Changelog for 37

37.0.2178.54 – 2016-05-31 – blog post
- DNA-51962 Speed Dial extension displays only on a quarter of the tile area
- DNA-52884 Provide minimal functionality to the latest netinstaller, so that on XP it downloads and runs the O36 netinstaller
- DNA-53205 [Embedded YouTube] detach button visible in fullscreen ☣
- DNA-53480 Pop out video freezes after moving source tab to separate window ☣
- DNA-53876 [Mac] Crash on Exit. libsystem_kernel.dylib::164ea
- DNA-53992 [Mac] Labels cut off in adblocker popup still
37.0.2178.43 – 2016-05-10 – blog post
- DNA-46658 [Mac] Localize Opera’s display name
- DNA-48194 HiDPI: extension icons scaled incorrectly
- DNA-50755 [Adblock] YouTube videos are not marked as ‘watched’ ☣
- DNA-50941 [CAT] crashes on content::GpuMessageFilter::OnEstablishGpuChannel
- DNA-52179 [Mac] AdBlockerAutoUpdateTests.testBasicAdBlockerAutoUpdate test fails
- DNA-52749 [Youtube Preview] [Mac] Detached video out of screen ☣
- DNA-52811 [SP] Can’t edit page title if G search bar is off and there’s one row of SDs
- DNA-52890 Random crash in url_matcher::SubstringSetMatcher::Match via ChromeNetworkDelegate::IsBlockedByAdblocker ☣
- DNA-53269 Support new adblocker rules format on stable branch ☣
- DNA-53508 chrome://startpage page in speed dial title caused by RateOpera is not defined error
37.0.2178.27 – 2016-04-26 – blog post
- DNA-51658 Native adblocker persists block counts gathered in private mode ☣
- DNA-51674 not sent for private window
- DNA-51817 WebUI should have access to private mode windows in extension apis
- DNA-51829 Use real data in OperaVPN popup
- DNA-52223 [Youtube Preview] Detach button not available when video is covered by an overlay content. ☣
- DNA-52264 Date/time set back causes Opera crash
- DNA-52289 [Youtube Preview] Current frame is not shown when seeking on paused video ☣
- DNA-52383 [Youtbe preview] Detach button visible in fullscreen in certain scenario ☣
- DNA-52594 Use daily_value_store in content_filter
- DNA-52625 [stormcrow] Adblock benchmark never stops after switching tabs
- DNA-52630 [stormcrow] Adblocker rules are case sensitive ☣
- DNA-52670 Update adblocker rules to latest easylist & easyprivacy
- DNA-52689 [Youtube Preview] Badly sorted CSS selectors ☣
- DNA-52699 [Youtube Preview] Detach window always return to initial monitor ☣
- DNA-52747 Some pages are not usable with adblock enabled ☣
- DNA-53028 [Adblocker] general element hiding rules from custom file not working ☣
37.0.2178.22 – 2016-04-20 – blog post
- DNA-48182 Animated theme in preloaded startpage causes high CPU usage
- DNA-48749 [Mac] Opera doesn’t show marked/chosen Encoding format for pages
- DNA-50643 [Mac][10.9][Adblock] No speed test link on adblock popup ☣
- DNA-51940 [Win 10] Ugly artifact at fading effect of downloaded item
- DNA-52064 PDF reader – top bar “jumps” when controls appear
- DNA-52184 [Youtube Preview] [Win] Resize is not intuitional from right top corner ☣
- DNA-52238 [Youtube Preview] Youtube playlist mode not working when commercials are on ☣
- DNA-52257 [Mac] Low-resolution extension buttons on retina display
- DNA-52283 [Youtube Preview] Fast forward on LIVE movies on detached videos ☣
- DNA-52384 [Youtube Preview] [Mac] No hand cursor over buttons on detached video buttons ☣
- DNA-52416 [Youtube Preview] [Mac] Impossible to detach window on MAC after first click ☣
- DNA-52491 Add a link to the theme catalog in the config panel and in the context menu on the start page
- DNA-52492 Move ‘Block ads’ section to the top in settings
- DNA-52513 [SP] Throws on closing start page config
37.0.2178.19 – 2016-04-14 – blog post
- DNA-50091 “Adjust Speed Dial animations for slower hardware” setting is not respected by Opera after a restart
