Opera Touch now lets you share files between your smartphone, iPad and PC

Here is how to add them to My Flow and share them between your desktop and mobile devices.
Hello again,
We have just added an exciting new feature to Opera Touch, which is available on both Android and iOS. Our award-winning browser now lets you upload all kinds of files: photos, PDFs, zip files and others to My Flow – up to 10 MB each. This means you can now perform instant file transfers between your mobile browser and all your other devices connected within My Flow. This includes the Opera browser on your PC.
Quickly transfer files between devices – regardless of their operating system
In essence, this new feature solves a problem you might have had: it lets you seamlessly send files from one device to another, regardless of the operating system or whether the devices are from the same manufacturer. For example, if you want to share a ticket you’ve saved as a pdf on your Windows PC with your iPhone, Mac or Android smartphone, simply upload it to My Flow.
After that you have two days to save the file on your device – we keep it in our cloud for 48 hours. This means that My Flow serves as a shared folder between your devices during that period. Opera Touch makes it amazingly easy to share files between computer and phone.
To do so on Opera Touch, start by swiping from left to right on the main browser screen. This takes you to the My Flow section of your browser. From there, tap the upload button (up arrow) located at the bottom of the screen. You can either take a photo or video using your device’s camera or upload a photo or any other file from your device. Copy a file on one device and to paste it onto another. Once you’ve chosen a file, it gets uploaded to My Flow and appears on all your other devices connected to this feature.
Transfer files from PC to My Flow
To upload a file from your PC and instantly share it with other devices connected with My Flow, simply click the My Flow icon in the sidebar and click on the upload button at the bottom. Transferring files from your hard drive to other devices or phones is quick and easy. Once you’ve chosen a file, it gets uploaded to My Flow and appears on all your other devices. You can then open My Flow on your other device and save the file (or files) you chose to share.
Connect Opera Touch to the Opera browser on your computer
Not only is Opera Touch fast and secure, it also lets you share notes, links and files from your phone with your computer’s Opera browser and vice versa. This means you always have direct access to the information you choose to share, no matter which device you’re on. To start using My Flow, open the Opera browser on your computer and click on the My Flow icon in your sidebar. Our developers have worked hard to make connecting super easy: you simply have to scan a QR code on your computer screen with Opera Touch on your phone. The app then establishes a link between your computer and mobile browser. Since it’s a shared space, you can transfer files from Android to PC or iOS, PC to Android, iOS to PC, or any combination you need. Regardless of the device you do it on, once you share it, the message or link will instantly appear on all devices connected with My Flow. This makes Opera Touch the perfect companion for your PC browser.
Easy navigation with Opera Touch
With Opera Touch, we have moved browser navigation to the bottom of the screen. This is because, while our phone displays have become bigger in recent years, our hands haven’t. This makes conventional browsers, which make you reach to the top of the screen to type in a website address or open a tab, quite uncomfortable to use. So far, not many apps have adapted to growing smartphone sizes. While we can’t help with those other apps, we’ve made sure this issue is solved with Opera so that it can remain the best mobile browser.
This developer solution in Opera Touch is the Fast Action Button, the large button at the bottom of your browser’s screen. Once you tap it, you will see that it hosts a bunch of handy features: it lets you perform searches (the instant search feature), scan QR codes, open new pages and access your three most recent tabs. You can also move your thumb over the bubbles with your most recent tabs to get a preview.
Opera for computers is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The Opera Touch app is available for download on the App Store for Apple and Google Play.
To make PC to Android, Android to PC, as well as PC to iOS transfers, or to move files between Apple devices and those with other operating systems, simply run Opera on your computer and the Opera Touch app on your mobile device and connect the browsers by scanning a QR code.
Read more about My Flow.