Changelog for 30

30.0.1835.125 – 2015-07-14 – blog post
- DNA-35815 Font loading problem on Chrome PDF plugin ☣
- DNA-37172 [Linux] desktop/packaging: use dpkg 1.17 features
- DNA-38136 [CAT] Crash in >base::TaskRunner::PostTask >content::WMFMediaPipeline::Initialize ☣
- DNA-40341 [Mac] Enter in empty address field removes focus ☣
30.0.1835.88 – 2015-06-24 – blog post
- DNA-37992 [Win] YouTube: MSE video playback doesn’t start ☣
- DNA-38320 Bookmarks not accessible trough Opera menu ☣
- DNA-39762 Fix renderer crashes and MSE (DNA-30360) in O30 final ☣
- DNA-39936 Opera claims that it supports proprietary codecs on Vista while it doesn’t ☣
30.0.1835.59 – 2015-06-10 – blog post
- DNA-37992 [Win] YouTube: MSE video playback doesn’t start ☣
- DNA-38540 Opera opens in presentation mode after each restart ☣
- DNA-39551 package_source_release doesn’t link properly to build source code package ☣
30.0.1835.49 – 2015-06-02 – blog post
- DNA-38371 Cmd Shift [ or ] shortcuts are broken in Russian keyboard layout ☣
- Chromium updated to 43.0.2357.81
30.0.1835.47 – 2015-05-27 – blog post
- DNA-35802 Tab crashes when FlashPlayer starts allocating a huge amount of memory ☣
- DNA-36518 No Latvijas /Latvian [lv] lang to select in windows installer ☣
- DNA-37217 No favicon synced after pressing enter in a URL not typed ☣
- DNA-37362 Neverending spinner in opera:history for loading no favicon history results ☣
- DNA-37801 Weird icon is shown for beta builds ☣
- DNA-37878 [Mac] Context menu, selection, copy/paste do not work in the web page display area ☣
- DNA-38062 All clicked links are synced in history between instances ☣
- DNA-38103 MSE&H264 causing some Youtube videos to crash ☣
- DNA-38183 Relaunch Now button not working in opera:flags for MSE flag ☣
- DNA-38211 History menu is blank when you first open the browser. It populates once you browse to any page. ☣
- DNA-38538 Enable MSE flag on all streams ☣
- DNA-38631 [Mac] Show/Hide bookmark bar keyboard shortcut disappeared ☣
30.0.1835.26 – 2015-05-12 – blog post
- DNA-17300 Autoupdate of the autoupdate client could be problematic for patching ☣
- DNA-28533 Opening last closed tab with authentication dialog doesn’t work ☣
- DNA-36697 Bookmarks & extensions can’t launch app via system protocols ☣
- DNA-37856 [Mac] Wrong position of cursor when moving up through suggestions ☣
- DNA-37933 Auto-updater crashes on Windows XP
- DNA-37957 [MAC] Video freeze using NPAPI in full screen mode. ☣
- DNA-38165 Disable #mse-h264-support on Windows ☣
☣ = bugfix
30.0.1835.18 – 2015-05-05 – blog post
- CHR-4143 Update chromium on master to 43.0.2357.18
- DNA-35390 [Win] Set keyboard focus in panel when opening a sidebar extension ☣
- DNA-35547 [CAT] Crash on bookmarks::BookmarkNode::GetMetaInfo ☣
- DNA-37146 [Win] Crash on exit in browser_extensions_browsertests.DownloadExtensionTest ☣
- DNA-37230 Failing browser_extensions_browsertests ☣
- DNA-37325 [Mac] Set keyboard focus in panel when opening a sidebar extension ☣
- DNA-37422 Auto-update patching from 1833 to 1837 fails ☣
- DNA-37493 [Win] Crash in ExtensionSidebarTest.SidebarVisibilityInMultipleWindows ☣
- DNA-37536 [intake] Tab bar refresh issues
- DNA-37578 Shared library builds don’t link ☣
- DNA-37584 Use upstream version of Widevine CDM stub
- DNA-37623 Button to look up saved password is gone after intake ☣
- DNA-37689 Media controls missing ☣
- DNA-37781 Enable sidebar extension on all channels ☣
- DNA-37794 Fix API availability tests ☣
- DNA-37800 Opera 12’s speed dial tabs are badly migrated ☣
- DNA-37802 Opera beta cannot be set as default browser on Windows ☣
- DNA-37863 Ctrl-Enter add new line in bar adress ☣
- DNA-37898 Stop generating keybinding strings ☣
30.0.1835.5 – 2015-04-22 – blog post
- CHR-2543 Implementation of MP3 and H.264 support
- CHR-4063 Update chromium on master to 43.0.2351.3
- DNA-32841 Modify all “Remove” or “Delete” strings for bookmarks to say “Move to trash”
- DNA-36210 [Engine] New session manager – Testsuite
- DNA-36277 Not possible to remove third party not installed extensions ☣
- DNA-36570 Address field’s corners ain’t round enough ☣
- DNA-36636 Tab cycler dimmed background does not expand to the area previously occupied by the sidebar ☣
- DNA-36735 AllForms/FormStructureBrowserTest.DataDrivenHeuristics/50 fails
- DNA-36736 AutoUpdaterTest.CourgetteBinPatchingFunctional fails ☣
- DNA-36751 Blacklisted extensions not listed in extensions manager ☣
- DNA-36794 [Engine] Internal pages are saved in session ☣
- DNA-36798 Clients with opened internal sites only are not visible to other instances ☣
- DNA-36940 [Views] Download dropdown items cannot be selected by touching them. ☣
- DNA-37057 Update sidebar API to latest specification.
