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Read the latest Hindi news on your phone with Opera Mini

Hindi news feed in Opera

Many of us prefer to read articles on the web in our local languages. Are you looking for a regular news feed in Hindi? Well, we updated the news feed in our Opera Mini for Android browser so you can do just that.Hindi news feed in Opera

The news feed is a special section of curated stories where you can can browse through the latest Hindi news, sports entertainment, food, travel and technology.

How to get Hindi articles in Opera Mini for Android

  1. Scroll down on the homepage to see the news feed.
  2. Click on the settings icon.
  3. Choose ‘India – Hindi’ to set Hindi as your default language.

If you are addicted to catching up on news while on your way to office or if you want to catch up on the latest gossip from Bollywood and Big Boss, then this latest update in Opera Mini is good news for all of you who love Hindi news.

Hindi news and stories are also available in other Opera browsers for phones and computers. Visit opera.com to download Opera on your computer or the Google Play store to download Opera Mini on your smartphone.

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