Real-time news and notifications from your iOS browser

How many times have you heard “There’s an app for that!”, and you’ve gone straight to your app store only to realize it means more downloads, crowded home screens and heavy memory usage on your iPhone.
For news alone, you have Flipboard, Zite, Pulse News, Google Play Newsstand (to mention only a few) and now even Facebook is urging us to download yet another app for its news service Facebook Notify.
Wouldn’t it be great to have just one app for all your news and browsing? Dare to dream – Opera Coast has your answer.
Introducing Opera Coast’s news “For You”
The Opera Coast browser automatically creates a personalized news feed based on your favorite websites and brings them to you right on your iOS browser homescreen.
You can easily opt-out of content you’re not into anymore, give ratings to the articles you love and switch between reading views. It helps to keep your news experience a little bit more personal, interactive and fun.
You’ll also receive a notification when your news feed has been refreshed with new content.
Trade off 100 notification pings for 1 alert about the 100s of articles waiting for you, based on what you actually enjoy reading everyday.
Opera Mini gets 3D touch
With the recent release of iPhone 6S, we couldn’t wait to bring these new innovations to our popular data-saving browser Opera Mini on iOS.
Now, with 3D touch, you can dip in and out of the content and sites you want, smoothly and quickly.
You’ll also now find your favorite websites when using the new Spotlight feature for iPhone, straight from Opera Mini. You can get all the content you want in one place, powered by Opera Mini.
Which websites do you like to get your news from?