DNA-59729 Paper cuts: bookmarks WP2
- DNA-59733 [Reborn] Saved passwords are not available in sidebar
- DNA-59737 Crash at opera::BookmarkMenuDelegate::BookmarkNodeMoved(bookmarks::BookmarkModel*, bookmarks::BookmarkNode const*, int, bookmarks::BookmarkNode const*, int)
- DNA-59748 hardly visible speaker icon on tab in dark theme
- DNA-59760 [Mac] Bold font on bookmarks bar titles in private mode
- DNA-59765 [Linux] Broken UI on KDE (wrong colors)
- DNA-59773 Battery icon not updated with reborn ON
- DNA-59774 Wrong context menu shown when right-click on heart icon
- DNA-59778 Add “Sidebar settings” in sidebar’s context menu
- DNA-59787 No reaction on click on “Show bookmarks bar” in O-menu
- DNA-59788 Disabled items in O-menu
- DNA-59792 [Reborn] [Mac] Window is “going places” after closing sidebar and clicking elsewhere
- DNA-59794 [Reborn] Wrong battery saver’s icon’s color when application is not focused and dark skin is enabled
- DNA-59800 [Mac] Inline search doesnt work
- DNA-59802 Add stat for aero being enabled or not (win)
- DNA-59807 Paper cuts: bookmarks WP3
- DNA-59810 [Win] New installation over existing one set pinned to False in installer_prefs.xml
- DNA-59812 Loads of crashes and fails on new gtests
- DNA-59814 InstallerStatusTests gtests fail on Windows
- DNA-59815 [WebUI] adjust width of navbar
- DNA-59816 Crash at opera::SearchCopyTabHelper::HandleMouseEvent(blink::WebMouseEvent const&)
- DNA-59818 Allow user to selectively enable internal blocking rules WP1
- DNA-59823 [unified] update tab text colors
- DNA-59827 content_browsertests: Skip media tests of unsupported features WP2
- DNA-59828 Unneeded vulkan libs in packages.
- DNA-59830 Assertion failure in InitializeMediaFoundation()
- DNA-59833 Not secure warning shown on internal pages
- DNA-59837 Crash at startup
- DNA-59838 Crash on startup at opera::BrowserSidebarViewViews::Dock(opera::BrowserSidebarItemContentView*)
- DNA-59839 [Reborn] Messenger overlay sticks out the window at the bottom
- DNA-59842 Fix suggestions position
- DNA-59843 [Mac] Missing media capture indicator in tab
- DNA-59845 [Components] Hide page title
- DNA-59848 [Mac] Implement narrow sidebar
- DNA-59852 Fix the Opera.OAuth2.Network.PendingRequestTypes metric
- DNA-59868 [WebUI] Add permissions section to Messenger welcome page
- DNA-59869 Add telegram messenger
- DNA-59897 [Dev] Themes vs backgrounds – strings systematization
- DNA-59910 O-menu is shifted when window is maximized
- DNA-59921 [Mac] Mute me baby icon is hardly visible in dark theme
- DNA-59922 [Mac] Dark skin address bar color fixes
- DNA-59930 hover in O-menu is shifted ☣/li>
- DNA-59932 Protected content section not visible
- DNA-59933 [Mac] Address field sometimes grey when not focused
- DNA-59942 [WebUI] Add Telegram icon and hint
- DNA-59944 Missing read callback on failure to handle decoder config change
- DNA-59952 [Reborn] [WebUI] No space between items on navbar ☣
- DNA-59955 [Mac] Tab menu crashes Opera
- DNA-59962 [Bookmarks] Popup: title wrongly aligned
- DNA-59963 Error when clicking ‘add theme’ button
- DNA-59964 WP1 – Split files
- DNA-59965 [Mac] Enable narrow sidebar label does not follow mac standards ☣
- DNA-59966 Crash at blink::Scrollbar::totalSize() / opera::TabBaseView::UpdateFavicon
- DNA-59968 Move generic stuff from generic browser sidebar views to controller.
- DNA-59972 [Mac] sidebar panel is misplaced after sidebar width is changed ☣
- DNA-59976 [Settings] Unable to click a highlighted “Get more wallpapers/themes” button
- DNA-59977 [Mac] A separator on pinned tabs
- DNA-59985 Wrong color of border under panel title bar ☣
- DNA-59987 Demuxer read aborted by IPCMediaPipeline lost in IPCMediaPipelineHostImpl
45.0.2522.0 – 2017-03-06 blog post
- DNA-46852 [Mac] Search hint callout takes focus away from addressfield
- DNA-47443 speed dials not working after certificate warning
- DNA-49212 String IDS_WEBSITE_SETTINGS_NON_SECURE_TRANSPORT is used in a weird way
- DNA-57834 USD $123 format not recognised ☣
- DNA-58609 Check failed: !path_.empty().
- DNA-58757 [Mac] Unable to open Developer tools / web view doesn’t resize
- DNA-58765 ‘The package is corrupted’ is shown in case of not enough free space on hard disk during installation process.
- DNA-58852 Copy download link does not work
- DNA-58909 [Linux] CrashInspectorStarterTest gtests fail
- DNA-58929 Opera icon on the windows app bar.
