Opera Browser and MultiversX Announce MultiversX Integration for Web3 Support

Hey, Opera fans!
We are excited to tell you that MultiversX is now fully supported in the Opera Wallet available across all Opera Desktop Browser products and Opera for Android with Web3 support, fulfilling our previous announcement regarding coming collaborations with MultiversX. This integration brings a whole new level of accessibility to the MultiversX ecosystem and will support the ongoing adoption of Web3 technologies.
So, what’s new?
Well, with the MultiversX integration, you can now enjoy seamless support for the MultiversX main coin, MultiversX EGLD. This means that you can use EGLD coins to pay for your transactions, participate in staking, vote on network upgrades, and receive rewards for your contributions to the network.
Our users can now also enjoy Web3 support for the MultiversX ecosystem, including decentralized applications (dApps) currently hosted on the blockchain. These include apps ranging from stable-swap Decentralised Exchanges like AshSwap, liquidity platform Zoidpay, and more such as Itheum and Holoride. Such dApps can be seamlessly connected to Opera Wallet, all without the need for additional extensions on your browser.
But wait, there’s more!
We are also rolling out a dedicated MultiversX configuration of the Opera Browser on Android devices, with plans to roll out the configuration on more devices!
Not only does this version include the Opera Wallet with MultiversX blockchain support, but this version of the browser will also provide you with a more tailored browsing experience, with dedicated MultiversX-themed wallpapers and quick access to MultiversX Dapps such as XSpotlight and XExchange.
How to access the MultiversX configuration
In order to access the MultiversX configuration, all you need to do is use our configuration link. It will quickly and easily apply the new settings to the browser, without a need for any other additional setup.
We are excited to invite the MultiversX and Web3 community to enjoy a seamless Web3 experience on mobile.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments from MultiversX and Opera Browser!