- DNA-37062 Mouse gesture open link from previously closed tab/windows ☣
- DNA-37080 Set of pages to be opened are not synced for start with a pre-assigned URLs ☣
- DNA-37082 [Mac] Animated web content receives an extra relayout when hiding panel ☣
- DNA-37090 Add a context menu in the bookmark manager to delete a device folder ☣
- DNA-37094 [Add-ons] Sidebar for O30 – Testsuite WP1
- DNA-37096 [Mac] Hide Others (Alt-Cmd-H) does not work ☣
- DNA-37097 [Mac] Don’t call adjustLayout unnecessarily ☣
- DNA-37115 Renderer Browser Features are initialized too late
- DNA-37136 Enable MSE+h264 in all streams
- DNA-37140 [Mac] More missing shortcuts ☣
- DNA-37142 [WinXP] MSE+h264: infinite loading of tabs ☣
- DNA-37149 Do not sync the setting “Enable mouse gestures” ☣
- DNA-37150 [Mac] Separator between sidebar panel and web page view is too thin ☣
- DNA-37152 Fix diff package name when using courgette
- DNA-37153 Sidebar action context menu has “Inspect pop-up” instead of “Inspect panel”. ☣
- DNA-37160 [gn] opera_autoupdate link error
- DNA-37164 [Mac] Opera crashes on startup if sidebar feature flag is off ☣
- DNA-37167 Browser crash on startup when restoring session when sidebar flag is disabled. ☣
- DNA-37168 Without aero, window bottom right corner is jagged ☣
- DNA-37170 [gn] Cannot open include file widevine_cdm_version.h when building paths
- DNA-37171 Closed Speed Dial pages are visible in Recent tabs ☣
- DNA-37173 Add a way to provide custom root for extension APIs
- DNA-37183 Renderer crash in >extensions::Dispatcher::GetOrCreateBindObjectIfAvailable ☣
- DNA-37188 Crash when requesting notification permissions from extensions popup ☣
- DNA-37190 [Mac] Don’t show ‘Open tabs’ header when using tab cycler ☣
- DNA-37197 opr namespace is missing from extension api.
- DNA-37205 Toolbar buttons not wide enough ☣
- DNA-37209 Sidebar keeps popping up by itself ☣
- DNA-37210 [Settings] No ‘Preload discover content when I use it’ option after DNA-36876
- DNA-37211 Enable Trash flag on all channels
- DNA-37219 Windows builds of Opera 30 report crashes only from browser process ☣
- DNA-37236 Name change for diffs
- DNA-37262 Opera crashes when using Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut ☣
- DNA-37336 Closed Windows with Speed Dial pages are visible in Recent tabs ☣
- DNA-37352 [Mac] System sound when changing search engine in address field ☣
- DNA-37366 [Mac][10.10.3] Clicking address field does not select all text ☣
- DNA-37396 Javascript alert from extension doesn’t display extension name ☣
- DNA-37496 [Mac] After navigating to new webpage, click in the address field does not select text ☣
30.0.1833.0 – 2015-04-13 – blog post
- CHR-231 Video rendering
- CHR-319 Turbo Mk. I
- CHR-503 OpenGL ES support in TVSDK
- CHR-969 Turbo 2: next generation turbo
- CHR-1412 Pass info about bypassing Turbo proxy from net to UI
- CHR-2543 Implementation of MP3 and H.264 support
- CHR-2698 Compile menu files from chrome_imports.
- CHR-2793 Add getRootByName to the bookmarks extension API
- CHR-2879 Bookmarks sync using Chromium sync protocol.
- CHR-2942 Add new API for bookmark manager
- CHR-3012 Local Storage Limit support.
- CHR-3521 Add speed dial root node to the bookmarks API
- CHR-4013 Update chromium on master to 43.0.2334.0
- CHR-4088 Wrong command line switch is used to disable Presto migration in tests
- DNA-22916 [Engine] Sugar bowl – Add new default folders to the bookmark model
- DNA-25264 Cmd/Ctrl+F in opera:flags triggers find-in-page sliding toolbar ☣
- DNA-28213 [Mac 10.10] File dialog cuts tab bar in full screen ☣
- DNA-29145 [Win][Engine] Implement support for MSE+h.264
- DNA-30706 [Engine] address_bar_model unittests
- DNA-32503 Focus stays in the address field when clicking on an item from OMenu on Start Page ☣
- DNA-33139 Searching for bookmarks is very slow. ☣
- DNA-34072 Clicking on the Tab preview overlay does not dismiss the Tab menu ☣
- DNA-34629 Suspending shortcut handling does not work for extensions ☣
- DNA-34963 Opera Sync, Extensions, and Downloads button do not respond to taps on touch-screens ☣
- DNA-35110 Unstable unittests OperaAutoupdateCheckerPartsTest.GlobalStorageGetSet* ☣
- DNA-35246 [Settings] Remove box-shadow from password fields in the passwords manager ☣
- DNA-35247 [Settings] Remove chromium’s button style from ‘Edit/Show/Hide’ list buttons ☣
- DNA-35331 Mysterious gray background color in Other devices area ☣
- DNA-35457 No menu item to enable the extensions sidebar under Unity on Linux ☣
- DNA-35532 [Win] Sidebar not hidden when using full screen mode ☣
- DNA-35871 Duplicate loading tab when using DOWN mouse gesture in speed dial ☣
- DNA-35923 Can’t use keyboard shortcuts in a text field in sidebar extensions ☣
- DNA-35927 Loss of focus in search field ☣
- DNA-35994 Sidebar accessible through LDTP when hidden ☣
- DNA-36114 [10.7][10.8] Address toolbar is not visible ☣
- DNA-36120 Address field color border when in focus move up and down in full screen ☣
- DNA-36128 IO assertion on windows on startup with clean profile.