- DNA-50928 Tabs page view sticks permanently when “Adjust Speed Dial animations for slower hardware” is enabled
- DNA-51154 [Mac] Opera doesn’t allow to force encoding format for pages
- DNA-51312 [Settings] Fullscreen section in wrong category
- DNA-51476 loads, but articles will not open ☣
- DNA-51583 [Adblocker] Unblocking ads in private session should be gone without closing window ☣
- DNA-51686 Change Win10 Opera Menu Icon to red
- DNA-51780 Cannot select language in Spellcheck
- DNA-51999 Old whitelisted pages cannot be removed ☣
- DNA-52076 NavBar clicks counted when no switch is needed
- DNA-52195 [Youtube Preview] Fullscreen behavior ☣
- DNA-52372 Enable detached video on beta
37.0.2178.10 – 2016-04-07 – blog post
- DNA-48607 HiDPI: page scrollbar too narrow
- DNA-49189 [Mac] Unable to close browser while downloading a file
- DNA-49264 [Mac] Swipe gestures do not work when navigating back and forward with magic mouse
- DNA-49661 Crash in web_modal::WebContentsModalDialogManager::ShowDialogWithManager with simplified printing option
- DNA-49881 Download resumption not working after restart
- DNA-50566 Sort whitelist alphabetically ☣
- DNA-50791 Optimize adblocker WP2
- DNA-50915 Unblocking ads in private session should be gone ☣
- DNA-51081 [Mac] Clicking on Ads displayed/block label doesnt turn on/off adblocker ☣
- DNA-51083 Crash when trying to display notification with notifications disabled in Windows
- DNA-51102 Open all in new tabs doesn’t work in Bookmark Manager
- DNA-51348 Content script should not be added if adblocker pref is disabled ☣
- DNA-51361 Use vector instead of map for storing adblocker filters ☣
- DNA-51495 [Mac] Adblocker popup width is wrong
- DNA-51499 Speedtest: ‘Block ads on …’ not working
- DNA-51553 Cleanup adblocker code WP1 ☣
- DNA-51612 [Mac] Adblocker dialog shows two Thursdays ☣
- DNA-51625 [Mac] Adblocker switch background’s color is wrong
- DNA-51797 Running speed benchmark test by clicking ‘Run test’ of manual entered input doesn’t work ☣
- DNA-51801 Optimize adblocker WP3
- DNA-51849 [Settings] Exceptions lists are empty
37.0.2178.4 – 2016-03-31 – blog post
- DNA-48879 background-color style is not properly applied on elements.
- DNA-49606 Win10 notifications don’t trigger registered action on clicking
- DNA-49855 Create “Add own image” option to Theme chooser
- DNA-50506 Copy adblocker rules file to profile is the one in profile is obsolete ☣
- DNA-50533 [Win] Adblock badge does not have number of the blocked ads in the addressbar ☣
- DNA-50565 [Mac] Adblock badge does not have number of the blocked ads in the addressbar ☣
- DNA-50655 Rename adblockertest to speedtest ☣
- DNA-50676 Dragging and dropping a URL to an existing tab crashes Opera
- DNA-50737 Personal news: settings
- DNA-50738 Update the adblocker benchmark test page
- DNA-50760 [Engine] No print preview on print dialog
- DNA-50762 Add test for adblocker rules file signature ☣
- DNA-50769 [Settings] Multi languages spellchecking missing
- DNA-50794 User-deleted speed dials with an “added” field are re-added on browser update without DPC version change
- DNA-50834 [Mac] No accessibility title on block adds button in address field ☣
- DNA-50871 [Mac] AU does not work on 10.9
- DNA-50882 Wildcards are not handled properly in adblocker whitelist extension API
- DNA-50894 Unable to block ads on custom whitelisted pages ☣
- DNA-50896 Select content when focusing search field in internal pages with keyboard shortcut
- DNA-50922 Dangerous download prompt does not use file name from Content-disposition header
- DNA-50952 Textfields activated with touch don’t trigger virtual keyboard on Win10
- DNA-50954 Enable #rate-opera on all channels
- DNA-50961 [benchmark] Shield icons cut at the bottom
