Your quick guide to switching to the new Opera Max, a whole new level of data management

Don’t have Opera Max, yet? Download it now and start saving a ton of data for free.
I already have Opera Max, how do I get the new version?
Since this is a redesigned, stable version with brand new features, those already using the beta version of Opera Max will need to download the new one as a new separate app.
Dive in straight away and download it here.
Why do I have two Opera Max icons on my device?
After downloading the new version, you will still have your old Opera Max on your device. To help you know which one is which, the old Opera Max icon will appear gray.
Your new, stable, awesome version of Opera Max will have a NEW label on the app icon.
Once you start using your new Opera Max, you can just uninstall the old one. All your data management will function fully in the new app.
What happens to my usage data?
Current Opera Max users who want to bring all their old usage data with them to the new app should take the following steps to migrate their data:
- Update to the latest beta version in Google Play.
Note: If you reside in Sub-Saharan Africa, your latest version can be found here.
- Open Opera Max beta and tap the upgrade message to download the new version from the Google Play store.
Your data usage timeline will be safely transferred to the all new version of Opera Max
If you don’t want to transport your previous usage data you don’t have to. You can simply delete the old Opera Max beta app and download the new one to start fresh.
How can I get the most out of my new Opera Max?
Read more about the new features and capabilities of your new Opera Max.
For more answers to your questions have a look at our Opera Max FAQ or feel free to comment below. And, come say “Hi” on Twitter and Facebook 🙂