Changelog for 35

35.0.2066.92 – 2016-03-02 – blog post
- DNA-43687 [Linux] Mosaic of tab bar artifacts instead of Web UIs when hardware accelerated
- DNA-47405 Monitor won’t go sleep when Opera has animated theme
- DNA-49372 [Win] Opera stops responding/freezes on various sites on Windows 10
35.0.2066.82 – 2016-02-23 – blog post
- DNA-49176 Holding Shift and try to drag fixed tab crashes Opera
35.0.2066.68 – 2016-02-16 – blog post
- DNA-46375 [Mac] New window is not fully opened after previous was minimised
- DNA-48919 Windows size ignored after AU – Opera always opens maximized
35.0.2066.35 – 2016-01-26 – blog post
- DNA-40757 [Win] Black titlebar in private window
- DNA-47124 In the new private window can not write in address bar.
- DNA-48508 Not possible to type anything in Address Bar in private window – Opera 35
- DNA-48525 [Mac] Tab menu should not draw selected items when cursor has moved on
35.0.2066.23 – 2016-01-14 – blog post
- DNA-40876 [Linux] Netflix will not play
- DNA-45745 [Mac] Scrolling not smooth with window vibrancy
- DNA-46285 [Mac] Duplicated text on login prompt
- DNA-46593 Browser hangs, without crash when using Turbo
- DNA-46725 [Linux] packaging: switch to fetching packages over https
- DNA-46831 Issues with Montenegrin language
- DNA-46851 Installing extension from file leaves unnecessary trace in opera://downloads
- DNA-46956 [Mac] Slowness loading web pages due to shared memory
- DNA-47032 Fullscreen dialog has wrong color
- DNA-47138 Black lettering on blue bar in dropdown list for Separate search box
- DNA-47276 Renderer crash on
- DNA-47472 Bookmarks bar model change causes 100% CPU usage
- DNA-47512 Do not show search hint immediately for new users
- DNA-47836 [Mac] Broken bookmarks bar when dragging bookmarks to expander menu
35.0.2066.10 – 2015-12-15 – blog post
- DNA-38167 [Win][Engine] Search box WP2
- DNA-39177 “show”/”hide” buttons in password manager don’t respect text length ☣
- DNA-40757 [Win] Black titlebar in private window
- DNA-43400 Heart icon is not red after bookmarking pages of bundled extensions
- DNA-44105 Implement bookmark duplication detection WP2
- DNA-44682 News on the Start page – WP1
- DNA-44690 Site causes Opera not to accept text in URL-field or in any text field (Silverlight issue?)
- DNA-44780 No hover text on Tab-menu button
- DNA-44807 [Mac 10.11] New Opera icon not present right after update
- DNA-44846 [Linux] Alt+click opens menu on Alt key release in Enlightenment E20
- DNA-44936 Incorrect message on closing browser with running downloads ☣
- DNA-45034 Site is added to protocol registration ignore list as soon as tab or toolbar is closed
- DNA-45037 [Engine] Never save password does not work
- DNA-45049 [Linux] Set up RPM repository WP2
- DNA-45052 New tab blinks black if animated theme is set
- DNA-45091 Icon in window cycler is blurry around the edges
- DNA-45112 Possible to create an empty folder through “add a site”
- DNA-45130 [Mac] System crash dialog shows up after crash
- DNA-45132 Blank suggestions in address bar popup ☣
- DNA-45136 no Spell checker options option visible after Intake 34.0.2031.0.23 -> 34.0.2031.0.28
- DNA-45141 No option ‘Create search engine…’
- DNA-45170 Animated theme is not visible on background in opera:themes right after installation
- DNA-45200 [Extensions] No permissions messages
- DNA-45201 Not appropriate accessibility for address bar’s bubble button/pop-up
- DNA-45275 Some context menu options no longer available – 2nd part.
