Changelog for 63

63.0.3368.94 – 2019-09-18 blog post
- CHR-7516 Update chromium on master to 78.0.3887.7
- DNA-80966 [Linux] Integrate a new key into our packages
63.0.3368.88 – 2019-09-12 blog post
- DNA-79103 Saving link to bookmarks saves it to Other bookmarks folder
- DNA-79455 Crash at views::MenuController::FindNextSelectableMenuItem(views::MenuItemView*, int, views::MenuController::SelectionIncrementDirectionType, bool)
- DNA-79579 Continuous packages using new_mac_bundle_structure do not run
- DNA-79611 Update
- DNA-79621 Add support for new bundle structure to old autoupdate clients
- DNA-79906 Fix package build
- DNA-80131 Sign Opera Helper(GPU).app
- DNA-80191 Fix opera_components/tracking_data/
- DNA-80638 Cherry-pick fix for CreditCardTest.UpdateFromImportedCard_ExpiredVerifiedCardUpdatedWithSameName
- DNA-80801 Very slow tab deletion process
63.0.3368.66 – 2019-09-02 blog post
- CHR-7525 Update chromium on desktop-stable-76-3368 to 76.0.3809.132
- DNA-74031 Download indicator doesn’t match progress
- DNA-77042 Something went wrong message in crypto wallet in private window
- DNA-79137 Crash at opera::installer::OptionsScreen::OnLanguageChanged()
- DNA-79683 Installer crashes when showing progress
- DNA-79757 Line divider under address bar disappears after opening and closing Bookmarks Bar
- DNA-80012 Zoom popup appears each time clicking ‘heart’ icon
- DNA-80110 Bug when changing the install path in installer
- DNA-80417 [assistant] Crash at opera::avro::event_driven::StatSenderImpl::NetworkThread::SetTrafficAllowed(bool)
- DNA-80422 Continue shopping section is too close to Speed Dial tiles when tiles are big
- DNA-80463 Add shadow to shopping tiles
63.0.3368.53 – 2019-08-27 blog post
- DNA-78143 Load async resources before rendering the page
- DNA-79102 Make AU to be always server IPC endpoint when new AU logic is enabled
- DNA-80193 Magnifying glass icon doesn’t match the search box boundaries in settings and extensions
- DNA-80416 Crash at opera::assistant::ProcessMonitorImpl::ObserveProcess(std::__1::basic_string const&, opera::assistant::ProcessMonitor::Observer*)
63.0.3368.51 – 2019-08-26 blog post
- DNA-79558 Add database for continue shopping feature
- DNA-79560 Create hidden runtime flag #continue-shopping
- DNA-79702 Create Continue Shopping service
- DNA-79786 Fix database backend for deleting the partner offer
- DNA-80193 Magnifying glass icon doesn’t match the search box boundaries in settings and extensions
- DNA-80237 Prevent data collection when feature is off
- DNA-80244 Introduce another feature flag for changing the default value of folded state
63.0.3368.43 – 2019-08-22 blog post
- DNA-79558 Add database for continue shopping feature
- DNA-79560 Create hidden runtime flag #continue-shopping
- DNA-79702 Create Continue Shopping service
- DNA-79786 Fix database backend for deleting the partner offer
- DNA-80193 Magnifying glass icon doesn’t match the search box boundaries in settings and extensions
- DNA-80237 Prevent data collection when feature is off
- DNA-80244 Introduce another feature flag for changing the default value of folded state
- DNA-79560 Create hidden runtime flag #continue-shopping
- DNA-79702 Create Continue Shopping service
- DNA-79786 Fix database backend for deleting the partner offer
- DNA-80193 Magnifying glass icon doesn’t match the search box boundaries in settings and extensions
- DNA-80237 Prevent data collection when feature is off
- DNA-80244 Introduce another feature flag for changing the default value of folded state
- DNA-79063 Address bar icons are hardly visible in private window in light mode
- DNA-79274 No warning notification on quitting Opera with multiple tabs open after update
- DNA-80103 Investigate best ICECC_THREADS for faster Mac builds
- DNA-80105 O63 translations (08.08.2019)
- DNA-80219 DCHECK at ExtensionDownloader::HandleManifestResults
- DNA-80330 [My Flow] The QR code and connection code is not visible for some people
63.0.3368.35 – 2019-08-20 blog post
- DNA-79569 Don’t provide default value for titleTextColor in opr.wallpapersAPI
- DNA-80221 Change channel to “stable” in permissions features for wallpapersPrivate
- DNA-80230 Promote O63 to stable
63.0.3368.33 – 2019-08-16 blog post
- CHR-7504 Update chromium on desktop-stable-76-3368 to 76.0.3809.100
- DNA-78258 [Win][macOS] Snap does not capture whole isolated content