- DNA-50964 [Benchmark] Testing another site with time for page with ads from previous test ☣
- DNA-50980 [Speed Benchmark] Use checkbox to enable and disable add blocking
- DNA-51077 [Mac] Adapt current UI design to specs WP3 ☣
- DNA-51104 Middle-click on folder on Bookmarks Bar doesn’t work
- DNA-51116 RateOpera make distribution of button display more uniform
- DNA-51146 Original easylist should be output when generating adblocker rules ☣
- DNA-51148 [benchmark] Selecting an item from the textfield doesn’t start the test ☣
- DNA-51159 Remove upgrade page
- DNA-51163 Disabling adblocker need a restart for ads to appear again ☣
- DNA-51240 Do not initialize adblocker rules when unittesting ☣
- DNA-51246 Do not load adblocker rules if pref is disabled ☣
- DNA-51289 Unable to block ads on whitelisted page ☣
- DNA-51342 Crash in >policy::URLBlacklist::IsURLBlocked ☣
- DNA-51358 Tablet mode layout and tablet mode fullscreen button not working
37.0.2171.0 – 2016-03-17 – blog post
- DNA-26912 x64 part in build name is double for Windows builds ☣
- DNA-49204 [Linux] Can’t play h264 videos
- DNA-49364 [Mac] Back/Forward button group no longer visible as children of toolbar object
- DNA-49655 Registered extension printerProvider icon not working in print preview ☣
- DNA-49964 Speed dial extensions blank in latest developer build
- DNA-50046 [SP] Implement Rate me dialog
- DNA-50047 [SP] [Downloads] The icons for Downloads looks much lighter than the others in the Navigation bar
- DNA-50145 Prepare a browser build that can be switched to Turbo2 over HTTP2
- DNA-50349 Crash when refreshing page with mouse locked sliding toolbar notification
- DNA-50350 [Linux] Searchbox option not available
- DNA-50484 Speed Test internal pages stored in session ☣
- DNA-50520 Enable #sync-engine-enhancements on all streams
- DNA-50524 Disable Personalized News on Developer
- DNA-50527 create personal-news component and flag
- DNA-50531 [MAC] Sync button is always grey, regardless of the state of sync service.
- DNA-50534 [Win10] Downloads dropdown item background gray instead of blue (with default frame color)
- DNA-50537 Unable to access a page requiring authentication – authentication dialog is not displayed
- DNA-50547 Remove legacy sessions code (the easy part)
- DNA-50551 [Mac] Adapt current UI design to specs WP2 ☣
- DNA-50553 [Mac] Cannot grab the adblocker on/off toggle switch ☣
- DNA-50555 [Linux] RPM packages dont work
- DNA-50564 [Win][x64] Error generating .pdb files from binaries/dlls
- DNA-50569 Remove unused sharing manager
- DNA-50572 Typo in dialog for confirming downloads
- DNA-50578 Display empty shield icon on sites where ad-blocking is unavailable ☣
- DNA-50581 Unable to navigate in the textarea with arrow keys
- DNA-50606 Enable #prompt-on-risky-download on developer stream
- DNA-50607 Heart state not updated properly on starting Opera with big bookmark model
- DNA-50611 [Mac] Right click on an adblock button crashes opera ☣
- DNA-50613 Skip ‘www.’ prefix for blocked domains ☣
- DNA-50615 No numbers in popup after zooming on pages with maps ☣
- DNA-50620 Enable Rate Opera on Developer
- DNA-50623 Remove unused dropdown js and css from the first Discover
- DNA-50652 Optimize adblocker WP1
- DNA-50656 Gesture-down triggers on a link when executed after opening new tab
- DNA-50660 [Mac] Wrong icons on opera:crash and opera:kill pages
- DNA-50673 Addressfield and heading font size is bigger than previously used size
- DNA-50696 Extension browser action icon shown in wrong scale
- DNA-50727 Move News strings from bookmarkManagerPrivate to operaResourcesPrivate
- DNA-50729 Focus not restored to devtools when switching tabs
- DNA-50731 Make sure that the account-internals API is available on non-dev builds.
