Opera Stable 41.0.2353.56 update

In today’s Opera stability release, we have included a number of fixes and improvements. Here, you can find a selection of these, in no particular order:
- The bug where the video popout was closed on a different page refresh has now been fixed.
- Some other minor issues and crashes related to the video popout have been fixed too.
- The weird animation which occurred during opening a tab with middle-click is no more happening.
- There are a few Personal News fixes, including proper management of incomplete pages.
- Also, Chromium has been updated to the 54.0.2840.87 version.
For more details, please take a look at the changelog.
Also, as this is probably the last time I have contact with you as the blog note author, I would like to thank you all for all your commitment to help us build a better product. Keep it up and live your lives as best as you can!
Installation links:
- Opera Stable for Windows
- Opera Stable for OS-X
- Opera Stable for Linux – deb packages
- Opera Stable for Linux – RPM packages