Express feedback and improved snapshot tool in Opera developer update

Salutations Opera users,
For the last day of July we have the final Opera 48 developer update (48.0.2670.0). In it, we’ve added a new feedback system designed to provide us quick reports on issues while saving you time filing said reports. There are also some tune-ups to our well-received snapshot tool.
Feedback – file a bug report at the click of a button
We can’t speak for the others, but we at Opera desire to make a browser that renders and presents your pages and content smoothly. The Internet is big, so, unfortunately, we can’t catch all issues which can create a rough browsing session. When even the smallest element breaks down – be it with a video, its audio, page content or other – we want to know about it.
Filing a traditional bug report can be tedious and time consuming, especially if done through forums, blogs, bug report wizard or Rate Opera dialog accessible in settings. With this in mind, we’ve created a quick way to report problems you experience on the web.
Today’s build comes with a new feature designed to provide instant feedback from our users about a problem to our programmers. It’s cleverly called “Feedback.” In the combined search and address bar, on the right side, you’ll find a new icon. This is our bug report wizard liaison. Whenever you experience an issue on a page, click the face to open a list of common issue types. Select one or more appropriate issues, along with an optional comment, and hit submit. The submission won’t tell us the exact page address, but it will give us the domain name and the problem(s) attached to it. This is enough information for us to initiate our investigation into the entire issue.
The feedback tool can be hidden from the combined search and address bar by going to Settings (Preferences on macOS) > Browser > User interface and unticking the “Enable reporting problems with sites” box.
Snazzier snapshot
Last Monday, we unveiled the snapshot tool for our browser, giving users a way to capture their favourite parts of the web. We received a lot of great feedback and comments from you – many thanks! – which will help us make your snapshot tool even better.
Since then, we have been fixing some kinks for snapshot. It looks smoothers on retina displays and HiDPI screens, as well as having more stability on Windows. The adjustable selection area was upgraded to include clickable drag points for easier framing. Firing up the tool is quick with the handy, default shortcut of Ctrl + Shift + 5 (⌘ + ⇧ + 5 on macOS). This, like other shortcuts, can be modified in settings.
Other changes included, that are worth mentioning:
- Converters show input unit together with value in case of precise highlight but ambiguous unit. This is also true for currencies. Try it out $10 vs. 10 USD.
- Conversion from South African rand is triggered only if ZAR is mentioned, for instance: 10 ZAR, but not when written as R 10.
- “Resume” button is shown when a download was interrupted by closing the browser.
- [Windows] Bookmark bar folder menu is displayed too high.
- Visual fixes for “Content blocked” and “Popup blocked” notifications in address bar.
Known issues:
- “Capture Full Site” button saves visible area.
- Snapshot tool is not in menu yet.
- Feedback dialog layout is not final.
Check the changelog for the full report.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using Opera developer for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages