Changelog for 97

97.0.4719.83 – 2023-04-18 blog post
- DNA-106342 Crash when blocking cookies in sidebar web. infobars::InfoBarManager::AddInfoBar(std::Cr::unique_ptr, bool)
- DNA-106550 [SD][Drag&Drop] Create a static manual layout for speed dials
- DNA-106791 Run smoketests on mac arm builds
- DNA-107054 Apply patch for CVE-2023-2033
97.0.4719.63 – 2023-04-05 blog post
- CHR-9245 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-111-4719 to 111.0.5563.147
- DNA-105919 Set new Baidu search string
- DNA-106168 EasySetup update
97.0.4719.43 – 2023-03-29 blog post
- CHR-9236 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-111-4719 to 111.0.5563.111
- DNA-105141 Tabs to the right of the currently active one swap their position with another when clicked
- DNA-106044 Translations for O97
- DNA-106300 Fix rule for generating archive_browser_sym_files on crossplatform builds
- DNA-106412 Content of popup not generated for some extensions when using more then one worksapce
- DNA-106433 Extend Easy Setup API
- DNA-106435 Increase timeout for the welcome page
- DNA-106453 Public build from desktop-stable-111-4719 do not compile
97.0.4719.28 – 2023-03-23 blog post
- DNA-106303 Extension should get proper parent window id from the sidebar API
- DNA-106337 [Mac] Crash on pressing Cmd+C with OpenAI enabled
- DNA-106366 Opera crypto crashes on startup during session restore
97.0.4719.26 – 2023-03-22 blog post
- CHR-9225 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-111-4719 to 111.0.5563.65
- DNA-102778 Goth reports error for utils_api test
- DNA-104983 Missing encryption option in sync settings
- DNA-105293 add RateMe feature to Speed Dials and Suggested Speed Dials section
- DNA-105299 Opera crash when closing tab by middle mouse button
- DNA-105712 Update linux sandbox dependency for browsertests
- DNA-105787 Settings extended with the AI section
- DNA-105865 Add reload option for panels in opr.browserSidebarPrivate namespace
- DNA-105944 Update checking of widevine certificate expiration to be independent from dateformat
- DNA-105959 Update texts – native part
- DNA-105961 Import translated texts – native part
- DNA-105967 Crash at base::ObserverList::RemoveObserver(PrefObserver const*)
- DNA-105973 Turn on #tab-tooltip-close-tabs on all streams
- DNA-106061 Hide extension popup
- DNA-106062 [Stable A/B Test] React Start Page for Austria, Italy, Spain and France 50%
- DNA-106068 Extension shows if developer mode is enabled
- DNA-106070 Feedback window for highlight popup displayed in wrong place
- DNA-106079 EasySetup Disclaimer – Reduce size
- DNA-106085 Crash at TabHoverCardController::OnViewIsDeleting(views::View*)
- DNA-106086 Player home page does not show images in dark mode
- DNA-106096 Increase prompt window in AB width
- DNA-106109 Teasers on start page don’t show transparency
- DNA-106114 AI Prompts button is after Reader Mode icon
- DNA-106168 EasySetup update
- DNA-106212 Promote O97 to stable
- DNA-106225 Enable #shodan-extension for all streams
- DNA-106229 Update J5 texts
97.0.4719.17 – 2023-03-16 blog post
- CHR-9216 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-111-4719 to 111.0.5563.41
- DNA-99375 [MAC] WebAuthn authentication with Touch ID does not work
- DNA-104501 Opera don’t work with #high-efficiency-mode-available flag
- DNA-105617 Internal API to notify when Reader becomes available
- DNA-105775 Crash at partition_alloc::internal::PartitionRefCount::DoubleFreeOrCorruptionDetected(unsigned int)
- DNA-105794 [Styleguide] Make styleguide demo more fun
- DNA-105817 Don’t show sections for extensions that don’t have any shortcuts
- DNA-105860 Enable #google-suggest-entities on all streams
- DNA-105894 Crash at base::ObserverList::HasObserver(AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel::Observer const*)
- DNA-106043 Snapshot always available
- DNA-106074 Collect Media.VTVDA.HardwareAccelerated histogram
97.0.4719.11 – 2023-03-09 blog post
- DNA-104420 Creating mechanism to detect specific shortcut
- DNA-104742 Wrong button place in opera tools section in sidebar menu
- DNA-105338 Add branding for Opera
- DNA-105584 Add unit tests for ShortenButtonModel
- DNA-105586 Prompt CMS API
- DNA-105618 Add set/get for tab with ID functions for shorten button
- DNA-105657 Wrong and inconsistent czech translation of “Search tabs” function
- DNA-105670 User should be able to setup shortcuts
- DNA-105683 Crash at void opera::ShortenButtonModelImpl::NotifyButtonStateChanged(int)
- DNA-105727 [Rich Hints] Screenshot event must not collide with native PrtScr notification.