- DNA-36192 [Win] Build and use widevinecdmadapter.dll
- DNA-36198 Assertion failures in 3 InputTests ☣
- DNA-36204 Dropdown lists doesn’t work with HiDPI ☣
- DNA-36212 [Mac 10.10] Add to bookmarkbar dialog appears in a middle of tab bar when in fullscreen ☣
- DNA-36213 [Engine] Switch SessionManager to use components’ session storage
- DNA-36225 Speed Dial folder which is not on Speed Dial ☣
- DNA-36247 [Mac] Address bar shows selected text in unfocused field ☣
- DNA-36259 [Mac] Cmd+W shortcut closes Tab menu ☣
- DNA-36435 PyInstaller missing from repo
- DNA-36444 [Linux] opera-developer is broken for one of the volunteers ☣
- DNA-36449 Advanced preferences do not show immediately after they are enabled ☣
- DNA-36455 Add policies to the master tree nodes
- DNA-36472 Autoupdater shouldn’t hang on when there is no fallback ☣
- DNA-36491 Bookmark disappears (?) when I drag it to Other Speed Dials folder
- DNA-36496 Speed dial stopped working
- DNA-36506 Use Master Tree in Sidebar
- DNA-36522 [Linux] Cannot (by default) use Ctrl+PgUp/Ctrl+PgDown to switch between tabs ☣
- DNA-36566 [intake] Extension not installed
- DNA-36568 [Mac][10.10] Double-clicking disabled button maximizes the window ☣
- DNA-36579 Disable main menu when we are configuring shortcuts
- DNA-36623 [Mac] Arrow key does not work at Japanese input ☣
- DNA-36625 [Win] Impossible to use keyboard up and down in Tab Menu after closing tab in restored window ☣
- DNA-36627 [RealSense] Initialization always fails with runtime >=4.0 ☣
- DNA-36634 [gn] source_set should be used for simple libraries
- DNA-36635 cdm_constants not converted to gn
- DNA-36639 [User Interface] Improve visibility of the Speed Dial search suggestion bar WP1
- DNA-36641 Sidebar plus button not correctly redrawn after extensions are disabled ☣
- DNA-36647 Impossible to use Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+M after switching a Tab in Tab Menu in aero Themes ☣
- DNA-36650 [Win] Sidebar panel animation support.
- DNA-36651 WP2 for Prefs sync
- DNA-36652 Add drag and drop support to sidebar
- DNA-36666 [Mac] Cloning the page with the tab menu does not change the active page ☣
- DNA-36669 [Mac] Cloning the page with the tab menu results in closing the tab menu ☣
- DNA-36678 Resize event triggered after switching to tab with sliding toolbar ☣
- DNA-36680 chrome.tabs.onZoomChange not working ☣
- DNA-36681 Recently closed tab button in tab menu does not have accessible name on win.
- DNA-36686 Added bookmark folder to Speed Dial is shown empty ☣
- DNA-36688 [Win] Enable EncryptedMediaTests with proprietary codecs
- DNA-36690 [Mac] Recently closed button visible with ldtp even though it’s not there ☣
- DNA-36692 [Views] One can close the tab menu by pressing enter on the tab being closed. ☣
- DNA-36702 media_unittests.PipelineIntegrationTest timeout ☣
- DNA-36703 Cannot select items from addressfield dropdown with touch ☣
- DNA-36704 [User Interface] Add a sliding toolbar to advertise Google search as speed dial search WP1
- DNA-36705 [Mac] Crash in >base::SupportsUserData::GetUserData ☣
- DNA-36708 Convert more of opera target to gn
- DNA-36709 Remove unused metro code from desktop files
- DNA-36710 Restore migrated extensions code to webui
- DNA-36714 Crashes in browser_extensions_browsertests.ExtensionTabsTest ☣
- DNA-36715 Devtools does not show up when opera->more tools->enable developer tools is not selected.
- DNA-36716 Blurry font on background/not active tab title ☣
- DNA-36721 Remove button is missing from Downloads manager while the file is being downloaded ☣
- DNA-36722 [Win] Other devices not displayed in tab menu ☣
- DNA-36723 [Mac] Devices labels are not accessibility enabled. ☣
- DNA-36737 ExtensionApiTest.ChromeRuntimeOpenOptionsPage fails ☣
- DNA-36739 [Mac] Cloning the page with the tab menu results in losing focus
- DNA-36740 Fast opening/closing folder on start page makes it unresponsive ☣
- DNA-36748 Enable the MSE+h.264 on developer stream
- DNA-36749 Developer extensions category filtering not working ☣
- DNA-36761 [Win] Save state of tab menu expanders in preferences ☣
- DNA-36762 [Mac] Save state of tab menu expanders in preferences ☣
- DNA-36780 [Win8] Unnaturally small width of heart button on hi dpi. ☣
- DNA-36781 No string change after Selecting Default Browser ☣
- DNA-36783 ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed() from opera::VersionInfoReaderWin::Init()
- DNA-36787 [Mac] Sidebar plus button should be under last button ☣
- DNA-36789 [Win] Extension installed bubble for sidebar.