- DNA-50732 Corrupted x64 package for Windows
- DNA-50736 Autofill browser tests timing out
- DNA-50739 Add new js APIs to adblocker
- DNA-50742 Move ad-blocking settings to be just above cookies in Basic Settings
- DNA-50745 Set #turbo2-over-http2 to enabled for Developer
- DNA-50827 Remove the ad-blocking ‘offer’ hint
- DNA-50828 Sync login popup should show the “Sign in” button in case user logged in to sync before
37.0.2163.0 – 2016-03-10 – blog post
- DNA-46628 Stormcrow: Opera built-in ad-blocking
- DNA-49628 [XP] Can not install opera, problem with PSAPI.dll
- DNA-49983 Download popout is missing filename after accepting and finishing the risky download ☣
- DNA-50183 Download button shows the progress even if download wasn’t confirmed yet ☣
- DNA-50204 [Mac] Adapt current UI design to specs ☣
- DNA-50228 Opera will not run again when sync error occurred in previous session
- DNA-50357 Make sure that the duplicate tracker is not started if the model has not changed
- DNA-50376 [Webui] Side menu: Ignore cursor events for a separation line
- DNA-50377 Go to browser settings not translated to any language ☣
- DNA-50401 Update Win 10 icons for O36
- DNA-50403 [Mac] Add missing text below current ads blocked ☣
- DNA-50446 [Mac] Create popup showing load speed gain with adblocker enabled ☣
- DNA-50457 Adblocker – wrong counting of blocked ads ☣
- DNA-50458 [Win][x64] dump_syms.exe linking error
- DNA-50500 NaN in speed test comparison ☣
37.0.2157.0 – 2016-03-03 – blog post
- DNA-41852 Staying in other speed dials folder after logout
- DNA-43687 [Linux] Mosaic of tab bar artifacts instead of Web UIs when hardware accelerated
- DNA-44848 [SP] Middle clicking speed dials open in different order than before
- DNA-46521 executable files should have “Run” button instead of “Open”
- DNA-48062 ExtensionWebRequestApiTest.ExtensionRequests needs maintenance after news-on-startpage is turned on
- DNA-48475 Generate and package socorro symbol files on all platforms
- DNA-48890 Personalized News: Periodically query all history
- DNA-48902 Personalized News: reduce preference data
- DNA-49021 Personalized News: move site data from pref to localstorage
- DNA-49022 Some tweaks in the new WebUI
- DNA-49025 Personalized News: update sites list
- DNA-49099 [About] New layout
- DNA-49276 Send crash logs both to CAT and Socorro on Windows
- DNA-49372 [Win] Opera stops responding/freezes on various sites on Windows 10
- DNA-49404 Move opera::Browser out of opera namespace to align with chromium code.