- DNA-105740 [Rich Hints] Add event_user_survey to the whitelist
- DNA-105849 Fix setting of viewport width
97.0.4719.4 – 2023-03-01 blog post
- CHR-9212 Update Chromium on master to 111.0.5563.19
- DNA-97775 [Linux] OMenu icon disappearing
- DNA-105293 add RateMe feature to Speed Dials and Suggested Speed Dials section
- DNA-105455 [Search box] Search box does not resize dynamically
- DNA-105606 Enabling news by default on SP test- 2
- DNA-105618 Add set/get for tab with ID functions for shorten button
- DNA-105710 Enable #start-page-redesign flag on all channels
- DNA-105720 Promote O97 to beta
97.0.4718.0 – 2023-02-27 blog post
- CHR-9181 Update Chromium on master to 111.0.5562.0
- DNA-103354 Adapt minor ‘features’
- DNA-104027 Restore Progressive Web Apps support
- DNA-104406 Pages in priwate window have always have incognito favicon
- DNA-104992 Compile viz_unittests
- DNA-105073 Wrong sidebar option mark in easy setup.
- DNA-105143 Crash when adding custom adblock or tracker list of size over 30MB
- DNA-105233 Allow snippet rules to be executed only from AntiCv and Opera Ad Blocker Site Fixes lists
- DNA-105286 Use per-workspace shared Start Page
- DNA-105299 Opera crash when closing tab by middle mouse button
- DNA-105308 Translations for O96
- DNA-105343 Crash at extensions::StandardManagementPolicyProvider::GetDebugPolicyProviderName()
- DNA-105386 Tab bar stay after fast switching workspaces
- DNA-105389 Add “Shorten” button to address field
- DNA-105426 Add provisioning profiles during builds signing
- DNA-105429 Fix privileges for Shodan api
- DNA-105434 Change popup depending on number of words
- DNA-105441 Implement animation on creating new tab
- DNA-105442 Fix Update & Recovery page styling
- DNA-105443 Fix an error in Turkish translation in Synchronization section
- DNA-105484 [Sync] Replace with
- DNA-105506 Replace all references to domain with
- DNA-105511 [Start Page] Calculate correct color for text displayed on the wallpaper
- DNA-105524 Update information about signing tools for resources
- DNA-105536 Enable kFeatureExtendedUnstoppableDomains for desktop
- DNA-105540 [Start Page] Remove redundant resources from HTML
- DNA-105552 [Mac] Unable to drag window using the space between last tab and loupe
- DNA-105570 Animate tab title on tab creation
- DNA-105602 Nightly 97.0.4715.0 fails to create all packages
- DNA-105614 Crash when switching workspaces on TopBarAnimationController::StopPendingAnimation()
- DNA-105626 Crash on exit in TopBarAnimationController::~TopBarAnimationController()
97.0.4711.0 – 2023-02-20 blog post
- DNA-103342 [Installer] Adapt installation process
- DNA-103741 Remove metrics disabled in DNA-103738
- DNA-104027 Restore Progressive Web Apps support
- DNA-104479 Inform win7/8 users of Offline Installer about proper OI version
- DNA-104592 [Search box] Search box graphic blurred on high dpi monitors
- DNA-104695 Synchronize top bar animation with the process
- DNA-105137 Make DevTools Console optional for tech users
- DNA-105183 Click learn more should be visible only on wide-banner
- DNA-105193 Crash when opening New Tab next to google meet active tab
- DNA-105204 Crash when saving all tabs as Speed Dial folder
- DNA-105230 Tab preview does not work
- DNA-105300 Add check for widevine certificate expiration