- DNA-36790 [Mac] Sidebar plus button doesn’t lead to correct store page ☣
- DNA-36791 Crash when opening new window without any other windows open ☣
- DNA-36792 [Linux] Wrong frame overlay in private mode ☣
- DNA-36793 [Mac] Shortcut for add to favorites opens bookmark manager ☣
- DNA-36795 [Engine] Sidebar state is not saved in the new session engine. ☣
- DNA-36796 [Mac] Shortcut for closing current active tab is defined as Ctrl+F4 and does not work ☣
- DNA-36799 [Win] Spinner loading animation in panel.
- DNA-36858 OperaAutoupdateCheckerPartsTest. unstable on windows GOTH ☣
- DNA-36859 [Mac] Crash in >-[PageActionCollectionView addressFieldFrameDidChange:]
- DNA-36862 [Mac] Global shortcut ‘Minimise window’ is assigned to ‘Show menu’ (Command + M)
- DNA-36865 Move Feature Checker to chromium/src
- DNA-36868 Recently closed icon does not reflect expanded state ☣
- DNA-36869 [Mac] Use Command+Option+Left/Right for tab switching
- DNA-36875 Intranet sites have Turbo badge on first load
- DNA-36878 Make profile path customizable during installation
- DNA-36879 Show search engine suggestion only when flag is enabled
- DNA-36901 [Views] Disable subpixel rendering correctly on addressbar. ☣
- DNA-36903 Assertion failure when opening start page / bookmarks
- DNA-36905 Fix diff package naming when courgette is used
- DNA-36907 [Windows] [Linux] Login dialog is too wide ☣
- DNA-36910 [Mac] Disabled main manu ☣
- DNA-36930 Enable #activation-order-tab-cycling flag on all streams ☣
- DNA-36934 ExtensionApiTest.SessionsApis timeouts with new session engine ☣
- DNA-36935 Some globals in the bookmark manager which shouldn’t be globals
- DNA-36936 [Mac] Crash when exiting from fullscreen ☣
- DNA-36943 [Mac] Some shortcuts not displayed in main menu ☣
- DNA-36944 Crash when opening new window with opened extensions panel ☣
- DNA-36959 [Downloads] Missing date header for items older than 2 days. ☣
- DNA-36968 warning: [chromium-style] virtual methods with non-empty bodies shouldn’t be declared inline.
- DNA-36987 Flags not initialized properly on startup
- DNA-36988 Reset profile path in installer when changing installer folder
- DNA-36990 LazySession.testLazySession fails with new session engine ☣
- DNA-37000 Enable widevine DRM support on Developer stream ☣
- DNA-37002 History delete directives don’t work ☣
- DNA-37008 [Mac] Panel content gets removed before hide animation finishes ☣
- DNA-37030 [Mac] opr.sidebarAction.setSelectedBackgroundColor doesn’t work on Mac ☣
- DNA-37035 Add test for _execute_sidebar_action
- DNA-37049 [Mac] Blank popup windows ☣
- DNA-37052 [Settings] After clicking item’s edit button from autofill lists, the user is navigated to the google wallet service ☣
- DNA-37055 Speed dial search preference not kept on restart ☣
- DNA-37059 [Win] Exclude widevinecdm.dll stub from Opera package
- DNA-37061 In-house translations of the new UI strings WP1
- DNA-37064 Add speed dial entry in South Africa ☣
- DNA-37065 WP3 for Prefs sync – sync keybindings advaced enabled
- DNA-37066 [Views] Accordion view opener buttons (Recently closed / Other devices) are too low on hidpi ☣
- DNA-37069 linux_embedded undefined for sitepatcher
- DNA-37076 Add missing network benchmarking message filter for browser side
- DNA-37079 [Win] Update skins for sidebar spinner on windows/linux.
- DNA-37083 Disable force push of speed dial entries after Opera 29 stable release
- DNA-37093 [Mac] Network Installer UI is redrawn twice
30.0.1820.0 – 2015-03-31 – blog post
- DNA-33893 Accidental reset of flags with ‘Exit search’
- DNA-34248 Font name is not fully visible in font selection combo box ☣
- DNA-34909 Add an enumeration for multiple profiles of the same device
- DNA-34976 Name input with data in autofill edit dialog looks ugly ☣
- DNA-35070 Opera Developer 29 fails to open PDF file links ☣
- DNA-35315 Cap most recently closed tabs at 10 and most recently closed windows at 3 ☣
- DNA-35411 Tab preview is not shown properly if started cycling on a page with focus placed in the address bar. ☣
- DNA-35412 Tab preview and cycler are not dismissed on modifier keyup if Ctrl isn’t part of the keybinding for activation order tab cycling ☣
- DNA-35435 [Win] Tab menu is not dismissed when keys are released on the active tab ☣
- DNA-35567 Tab cycler is not shown on visual order tab cycling with the tab cycler feature enabled ☣
- DNA-35573 Quickly refreshing internal pages makes it blank or OOM ☣
- DNA-35575 Font size leaked into Find in page dropdown ☣
- DNA-35672 Limit and offset results from API method
- DNA-35857 ExtensionDesktopCaptureTests.testUI fail on Windows
- DNA-35884 Sidebar UI model classes refactoring.