- DNA-49480 [Themes Selector]: JS error when clicking empty space
- DNA-49482 Enable #other-webui-new-layout flag
- DNA-49489 Crash in >opera::DialogBubbleDelegateView::CreateBubble
- DNA-49542 [Tools] Close button on customise side panel becomes unclickable sometimes
- DNA-49611 Hints showing policy is too irritating
- DNA-49622 The opera://account-internals page is empty when opened more than once
- DNA-49626 Convert download manager to a component
- DNA-49651 Enable #no-theme-overlay in all channels
- DNA-49653 Protocol is missing in downloads
- DNA-49669 Disabling News is not instantly reflected by “Navigation sidebar” section in settings
- DNA-49734 Add a configuration option to hide the plus button on the start page
- DNA-49745 Add api to display label next to page action for component extensions
- DNA-49746 Layout problems on opera:account-internals
- DNA-49759 Fix compile errors in Linux debug builds
- DNA-49761 Navigation expander doesn’t work when news-on-startpage is disabled
- DNA-49839 Search not shown on inner error pages
- DNA-49840 Enable #navigation-panel-settings flag on all channels
- DNA-49841 Notification to restart the browser in opera:flags doesn’t show up
- DNA-49842 [SP config] Make navigation section collapsed by default
- DNA-49845 Missing text-badge in sidebar
- DNA-49846 StartPageConfigElement doesn’t initialize strings through ComponentElement
- DNA-49852 Move “Get Extensions” OMenu item to Extensions submenu
- DNA-49853 Change Extensions->Extensions manager menu item label
- DNA-49891 Wrong dependency in infoplist_strings_tool
- DNA-49898 Importing cookies from Chromium is broken
- DNA-49907 Context menu appears in a wrong place on HiDPI machine
- DNA-49927 Add api to display label next to page action for component extensions WP2
- DNA-49948 Win 10 skin and related settings are broken after Chromium intake
- DNA-49954 Expose the platform in the uiData
- DNA-49958 Crash on restarting download
- DNA-49978 Enable socorro feature in Dev channel on Windows
- DNA-49987 [Win10] opera:settings options related to Windows 10 skin invisible on TH2+
- DNA-49999 Cannot build opera_tests without 10.0.10240 Windows SDK
- DNA-50001 Touch context menu is the same as mouse one
- DNA-50032 LCD text does not work for cc::Layers that start with 0 opacity
- DNA-50035 [MAC] Texts displayed in switch state and ads blocked on current site were not consistent
- DNA-50037 The opera://account-internals blank after opening again
- DNA-50043 Css-files are blocked
- DNA-50047 [SP] [Downloads] The icons for Downloads looks much lighter than the others in the Navigation bar
- DNA-50053 Enable #other-webui-new-layout flag on all channels
- DNA-50098 Developer channel should be called “nigthly” in crash logs sent to Socorro
- DNA-50111 [Win7] Graph is black ☣
- DNA-50117 Inconsistency between download manager and download popup on downloading risky file ☣
- DNA-50142 Opera crashes when showing sliding toolbar
- DNA-50147 Rename “Hide plus button” to “Hide “Add a site” button”
- DNA-50180 [Linux] rpm build should operate on file copies
- DNA-50192 [Mac] Network installer overwrites an existing O12 installation
37.0.2142 – 2016-02-16 – blog post
- DNA-44915 Add Linux build instructions to source code package
- DNA-47126 When print preview is opened clicking add to bookmarks bar will freeze print preview
- DNA-47383 Convert OperaAccountMessageHandler to an extension API
- DNA-48093 Personalized News: dialog behavior
- DNA-48102 Scrolled position is reset after clicking/focusing the news page
- DNA-48385 Missing UI string in contextmenu of startpage folder menu
- DNA-48402 [Linux] Crash loop after ‘Web Data’ database corruption
- DNA-48405 Speed Dial scrolls to the top after closing a folder
- DNA-48499 Tabs get highlighted when dragging from new window
- DNA-48754 [Win10] Caption button overlaps toolbar
- DNA-48758 [Win10] Inconsistent hover style on mute tab
- DNA-48854 [Tools] Context menu in History/Tabs section doesn’t have proper content
- DNA-48859 [news on SD] Images are preloaded too aggressively on scrolling
- DNA-48860 [News on SD] News images are not loaded when they get in view as a result of vertical resizing
- DNA-49034 Add a new expandable section in the config panel to add and remove items from the navigation panel
- DNA-49064 [BM] Scroll-on-drag doesn’t work in folder view until resizing
- DNA-49091 Patch sibling 1×1 Hero tiles into a 2×1 Small tile
- DNA-49119 Fullscreen domain toolbar doesn’t appear on Windows
- DNA-49136 [Linux] Context menu with empty entries
- DNA-49149 Use the new ‘Use Overlay’ field of the theme in the WebUIs
- DNA-49152 [WebUI] Ctrl+F in components doesn’t work and sometimes throws
- DNA-49161 Enable extension-top-sites-api on all channels
- DNA-49170 Flip the #sync-engine-enhancements flag for Developer
- DNA-49186 [Linux] Make opera look for in {origin}/lib_extra directory
- DNA-49188 [Linux] Move stripping binaries to packaging
- DNA-49190 Personalized News: query all sources together
- DNA-49191 Personalized News: Use more then one source per site
- DNA-49192 When token lost, red icon should be visible
- DNA-49197 [SD] Close button not working for add dial dialog
- DNA-49210 [SP] Remove window.suggestions global
- DNA-49214 Error pages show [Object object] in error summary
- DNA-49218 Missing support for no theme in WebUIs
- DNA-49238 Crash in opera_crashreporter during crashlogging
- DNA-49239 [SP] Possible to click suggestion that is not displayed in the add dial dialog
- DNA-49243 Enable simplified O menu on all streams
- DNA-49245 Unable to select text on settings, flags etc.