- DNA-45277 [Mac] Dock is restarted during the first run after fresh installation
- DNA-45285 [MAC] Mute tabs individually
- DNA-45295 Download resume starts from beginning after download interrupted when disk is full
- DNA-45313 [Linux] Don’t try to preload ffmpeg if browser process has all the codecs
- DNA-45329 Enable cancel download button on beta
- DNA-45333 Day at opera:history follows to UTC
- DNA-45341 Mute tabs feature – WP4 – updated graphics
- DNA-45344 Search hint
- DNA-45363 Some internal pages not loading due to JS exceptions
- DNA-45364 [Mac] Loading icon misplaced
- DNA-45365 Download status is not visble in opera:downloads
- DNA-45380 [Mac] Popup blocker badge doesn’t fully fit the address bar
- DNA-45388 [Win][Linux] Mis-alignment in the addressfield dropdown
- DNA-45390 Expose the ‘Show bookmars bar’ setting in the BM manager and the BM pop-up
- DNA-45407 Simple Settings page
- DNA-45422 [MAC] Mute browser button
- DNA-45430 Add flag for maximizing Opera after installation
- DNA-45441 Bundled downloads doesn’t handle themes downloading
- DNA-45444 [Win] Full folder path in bundled download manager
- DNA-45473 [Mac] Dot in address field badge
- DNA-45490 [Win][Linux] Tab rendering problems on tab bar during unshrinking animation
- DNA-45499 Crash in InitCrashReporter
- DNA-45500 [MAC] Implement context menu for mute task
- DNA-45502 Add missing histogram for duplication statistics
- DNA-45506 #news-on-startpage should disable old opera://news
- DNA-45576 Private windows has Recently Closed in tab menu
- DNA-45581 [Mac] Distracting Speed Dial animation when opening new tab
- DNA-45585 Crash in -[BrowserWindowController saveWindowFrameIfNeeded]
- DNA-45593 [Mac] Toggling Opera Turbo with no windows open crashes Opera
- DNA-45595 [Lin][Win] X on tabs moves 1 px when tab activated
- DNA-45600 Calling chrome.tabs.query in webui crashes the browser
- DNA-45603 No content in the News on startpage sometimes
- DNA-45607 Extensions not shown when only new private window opened.
- DNA-45612 Unable to click any search/history suggestions in the dropdown
- DNA-45617 Extension icon overlapping Opera’s UI buttons, leaves empty space when removed
- DNA-45658 [Win][Linux] New speed dials sometimes flash white on opening
- DNA-45659 Change “continue browsing” to “Don’t close”
- DNA-45660 Open downloads popup after clicking “continue browsing/don’t close” button
- DNA-45661 Bump major version to 35 on master
- DNA-45668 Context menu says ‘Remove’ rather than ‘Move to trash’ on speed dial
- DNA-45669 Unable to install extension from file
- DNA-45683 [Mac] Open downloads popup after clicking “continue browsing/don’t close” button
- DNA-45684 Move Zoom More code to desktop
- DNA-45687 “News on Start Page” has a wrong context menu for “News” part
- DNA-45693 [Mac]Empty download interruption dialog
- DNA-45710 Duplication tracker causes crash on start ☣
- DNA-45713 Opera flags missing from opera://flags
- DNA-45727 “Download interrupted” dialog shown for downloads which are not user-initiated/visible in opera:downloads
- DNA-45735 [Win8.1][Win10] Crash when showing Web Notification
- DNA-45737 [MAC] Integrate new HD icons for mute browser task
- DNA-45739 Wrong accessible name for internal page mode in address bar’s bubble button
- DNA-45766 Double option “Reload Frame” in Frame context menu
- DNA-45784 [Mac] Crash on closing window in ToolbarController
- DNA-45786 After removing the extension ‘line’ remains next to synchronization icon
- DNA-45794 “Mute Tab” context menu entry displayed although mute-tabs feature is disabled
- DNA-45819 [Webui] scrollbar handler does a lot of work in a loop
- DNA-45891 Add themes section
- DNA-45898 History page is not immediately updated when browser data is cleared.
- DNA-45899 Exception thrown on opening dialog on settings page ☣
- DNA-45900 “Set as default” dialog broken.
