Hype Meet Lulu Kitololo – the Kenyan artist who designed the Pan-Africa sticker pack in Hype March 5th, 2021
Data Plans, Premier League Follow the big matches of this week Premier League with Free Browsing in Opera Mini January 16th, 2021
Data Plans, Uncategorized Opera is bridging the digital divide in Sub-Saharan Africa December 10th, 2020
Data Plans How are millions of Nigerians getting free browsing on their smartphones? October 21st, 2020
Data Plans, Uncategorized Free browsing up to 50MB per day with Opera Mini and MTN in South Africa October 1st, 2020
Featured in Google Play Store Can your browser do this for you? Find out why more Africans are choosing Opera... September 28th, 2020
Data Plans, Uncategorized Daily free browsing with Opera Mini in Kenya with Opera and Safaricom! August 27th, 2020
Data Plans, Uncategorized Opera and Vodafone are giving away 50 MB of free browsing every day in Ghana July 8th, 2020