- DNA-49250 Changes to account-internals auth logger
- DNA-49255 [SP] Transitioning to history component is jerky
- DNA-49256 StartPageConfig queries undefined element
- DNA-49262 [News on SD] News images in the Small tiles are too big
- DNA-49269 The setting for News on the start page should be enabled on the developer stream
- DNA-49277 Fix no-theme design for other WebUIs
- DNA-49314 Pinch to zoom is not working
- DNA-49320 [Mac] Opera hangs with two windows opened
- DNA-49321 #personalized-news-start-page should be disabled for O36 stable
- DNA-49328 [News on SD] No additional News images or impressions on resize, when scrollTop is 0
- DNA-49329 Theme being previewed from addons lacks no-overlay style
- DNA-49331 bragi.js:20 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined
- DNA-49332 Issue with enabling/disabling advanced settings and config panel in the start page
- DNA-49333 Extensions signedInDevices permission should be disabled on beta/stable
- DNA-49334 Fix the height of the theme picker, so that the layout doesn’t shift once themes are loaded
- DNA-49347 [WebUI] Fails to load focus_search_field.js in some UIs
- DNA-49359 [Win] Wrong label on Always allow Popup menu item
- DNA-49371 [news on SD] read articles are not marked as such in background tab
- DNA-49373 Opening and closing speed dial folder allocates states in keyHandler
- DNA-49374 Click-to-play setting isn’t respected without Turbo engaged
- DNA-49380 Automatic tests require DOM IDs for account-internals elements
- DNA-49384 Checkbox doesn’t reflect changing selected theme in theme selector component
- DNA-49402 Not possible to edit bookmark folder name through context menu
- DNA-49406 [Tools] News on startpage disabled by default
- DNA-49416 Extension feature provider error for account internals API
- DNA-49436 Renderer crash in >extensions::PermissionsData::HasAPIPermission
- DNA-49443 [Mac] Tab menu looks bad after switch to 10.11 SDK
- DNA-49446 [Mac] Tab menu items cannot be activated with keyboard
- DNA-49451 [Linux] Can’t drag last tab from browser window
- DNA-49452 [Mac] Update notification loop
- DNA-49458 Make flag for showing navigation section in Start Page Config
- DNA-49462 Extension icons should be excluded from content verification irrespective in whatever case they are used(not only in the same case as manifest.json)
- DNA-49464 Show loading spinner while we load more news articles
- DNA-49474 [Tools] Customise start page panel doesnt work
- DNA-49476 Opera:news does not load when navigating to it directly.
- DNA-49494 Bookmark Manager doesn’t reflow on resize
- DNA-49496 chrome://startpage/private not loaded when opening new private window
- DNA-49534 Low quality of News Thumbnails images in 37.0.2137.0
- DNA-49545 Can’t dismiss extension popup with ESC
- DNA-49546 [WebUI] Improve loading spinner svg
- DNA-49552 Don’t double count articleImpression
- DNA-49556 [SP] Exception on showing hint (causing hint movement to fail)
☣ = bugfix