- DNA-45915 [Mac] Unblocking popup crashes Opera
- DNA-45923 [Linux] Low resolution of Opera icon in gnome shell
- DNA-45933 clicking “Always show power user settings” should not trigger animation
- DNA-45934 no Spell checker submenu visible
- DNA-45935 [Settings] Wrong menu group is loaded ☣
- DNA-45942 [Linux] Middle-clicking the website (security) badge doesn’t do Paste n Go
- DNA-45955 [Mac] ‘Mute tab’ context menu item in wrong location
- DNA-45956 [Mac] ‘Mute all tabs’ button on toolbar should be to the right of ‘Share’
- DNA-45976 [Windows] Extended suggestions dropdown opens on right click ☣
- DNA-45981 “Clear Downloads” button in opera://downloads deletes active downloads
- DNA-45986 [Mac] Mute browser button looks and behaves different from other toolbar buttons
- DNA-46003 Create a theme selector component
- DNA-46006 [Win10] Contrasting buttons WP1
- DNA-46022 [Mac] Equalizer icon is misplaced when is visible
- DNA-46023 “Got it” button in search hint is too wide
- DNA-46032 [Windows] There is no Search Hint
- DNA-46043 [Win10] Contrasting buttons WP2
- DNA-46047 [MAC] Add contextual menu entry to mute all noisy tabs except the active one
- DNA-46073 [Win] No context menu on pinned tab with media
- DNA-46076 Update the relation of duplication tracker to sync service
- DNA-46078 Crash when displaying HTML5 notification
- DNA-46083 Search hint callout takes focus away from addressfield
- DNA-46090 Incorrect highlight for the download location field
- DNA-46099 Mute tabs feature – WP5
- DNA-46100 Ad block section: Do not show install button when already installed
- DNA-46113 3rd sync dialog after logging in
- DNA-46165 [Mac] Extension id shown on web notification
- DNA-46166 [Mac] Hide the main mute button behind a parameter
- DNA-46194 Clear downloads in one tab/popup does not update other windows
- DNA-46210 [Win10] Frame color awareness WP3
- DNA-46211 [HiDPI] Pages open at 200% zoom / 50% zoom
- DNA-46212 Theme preview not working on simple settings page ☣
- DNA-46213 [Linux] Windows not properly restored after restart
- DNA-46221 Simple Settings Page: Enable on developer
- DNA-46222 [Settings] Adjust password manager styles after intake
- DNA-46223 Crash on start when bookmark deduplication is disabled
- DNA-46253 [Win10] Crash when showing Web Notification from Slack
- DNA-46256 Crash in >opera::hints::Hint::Close
- DNA-46257 Crash in opera::DuplicateTracker
- DNA-46262 [Themes] No theme when theme’s url contains special char
- DNA-46264 Add advanced setting to toggle the search box
- DNA-46267 [Win10] Gray frame color WP1
- DNA-46268 Console error with news on start page
- DNA-46273 Tab menu button is invisible ☣
- DNA-46278 [Win] Tab plus button doesn’t redraw on window deactivation ☣
- DNA-46280 News and news-on-startpage fails to resize
- DNA-46288 [Win] Window color change not detected on click on taskbar icon ☣
- DNA-46294 Make sure that scanning the model for duplicates doesn’t happen too often ☣
- DNA-46305 [Mac] Incorrect tooltips displayed on mute icons
- DNA-46326 Add accessibility title to search hint dialog
- DNA-46328 Address field and additional search box dropdowns differ in styling ☣
- DNA-46339 [Themes] Error in console after pressing cancel button while selecting theme image
- DNA-46357 Separate search box is shorter than the address field
- DNA-46361 “search term” remains unchanged in the Separate search box
- DNA-46364 Add hint for muting a noisy background tab
- DNA-46376 Can’t drag&drop bookmarks to folder in opera://bookmarks
- DNA-46499 [Themes] Create your theme form: Preview overlays on border rounded corners
- DNA-46506 [Win10] Tab menu not aligned properly with system icons.
- DNA-46544 Update ‘Mute other tabs’ context menu entry
- DNA-46545 Crash loop with SearchBox and #extended-suggestions enabled ☣
- DNA-46587 [Win10] Win10-specific resources WP1
- DNA-46595 Not possible multiple UI’s improovements when changed accessibility mode
- DNA-46600 [Win10] Gray frame color WP2
- DNA-46623 [Mac] Mute tab button should not appear on inactive tab when tabs are small
- DNA-46624 [Mac] Mute tab button should be a template icon
- DNA-46626 Selecting extension from extension expander list: the popup is misaligned, closing it crashes opera
- DNA-46646 [Mac] Mute icon on tab doesn’t work
- DNA-46648 [Settings] Unable to switch themes via settings ☣
- DNA-46650 Remove ad-blocking section
- DNA-46658 [Mac] Localize Opera’s display name
- DNA-46667 [Mac] “Opera Installer” name is not localized in Dock, Finder and the application menu
- DNA-46671 Don’t check for installer-pref-default-overrides-support before features have been read. ☣
- DNA-46675 [SD] document.hidden check returns wrong result for preloaded startpage
- DNA-46688 Theme selector component: selecting few thumbnails selects second theme
- DNA-46689 [Win] Theme selector component: horizontal scrollwheel works in wrong direction
- DNA-46690 Sync popup unable to show contents in error state
- DNA-46700 Add accessibility info in the search box
- DNA-46701 [Linux] Renderer crashes when trying to play h264 movie
- DNA-46717 Simple Settings Page: Enable everywhere
- DNA-46808 Old search term and results reappear on alt+down after removing search term with Esc
- DNA-46811 Search box needs a context menu ☣
- DNA-46813 Search box dropdown accessibility name is incorrect ☣
- DNA-46820 [Win10] Invalid tab bar layout in maximized windows on restoring a session ☣
- DNA-46823 [Linux] crash when trying to show detached developer tools window
- DNA-46827 Trying to read an unregistered pref when clearing all passwords
- DNA-46960 Unable to search in search box with search engine keyword.