- DNA-58931 [Videopopout][Mac] Video fullscreen is not closed properly when pop-out is opened
- DNA-58960 WP2 for DNA-58645: Package “all_tests” target using a new packager
- DNA-58983 Apply opera:plugin page’s style to opera:components page.
- DNA-58987 [Adblocker] Youtube track list doesn’t show up
- DNA-59016 File picker for some downloads doesn’t show
- DNA-59018 [Win] Not possible to open new private window (in some case).
- DNA-59063 Add support for advanced selectors and tags WP1
- DNA-59170 [Win10] Taskbar shortcut is removed after update via NI.
- DNA-59212 Remove opera:plugins (and chrome:plugins) references from the code
- DNA-59218 [Reborn Windows] Titlebar with close, minimize and maximize buttons is not found by opauto
- DNA-59221 Stop using for yahoo searches
- DNA-59222 [Linux] AllForms/FormStructureBrowserTest.DataDrivenHeuristics tests fail
- DNA-59239 CLONE – Refactor extension APIs to use TabStripModel rateher than PageViewCollection WP2
- DNA-59269 [Win] Shortcut to focus OMenu button does not work
- DNA-59290 PlatformMediaPipelineIntegrationTest.SuspendWithReadPending fail
- DNA-59303 Package sym files using the new framework
- DNA-59320 [Mac] Moving tabs not reflected in Touch Bar
- DNA-59327 [Mac] Broken animation for opening extension popups
- DNA-59364 [Mac 10.9] Search and copy popup is too big
- DNA-59405 NPE at TobBarTabView::UpdateFont (Crash on closing a tab)
- DNA-59410 [Reborn] OMenu reopening problems
- DNA-59412 [Linux Reborn] Dark skin background tabs are too light
- DNA-59415 [Videopopout] [Mac] Detached video artifacts on some pages
- DNA-59417 Fix jstcache errors on sitecheck interstitial pages
- DNA-59420 [Mac Reborn] Address dropdown is not dark in dark skin mode
- DNA-59421 [Reborn] No dark skin on js dialogs and sliding toolbars
- DNA-59427 [Videopopout] Some menu options not working when detached video is focused.
- DNA-59434 [Mac] Crash on [ToolbarView borderColor:skin:] again
- DNA-59441 Default URL protocol not respected
- DNA-59460 [Win] Unable to open speed dials and suggestions in new window
- DNA-59461 Wrong case in task manager strings
- DNA-59463 [Linux] Lower flash requirements
- DNA-59464 [Reborn Windows] Extensions sidebar dark skin
- DNA-59467 [Win] Installer crashes when run with –internal-package-server=http://invalid
- DNA-59479 Domain disallowed wininet error has wrong suffix
- DNA-59517 Many sliding toolbars don’t fully respond to theme change
- DNA-59524 [Mac] No search switcher in private mode drop down
- DNA-59526 [Win10] Opera crashes with turned off reborn
- DNA-59530 Blurred buttons on address bar and SpeedDial favicon.
- DNA-59532 [Mac] Darker tab bar
- DNA-59533 Elements in bookmarks bar have unnecessary background
- DNA-59546 Add an errno log entry for file copy operations
- DNA-59556 [Mac Reborn] Download icon is misplaced
- DNA-59565 [Mac] Broken animation on bookmarks bar
- DNA-59566 ExtensionApiTest.Debugger browser tests crashes
- DNA-59587 [Mac] Video in video pop-out stutters when switching tab
- DNA-59598 Fetcher error -> Failed initializing the file to use as download destination on 2nd and 3rd attempt
- DNA-59617 Paper cuts: bookmarks WP1
- DNA-59631 [Windows] desktop_browsertests.SSLUITest.TestInterstitialCrossSiteNavigation time outs
- DNA-59639 [Linux] Black tab bar in desktop-stable-57-2510
- DNA-59650 [Videopopout] [Mac] Detached video artefact on facebook
- DNA-59663 [Reborn] Crash while closing sidebar after enabling notifications in communicator
- DNA-59667 [Win] ENTER on a hidden “Blocks ads” button in the address field crashes Opera
- DNA-59669 [Windows] Package single executables
- DNA-59681 [Linux] White fonts on background tabs in private mode desktop-stable-57-2510
- DNA-59686 [Bookmarks] Unable to undo deleted folder
- DNA-59689 Notifications sound appears despite notifications are off (Messenger) ☣
- DNA-59732 MediaPipelineMsg_DecodedDataReady can arrive out of order
- DNA-59734 Build / dependency error with third_party/WebKit/public/web/window_features.mojom.h
- DNA-59738 [non-aero] Unreadable selected menu items ☣
- DNA-59739 [non-aero] Double clicking sidebar messenger/whatsapp icons restore/maximizes window
- DNA-59741 [Reborn] Notifications sound appears despite notifications are off (after restart) ☣
- DNA-59783 Change string in Sidebar settings
- DNA-59786 content_browsertests: Skip media tests of unsupported features
- DNA-59793 media::ProtocolSniffer should know about MOV
- DNA-59796 [Reborn] Crash after opening a website with sliding toolbar when dark skin is enabled ☣
- DNA-59799 Count ftyp starting with “iso” as MP4 too
- DNA-59803 [Mac] Secure websites not so secure
- DNA-59805 Enable content_browsertests for supported MP4 features
- DNA-59808 [Reborn][Mac] Favicon’s pressed state is broken