- DNA-35912 Tab menu should contain information for Recently closed windows ☣
- DNA-35920 Extend chrome.contextMenus API to handle “sidebar_action” createProperties.contexts enum
- DNA-35922 Navigation bar is not accessible when bookmarks bar enabled and sliding toolbar appear ☣
- DNA-35926 plus button in bookmark bar looks outdated ☣
- DNA-35928 [Win Installer] Can not uninstall Opera when using “/“ in path ☣
- DNA-35983 Create standalone Discover client as bundled extension
- DNA-36035 WP1 for DNA-36034: Send Sync messages to URL with client_id
- DNA-36044 [Linux] No ‘Synchronize…’ entry in Unity menu ☣
- DNA-36090 Change naming pattern for Oem and Numpad keys to use characters
- DNA-36095 Tab cycler doesn’t resize to show all tabs ☣
- DNA-36100 [Mac] A preview appears for the active tab when hovering over Tab Menu ☣
- DNA-36102 [Mac] Tab cycler is not shown on visual order tab cycling with the tab cycler feature enabled ☣
- DNA-36107 [Mac] Crash when pressing browser action of extension disabled by content verification ☣
- DNA-36112 [Mac] Remove kFeatureAddressDropdownVibrancy flag
- DNA-36124 Bookmark bar text overlaps the plus button ☣
- DNA-36126 [Mac] Remove kFeatureHistoryNavigationAnimation flag
- DNA-36171 Product name is incorrect in opera:about etc. ☣
- DNA-36185 [Mac] Dots are not treated as non-word characters for Alt Left/Right navigation ☣
- DNA-36190 [Mac] Invalid cert dialog in wrong place ☣
- DNA-36194 Title is not truncated on Pinned tabs in Tab menu ☣
- DNA-36195 Bookmark expander is visible even when bookmark bar is empty ☣
- DNA-36197 [Mac] DCHECK on startup when not using redesigned toolbar
- DNA-36214 [Mac] Bookmark isn’t immediately deleted from bookmarks bar folder ☣
- DNA-36218 Duplicated sources and missing linking dependencies in extension libs in test targets after intake.
- DNA-36219 [Views] Closing a page with user data collection question makes the toolbar hide on the activated page. ☣
- DNA-36220 Toolbar buttons don’t have a pressed state ☣
- DNA-36228 Heart button is hidden if the page changes location using JS or meta-refresh ☣
- DNA-36234 [Views] Memory leak in sliding toolbar manager. ☣
- DNA-36235 Synchronized pinned tabs should open as unpinned in the local device. ☣
- DNA-36241 Order of tabs in tab cycler is wrong when tab order pref is changed ☣
- DNA-36250 [Mac] Extension stuck when pressing browser action of extension disabled by content verification ☣
- DNA-36253 [Mac] Disabled heart icon is not much different from inactive heart icon ☣
- DNA-36254 [Mac] Cmd [ and ] shortcuts switched ☣
- DNA-36257 [Mac] Inconsistencies in Toolbar.xib ☣
- DNA-36258 [Engine] Browser white-labeling – Clean up module tests WP2
- DNA-36260 [Mac] Unable to close tab menu with ctrl + m ☣
- DNA-36265 [activity] View of local device does not update on tab changes
- DNA-36272 Implement setSelectedBackgroundColor() and getSelectedBackgroundColor() methods to the sidebar API
- DNA-36273 “Close other tabs” in Tab menu crashes opera ☣
- DNA-36276 Scrollable container in ‘Tabs’ has wrong margin/padding. ☣
- DNA-36282 [Mac] Use ‘window’ icon for recently closed windows ☣
- DNA-36284 Add a Window icon for closed windows in the TabMenu ☣
- DNA-36288 Clicking “Close Tab” in context menu closes Tab menu ☣
- DNA-36292 [activity] Device index changes based on how many Opera windows are open ☣
- DNA-36316 Opening new tab from tab menu throws exception ☣
- DNA-36375 Enable #activation-order-tab-cycling flag on developer only ☣
- DNA-36376 Standalone Discover page must use the Start page theme image
- DNA-36452 [Engine] Make all address bar interface implementations final. ☣
- DNA-36460 Not possible to reload crashed extension ☣
- DNA-36461 [User Interface] Add feature flag
- DNA-36473 [Win] Change sidebar button list look to match design.
- DNA-32574 Empty folder illustration should not move when changing view from list to grid ☣
- DNA-34257 Problem installing adobe flash AIR application when PPAPI is used ☣
- DNA-34833 Need for automatic Testcase for HW stats
- DNA-35049 Disable elastic scrolling on internal pages ☣
- DNA-35406 Ctrl+W and Ctrl+T shortcuts are broken in Tab menu ☣
- DNA-35925 [Win Installer] “\” at the end of installpath parameter causes multiple runs of installer and “Unsupported 16-Bit Application” error ☣
- DNA-36028 Flag #sync-history should be disabled by default for now ☣
- DNA-36069 [Linux] Opera crashes when chrome.permissions.request() is called from an extension ☣
- DNA-36241 Order of tabs in tab cycler is wrong when tab order pref is changed ☣
- DNA-36271 Ad onFocus event to the sidebar API
- DNA-36290 Enable kFeatureTabMenuWithRecentTabs on developer. ☣
- DNA-36308 [Mac] Broken text on dropdown dialogs ☣
- DNA-36374 [Linux] Fix or ignore dpkg-gencontrol warning ☣
- DNA-36490 [Mac] Cmd Shift Left/Right shortcut is switching tabs not selecting text in address bar ☣
- DNA-36504 [Linux] canPlayType doesn’t report h264 or mse support (with system ffmpeg) ☣
- DNA-36510 Unnecessary confirmation when deleting bookmarks ☣
- DNA-36519 [Startpage] Use on opera:startpage
- DNA-36526 Add context menu to the sidebar button list
- DNA-36527 [Mac] Bookmark Popup is cut ☣
- DNA-36531 Empty Trashbin is not inactive when trashbin is already empty ☣
- DNA-36534 [Win] Opera crashes when closing multiple tabs with Tab Menu opened ☣
- DNA-36535 [Mac] Inconsistencies in TabView.xib ☣
- DNA-36536 A selected ghost-line when opening heart-menu ☣
- DNA-36540 Closing tabs with keyboard shortcut while tab cycling keeps the cycler on ☣
- DNA-36547 [Mac] Zoom shortcuts incorrectly listed in menu ☣
- DNA-36551 Type cursor instead of arrow when hovering on badge or heart button ☣
- DNA-36553 [WP1] Send stats on first close.