- DNA-47142 [Mac] Inactive mute tab context menu options in tab menu
- DNA-47290 [Mac] Login prompt changes its location after draging Tab
35.0.2064.0 – 2015-12-02 – blog post
- DNA-39177 “show”/”hide” buttons in password manager don’t respect text length ☣
- DNA-46023 “Got it” button in search hint is too wide
- DNA-46073 [Win] No context menu on pinned tab with media
- DNA-46090 Incorrect highlight for the download location field
- DNA-46113 3rd sync dialog after logging in
- DNA-46267 [Win10] Gray frame color WP1
- DNA-46294 Make sure that scanning the model for duplicates doesn’t happen too often ☣
- DNA-46305 [Mac] Incorrect tooltips displayed on mute icons
- DNA-46339 [Themes] Error in console after pressing cancel button while selecting theme image
- DNA-46376 Can’t drag&drop bookmarks to folder in opera://bookmarks
- DNA-46499 [Themes] Create your theme form: Preview overlays on border rounded corners
- DNA-46506 [Win10] Tab menu not aligned properly with system icons.
- DNA-46544 Update ‘Mute other tabs’ context menu entry
- DNA-46545 Crash loop with SearchBox and #extended-suggestions enabled ☣
- DNA-46587 [Win10] Win10-specific resources WP1
- DNA-46626 Selecting extension from extension expander list: the popup is misaligned, closing it crashes opera
- DNA-46631 [WebUIs] Make component loading a bit more generic
- DNA-46646 [Mac] Mute icon on tab doesn’t work
- DNA-46648 [Settings] Unable to switch themes via settings ☣
- DNA-46650 Remove ad-blocking section
35.0.2060.0 – 2015-11-26 – blog post
- DNA-43400 Heart icon is not red after bookmarking pages of bundled extensions
- DNA-45170 Animated theme is not visible on background in opera:themes right after installation
- DNA-45364 [Mac] Loading icon misplaced
- DNA-45581 [Mac] Distracting Speed Dial animation when opening new tab
- DNA-45668 Context menu says ‘Remove’ rather than ‘Move to trash’ on speed dial
- DNA-45891 Add themes section
- DNA-45898 History page is not immediately updated when browser data is cleared.
- DNA-45900 “Set as default” dialog broken.