- DNA-105302 Enable feature flag #platform-aac-decoder-in-gpu by default on developer
- DNA-105361 Crash at TabHoverCardBubbleView::RelatedTabsContainerView::OnThemeChanged()
- DNA-105365 Enable #snapshot-full-page
- DNA-105395 Fix missing resources errors on About and Update & Recovery pages
- DNA-105410 Change Popup functionality depending on number of words selected
- DNA-105422 [Mac] Crash at opera::ComponentWorkspacesController::AssignWorkspaceId(content::WebContents*, opera::WorkspaceId const&)
97.0.4704.0 – 2023-02-13 blog post
- DNA-103342 [Installer] Adapt installation process
- DNA-104413 Enable #installer-one-version-one-subfolder on developer
- DNA-104654 Run platform AAC decoders in GPU process: Web Audio
- DNA-104660 Browser crash when calling window.opr.authPrivate API in a private mode
- DNA-104963 Next-/previous track button layout issues in PiP window
- DNA-104988 Crash at gfx::internal::ImageSkiaStorage::FindRepresentation(float, bool)
- DNA-105000 Crash at non-virtual thunk to SadTabView::OnBoundsChanged(gfx::Rect const&)
- DNA-105084 Prepare for Google turning on ‘Rich entities’
- DNA-105110 [About] Update contributors list
- DNA-105124 [Tabs] Reload all tabs context menu option causes crash
- DNA-105126 Feed Toolkit components only with strings from Opera Resources Private API
- DNA-105138 Hang-up button is red in video popout
- DNA-105146 Crash at opera::continue_on::shopping::ContinueShoppingBrowserTestBase::VerifyStartPageOfferOrder(std::Cr::vector<T> const&)
- DNA-105167 Typo in the Slovak translation
- DNA-105197 Crash at TabStripModel::IsTabPinned(int) const
- DNA-105231 Tabs cover + button and Search tabs button
97.0.4697.0 – 2023-02-06 blog post
- CHR-9170 Update chromium on master to 111.0.5532.2
- DNA-104027 Restore Progressive Web Apps support
- DNA-104421 Mechanism to detect installed player
- DNA-104478 Make sure network installer will install last win7/8 compatibile version.
- DNA-104479 Inform win7/8 users of Offline Installer about proper OI version
- DNA-104488 Introduce file number threshold for gn analyze
- DNA-104614 Do not allow to create folder with the same name to prevent automerging
- DNA-104642 WebCodecs integration test WebCodecs_AudioEncoding_AAC_LC fails
- DNA-104701 Restore xHE-AAC support
- DNA-104781 Opera dev freezes a lot (is not responding)
- DNA-104818 Make chrome://web3-selector attachable by the webdriver
- DNA-104860 Update download url of full installer to point directly to server
- DNA-104866 Add version to netinstaller link to offline installer on win7/8
- DNA-104898 [Edit tile] Adjust icon size of tile in edit-form-modal
- DNA-104954 Use zucchini64.exe for patching
- DNA-104979 Clean up vintage Start Page styles
- DNA-104980 Ubisoft – Opera is not supported
- DNA-104984 Win32 debug build fails compilation on patch_zucchini.diff
- DNA-104991 Enable compilation of targets from gn analyze
- DNA-104997 Wrong translation in Es
- DNA-105001 Crash at opera::BrowserWindowCocoa::PreHandleKeyboardEvent(content::WebContents*, content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent const&)
- DNA-105011 Fix check for test targets created during compilation
- DNA-105036 Handle opera_sandbox only for gtest
- DNA-105039 Add folders to ignore lists in analyze
- DNA-105067 Fix check for existing tests