- DNA-36556 Use handoff component to handle Opera handoff
- DNA-36561 Enable #mse-h264-support on developer channel but on MAC only ☣
30.0.1812.0 – 2015-03-24 – blog post
- CHR-3820 Add icon capturing to WindowCapturing
- CHR-3962 Update chromium on master to 43.0.2327.5
- CHR-3971 Support HEVC in the MSE chunk demuxer
- DNA-23888 [Win] PDF viewer integration WP2
- DNA-26049 Netinstaller fails to update when bundle owned by another user ☣
- DNA-28962 “Restart now”-button in opera:about and flags
- DNA-30327 Autoupdater fails to connect through proxy with NTLM/Kerberos authentication ☣
- DNA-30513 [Linux] Build with -fno-omit-frame-pointer ☣
- DNA-30707 [Engine] address_dropdown_model unittests
- DNA-30760 Copying breaks after shared URL is copied ☣
- DNA-31064 [Mac] HorizontalCollectionView is no longer generic ☣
- DNA-31695 [Win] Bad audio (sounds like wrong sampling rate) ☣
- DNA-32255 [Mac] Address book autofill remains enabled after denying access to contacts ☣
- DNA-32440 Crash in extensions Extension GetManifestData
- DNA-32643 [Engine] search_provider_strip_controller unittests ☣
- DNA-32722 New bookmark doesn’t appear while/after editing ☣
- DNA-33404 Select all and delete keyboard shortcuts do not work from within search ☣
- DNA-33609 [Add-ons] Port chrome.tabs.()Zoom() API to Opera – Testsuite
- DNA-33831 New folder context menu in editng mode ☣
- DNA-34206 [Autorun network installer] Some languages from are not properly passed to NI (tl, no, pt, he, ar)
- DNA-34410 intake: incorrect tool design for PDF viewer /print preview ☣
- DNA-34445 Proper favicon of a bookmark in Bookmarks Bar is not visible after editing the URL ☣
- DNA-34842 Record information about recently closed HANDLEs in crash logs – Desktop part
- DNA-34891 [Mac][Win] Can’t see what’s being typed in address field with inline auto-completion ☣
- DNA-34899 SDs with fallback tiles are incorrectly named when dragged to Bookmarks bar ☣
- DNA-34912 [Linux] Random crash during Opera start with clean profile. ☣
- DNA-34920 Additional element of SD is visible while “Add a Site” screen is appearing ☣
- DNA-34949 Update the list and grid view icon and fix the text alignment in the bookmark manager
- DNA-34951 Split out majority of the code to opera.dll being loaded by opera.exe [Windows only]
- DNA-34989 Favicon overlaps tab’s border ☣
- DNA-35029 [Mac] Only a quarter of the page is drawn when dragging window from External to Internal display ☣
- DNA-35105 Dragging a folder onto another indicates a droppable state instead of not allowed state ☣
- DNA-35121 [Win] HC black: heart not visible ☣
- DNA-35122 Unable to move speed dial element on the first position inside SD folders ☣
- DNA-35167 Kicked out from sync during bookmarks backend and new start page testing ☣
- DNA-35177 [Mac] Bookmark folder misplaced on secondary display ☣
- DNA-35178 Clean up the tab cycling/switching mess ☣
- DNA-35276 Record information about recently closed HANDLEs in crash logs – Chromium part
- DNA-35278 Sliding toolbars inconsistency and bugs with sidebars ☣
- DNA-35280 Extra top shadow in sidebar ☣
- DNA-35283 Upgrading to a mainline build replaces many of the screenshots on my speed dial with text ☣
- DNA-35285 Full Screen Ctrl+N Crashes Opera ☣
- DNA-35296 TwoClientBookmarksSyncTest browser tests failing ☣
- DNA-35306 View of bookmarks is set to List after clicking “Shared by me” ☣
- DNA-35312 Bookmark added to speed dial have “add too speed dial” icon not selected ☣
- DNA-35314 Recently closed tabs list is not updated when you close tabs while Tab menu is open ☣
- DNA-35317 Clicking add to speed dial button in bookmarks stops working ☣
- DNA-35324 [Mac] Port chrome.desktopCapture API
- DNA-35326 Extension using chrome.desktopCapture api crashes Opera on linux
- DNA-35351 “Save tabs as Speed Dial folder” saves first tab outside the folder ☣
- DNA-35360 [Mac] Crash in extensions SidebarController ☣
- DNA-35362 [Mac] Tab Menu buttons should have rounded corners ☣
- DNA-35370 Allow javascript: URIs to remain in the address field ☣
- DNA-35379 Tab menu recently closed/other tabs sections need to be keyboard navigable ☣
- DNA-35387 Folder can not be disolved if its other child(ren) was removed via the heart menu ☣
- DNA-35394 [Mac] DCHECK when opening Tab Menu with recent tabs ☣