- DNA-45915 [Mac] Unblocking popup crashes Opera
- DNA-45935 [Settings] Wrong menu group is loaded ☣
- DNA-45942 [Linux] Middle-clicking the website (security) badge doesn’t do Paste n Go
- DNA-45955 [Mac] ‘Mute tab’ context menu item in wrong location
- DNA-45956 [Mac] ‘Mute all tabs’ button on toolbar should be to the right of ‘Share’
- DNA-45976 [Windows] Extended suggestions dropdown opens on right click ☣
- DNA-45981 “Clear Downloads” button in opera://downloads deletes active downloads
- DNA-45986 [Mac] Mute browser button looks and behaves different from other toolbar buttons
- DNA-46006 [Win10] Contrasting buttons WP1
- DNA-46022 [Mac] Equalizer icon is misplaced when is visible
- DNA-46032 [Windows] There is no Search Hint
- DNA-46043 [Win10] Contrasting buttons WP2
- DNA-46047 [MAC] Add contextual menu entry to mute all noisy tabs except the active one
- DNA-46076 Update the relation of duplication tracker to sync service
- DNA-46078 Crash when displaying HTML5 notification
- DNA-46083 Search hint callout takes focus away from addressfield
- DNA-46099 Mute tabs feature – WP5
- DNA-46100 Ad block section: Do not show install button when already installed
- DNA-46165 [Mac] Extension id shown on web notification
- DNA-46166 [Mac] Hide the main mute button behind a parameter
- DNA-46194 Clear downloads in one tab/popup does not update other windows
- DNA-46210 [Win10] Frame color awareness WP3
- DNA-46212 Theme preview not working on simple settings page ☣
- DNA-46221 Simple Settings Page: Enable on developer
- DNA-46222 [Settings] Adjust password manager styles after intake
- DNA-46223 Crash on start when bookmark deduplication is disabled
- DNA-46253 [Win10] Crash when showing Web Notification from Slack
- DNA-46262 [Themes] No theme when theme’s url contains special char
- DNA-46264 Add advanced setting to toggle the search box
- DNA-46273 Tab menu button is invisible ☣
- DNA-46278 [Win] Tab plus button doesn’t redraw on window deactivation ☣
- DNA-46280 News and news-on-startpage fails to resize
- DNA-46281 Enable #search-box-in-address-bar on Developer
- DNA-46288 [Win] Window color change not detected on click on taskbar icon ☣
35.0.2052.0 – 2015-11-18 – blog post
- DNA-35736 [Win] HC – with #activation-order-tab-cycling it is not visible which tab is being highlighted in the tab menu ☣
- DNA-44690 Site causes Opera not to accept text in URL-field or in any text field (Silverlight issue?)
- DNA-44846 [Linux] Alt+click opens menu on Alt key release in Enlightenment E20
- DNA-45052 New tab blinks black if animated theme is set
- DNA-45091 Icon in window cycler is blurry around the edges
- DNA-45295 Download resume starts from beginning after download interrupted when disk is full
- DNA-45313 [Linux] Don’t try to preload ffmpeg if browser process has all the codecs
- DNA-45333 Day at opera:history follows to UTC
- DNA-45380 [Mac] Popup blocker badge doesn’t fully fit the address bar
- DNA-45390 Expose the ‘Show bookmars bar’ setting in the BM manager and the BM pop-up
- DNA-45407 Simple Settings page
- DNA-45422 [MAC] Mute browser button
- DNA-45441 Bundled downloads doesn’t handle themes downloading
- DNA-45576 Private windows have Recently Closed in tab menu
- DNA-45603 No content in the News on startpage sometimes
- DNA-45607 Extensions not shown when only new private window opened.
- DNA-45612 Unable to click any search/history suggestions in the dropdown
- DNA-45617 Extension icon overlapping Opera’s UI buttons, leaves empty space when removed
- DNA-45658 [Win][Linux] New speed dials sometimes flash white on opening
- DNA-45659 Change “continue browsing” to “Don’t close”
- DNA-45660 Open downloads popup after clicking “continue browsing/don’t close” button
- DNA-45661 Bump major version to 35 on master
- DNA-45669 Unable to install extension from file
- DNA-45675 Enable #alternative-main-menu-label on developer stream
- DNA-45678 Enable #start-maximized-switch on developer stream
- DNA-45683 [Mac] Open downloads popup after clicking “continue browsing/don’t close” button
- DNA-45687 “News on Start Page” has a wrong context menu for “News” part
- DNA-45693 [Mac]Empty download interruption dialog
- DNA-45710 Duplication tracker causes crash on start ☣
- DNA-45713 Opera flags missing from opera://flags
- DNA-45727 “Download interrupted” dialog shown for downloads which are not user-initiated/visible in opera:downloads
- DNA-45735 [Win8.1][Win10] Crash when showing Web Notification
- DNA-45737 [MAC] Integrate new HD icons for mute browser task
- DNA-45739 Wrong accessible name for internal page mode in address bar’s bubble button
- DNA-45756 Enable #bookmark-deduplication-doremove on Developer
- DNA-45766 Double option “Reload Frame” in Frame context menu
- DNA-45784 [Mac] Crash on closing window in ToolbarController
- DNA-45786 After removing the extension ‘line’ remains next to synchronization icon
- DNA-45794 “Mute Tab” context menu entry displayed although mute-tabs feature is disabled
- DNA-45923 [Linux] Low resolution of Opera icon in gnome shell
- DNA-45933 clicking “Always show power user settings” should not trigger animation
- DNA-45934 no Spell checker submenu visible
☣ = bugfix