- DNA-35397 Sidebar icon tooltip strings does not load localized strings ☣
- DNA-35401 [Win] HC white – active tab in tab menu looks unreadable ☣
- DNA-35404 [Win] There’s no menu indicator that the sidebar is on or off ☣
- DNA-35414 Some sync tests timing out
- DNA-35415 Requests to opera://bookmark-image can randomly hang forever ☣
- DNA-35416 [Mac] Toolbar redesign (buttons, address bar, bookmarks bar) WP2
- DNA-35417 [Mac] Bookmarks Bar “overflows” when it shouldn’t in full screen ☣
- DNA-35420 [Win] Tab cycler should not allow any tab management ☣
- DNA-35421 [Mac] Tab cycler should not allow any tab management ☣
- DNA-35429 [Mac] Opera crashes on startup with extensions sidebar ☣
- DNA-35431 chrome.system.display API not working
- DNA-35437 [Mac] Context menu shows wrong options on buttons list ☣
- DNA-35438 Heart Popup: Clicking the label doesn’t speeddial ☣
- DNA-35444 Add color to corrupted extension message
- DNA-35446 [Mac] Unexpected shortcuts ☣
- DNA-35447 [Settings] Sync options.html and some related files
- DNA-35449 [Mac] Tab cycler does not activate the tab highlighted with the mouse ☣
- DNA-35454 Remove kFeatureBookmarksMultiDrag flag
- DNA-35460 Remove kFeatureBookmarkSuggestions flag
- DNA-35463 Unable to navigate through tab menu items when the menu has a scrollbar ☣
- DNA-35476 [Mac] Cmd [ and ] shortcuts don’t navigate history ☣
- DNA-35483 Find in page doesn’t work when viewing source of internal page ☣
- DNA-35494 Make plus icon in sidebar go to correct section ☣
- DNA-35495 User created folders don’t show up on bookmarks search ☣
- DNA-35498 Remove kFeatureTabMenu feature flag
- DNA-35499 Remove kFeatureProprietaryMediaTypesPlayback
- DNA-35500 Enable opera://flags/#customizable-key-bindings on all streams ☣
- DNA-35502 Remove kFeatureImportBrowserData
- DNA-35511 Thumbnail is not visible after adding element to speed dial second time ☣
- DNA-35527 [Linux] add an opera:sandbox page ☣
- DNA-35529 No error handling in bookmarkModel methods ☣
- DNA-35534 Heart popup uses localSpeedDial.add(bookmarkId) even when there is no bookmark to create speedDial from ☣
- DNA-35536 Remove kFeatureUseCoreAudioForProprietaryCodecs
- DNA-35541 Hide recently closed list from Omenu if kFeatureTabMenuWithRecentTabs is turned on ☣
- DNA-35542 Remove kFeatureProprietaryMediaTypesMacBackend2
- DNA-35546 Remove extension flags that were enabled on stable for O30.
- DNA-35549 Fallback SD tiles don’t have rounded corners ☣
- DNA-35551 [Mac] initResources called twice for ToolbarController
- DNA-35554 Enable Expose the activities of synced devices on all streams
- DNA-35565 Upgrading to a mainline build replaces preinstalled speeddials with text ☣
- DNA-35569 CRASH in start page ->activity when synch is DISABLED ☣
- DNA-35574 Migrated history disappears after ~30 s ☣
- DNA-35579 [Win] There is a dotted line at the border of recently closed and other devices when hovering over the buttons ☣
- DNA-35581 [Win] If ‘Recently closed’ is not on the list closing any tab from Tab Menu will not show it ☣
- DNA-35582 [Win] Recently closed opens itself after closing tab using Tab Menu ☣
- DNA-35583 Close button is missing when only a single tab is present in Tab menu ☣
- DNA-35584 [Win] Horizontal line/graphical glitch on OMenu at 150% DPI setting ☣
- DNA-35585 Loading indicators are misplaced below the fallback tiles ☣
- DNA-35590 [Mac] Resize cursor is not always updated on windows activation ☣
- DNA-35593 javascript: Window.close() doesn’t close heart popup when no extensions installed ☣
- DNA-35599 Preinstalled folder get underscores in its name when on Speed Dial ☣
- DNA-35602 Sync related fixups after last M42 intake
- DNA-35607 Add Atanas, Ellie and Ioannis to Thanks!
- DNA-35637 Synced popup URLs are not visible in opera://activity ☣
- DNA-35642 [Mac] Refactor TabPopupViewController and friends ☣
- DNA-35644 [Mac] Sidebar is visible in presentation mode ☣
- DNA-35647 [Mac] Extension sidebar content won’t load ☣
- DNA-35648 [Mac] Unable to go to end of long url ☣
- DNA-35652 Adding an item in the bookmark popup doesn’t work anymore ☣
- DNA-35653 Remove kFeatureFullscreenExitPopup flag
- DNA-35656 Remove from speed dial in Poland ☣
- DNA-35658 Speed dial hangs when pasting elements many times ☣
- DNA-35666 Update sidebar plus button to open addons page with filtered sidebar extensions.
- DNA-35668 Disable container context menu New Folder and Paste in places where those actions are not allowed
- DNA-35670 [Mac] Fix address dropdown vibrancy ☣
- DNA-35693 Opera searches contents upon my pressing Enter key to confirm my inputs in Sougou Input Method on Mac OS X Yosemite. ☣
- DNA-35699 [Mac] Compilation warning on mainline (same member name)
- DNA-35723 Remove kFeatureRequestTarXzUpdatePackage
- DNA-35726 Enable Implement new start page design on all streams
- DNA-35730 Chromium intake build doesn’t load pages on Win 8.x
- DNA-35732 Remove unused startpage_switch_prompt_arrow.png
- DNA-35745 [CAT] Crash in experimental AddressBarView OnPaint ☣
- DNA-35749 [Mac] ESC is not handled properly in addressfield when using IME input ☣
- DNA-35752 More cleaning up wrt tab cycling/switching
- DNA-35760 TabMenu should close if TabCycler is activated. ☣
- DNA-35766 Add feature flag for the standalone discover page
- DNA-35780 [Mac] Silent Network Installer should return non-zero exit code on error ☣
- DNA-35782 Editing url first time doesn’t change the thumbnail ☣
- DNA-35785 Unable to correctly preview and print PDF from OMenu
- DNA-35788 Opera hangs when trying to navigate in the tab menu after closing a tab ☣
- DNA-35791 Some minor quickfixes in infrastracture
- DNA-35793 The + button should be at the bottom of the sidebar ☣
- DNA-35797 [Mac] DCHECK when focusing browser window
- DNA-35799 Panel of disabled extension in Incognito mode should be hidden ☣
- DNA-35801 Enable new-bookmarks-controllers flag on all channels
- DNA-35803 [Mac] System autocomplete dialog appears when hitting escape focused on address field ☣
- DNA-35804 We layout the tabs and reset the spinners too often.
- DNA-35805 TabCycler should close if Tab menu is activated ☣
- DNA-35824 Enable reading version-info resource by VersionInfo class
- DNA-35849 Esc doesn’t close address field drop down ☣
- DNA-35854 [Mac] Missing accessibility title for icons in address drop down ☣
- DNA-35855 [Mac] Toolbar redesign (buttons, address bar, bookmarks bar) WP3
- DNA-35856 Fix memleak in desktop capture picker dialog
- DNA-35858 [Mac] Missing icon in dialog for desktop capture API ☣
- DNA-35859 [Mac] Url highlighted when navigating to a new page ☣
- DNA-35860 Changing URL of a Bookmark doesn’t update its favicon ☣
- DNA-35863 Remove window.closeWindow workaround ☣
- DNA-35873 [Engine] Badge model always indicates that it has changed even if there are no changes. ☣
- DNA-35879 [CAT] Crash in FindInPageToolbar ☣
- DNA-35885 [Views] Use cull set when drawing address bar’s children. ☣
- DNA-35886 Feature usage toolbar is messed up ☣
- DNA-35890 Enable Sync typed history WP1
- DNA-35891 [Mac] Missing tab media indicator in tab menu ☣
- DNA-35910 ‘Shared by Me’ folder doesn’t contain shared bookmarks ☣
- DNA-35924 [Mac] Unable to set some keyboard shortcuts ☣
- DNA-35932 Update libcurl to version 7.41
- DNA-35935 [Mac] The ‘+’ button should be at the bottom of the sidebar ☣
- DNA-35942 Bookmark bar overlaps toolbars ☣
- DNA-35943 [Linux] Opera deb doesn’t depends on libudev ☣
- DNA-35946 [Mac] Tab preview doesn’t close when mouse exits tab menu ☣
- DNA-35975 [Mac] Broken tab menu ☣
- DNA-35976 [Mac] Url partially highlighted when navigating to auto completed address ☣
- DNA-35978 [Mac] Tab cycler does not activate the tab highlighted with the mouse ☣
- DNA-35979 [Mac] Tab cycler should not allow any tab management ☣
- DNA-35980 Don’t call system functions when initializing HighDPI in child processes
- DNA-35985 [Mac] Tab Menu occasionally crashes when opening/closing too fast ☣
- DNA-35996 [Mac] Missing close buttons on tab menu items
- DNA-36001 [Mac] Missing animation for removing bookmarks on bookmarks bar ☣
- DNA-36026 [Mac] Close button overlaps page title in tab menu ☣
- DNA-36027 Opera crashes when trying to navigate in the tab menu after closing a tab ☣
- DNA-36033 [Mac] Active tab should be highlighted in tab menu ☣
- DNA-36043 [Linux] ‘Save Page as…’ should be greyed out in the Unity menu when you are on the Speed dial ☣
- DNA-36045 Resize the TabMenu content instead of the TabMenu to fit the scrollbar. ☣
- DNA-36056 Change the close button in on hover state on Windows Classic theme ☣
- DNA-36089 [Mac] Enforce overlay-style scrollers in tab menu ☣
- DNA-36094 Align Oem[ and Oem] to other Oems wrt naming convention
- DNA-36096 [Mac] Notification observer not removed properly in ToolbarController
- DNA-36103 Pinned tabs from other devices open in the middle of the tab bar ☣
- DNA-36110 [10.7-10.8] The animation of closing a tab from the Tab menu is not smooth and very slow ☣
- DNA-36113 [Mac] Extension popup displayed in incorrect place ☣
- DNA-36119 [Mac] Crash when closing the last tab menu item ☣
- DNA-36129 Add pinned icon to TabMenu and TabCycler ☣
☣ = bugfix