- DNA-79936 Update list of travel websites
- DNA-80103 Investigate best ICECC_THREADS for faster Mac builds
63.0.3368.29 – 2019-08-13 blog post
- DNA-74436 Allow creating wallpapers from images (“Use image as wallpaper”)
- DNA-76869 Opening links from cryptowallet doesnt hide the panel when unpinned
- DNA-78665 Create tests for new Private Mode page
- DNA-78690 Add message that a site will be saved in private mode
- DNA-79075 Magnifying glass icon missing from search field in settings
- DNA-79103 Saving link to bookmarks saves it to Other bookmarks folder
- DNA-79254 [linux] [gnome] Double “New window” button in Launcher bar
- DNA-79264 Enable flag on developer
- DNA-79383 Incorrect strings
- DNA-79415 ‘Don’t show again message’ overlaid with PM text
- DNA-79430 Add the information about VPN (as on the attached mockup)
- DNA-79487 Private window start page shown after “do not show again”
- DNA-79513 Crash at opera::BookmarksFavoriteCollection::MaybeRemoveFolder(bookmarks::BookmarkNode const*)
- DNA-79695 Link VPN promo to VPN help page
- DNA-79736 Add test for DNA-79695 update
- DNA-79753 Bookmark manager doesn’t open in private mode
- DNA-79777 Enable flag on all streams
- DNA-79881 Override search box style for Yandex
- DNA-79882 Control search box styling dynamically
- DNA-79893 Crash at opera::wallpapers::ResizeWallpaperPreview(opera::wallpapers::WallpaperResource const&, opera::wallpapers::WallpaperResourceRepositoryImpl::Size)
- DNA-79966 The $domain parameter of exceptions in the ad-blocking list is ignored
- DNA-80008 Fix to use icecc
- DNA-80009 Use lowercase for search country matching
- DNA-80121 Fix search toolbar on opera://extensions
63.0.3368.22 – 2019-08-05 blog post
- CHR-7466 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3833.0
- CHR-7490 Update chromium on desktop-stable-76-3368 to 76.0.3809.80
- DNA-74431 Resize preview images (thumbnails)
- DNA-76974 Crash at opera::FlowRequestManagerImpl::OnURLFetchComplete(opera::FlowRequestManagerImpl::ActiveRequest*, std::__1::unique_ptr)
- DNA-78224 Sidebar buttons for internal pages not working on internal pages
- DNA-79817 Wrong tab order after session restore
63.0.3368.17 – 2019-07-26 blog post
- CHR-7483 Update chromium on desktop-stable-76-3368 to 76.0.3809.71
- DNA-78385 [MacOS] Pinned communicators are not visible in full-screen mode
- DNA-78742 Crash at extensions::api::DeveloperPrivateSetShortcutHandlingSuspendedFunction::Run()
- DNA-78848 [Mac] Can not paste clipboard content into sidebar apps
- DNA-79000 ProcessManagerBrowserTest.* failing
- DNA-79208 Add proper headers for thumbnails
- DNA-79309 Crash at opera::AddressBarControllerImpl::RestoreTabAddressBarState(GURL const&, opera::FocusStateController::FocusState const&)
- DNA-79310 Crash at content::NotificationRegistrar::Remove(content::NotificationObserver*, int, content::NotificationSource const&)
- DNA-79361 Right navigation arrow of gallery not always loads when opening settings
- DNA-79522 [Win] Heart button popup in dark mode has white background
63.0.3368.14 – 2019-07-18 blog post
- CHR-7467 Update chromium on desktop-stable-76-3368 to 76.0.3809.46
- CHR-7477 Update chromium on desktop-stable-76-3368 to 76.0.3809.62
- DNA-78392 [Mac] Crash when trying to change theme in easy setup
- DNA-79205 [Mac] Dev tools in separate window – the bottom of the page isn’t visible
- DNA-79290 Reset to default Wallpaper when ProfileResetter is ran
- DNA-79354 Handle webcontents replacements in tab_strip
- DNA-79391 Show Easy Setup panel with API from welcome/upgrade page
- DNA-79434 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarErrorPage::BrowserSidebarErrorPage(content::WebContents*, Browser*, GURL const&)
- DNA-79440 Update Toolkit to version 0.63.0
- DNA-79489 [Mac] “Show warning before quitting with ⌘Q” flag is disabled after browser restart
63.0.3368.8 – 2019-07-11 blog post
- CHR-2879 Bookmarks sync using Chromium sync protocol.
- CHR-7242 Fix memory leaks in TtsControllerTest.
- CHR-7405 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3788.1
- CHR-7424 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3800.0
- CHR-7425 Add missing include to
- CHR-7437 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3809.12
- CHR-7444 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3809.25
- CHR-7465 Allow overridding NativeTheme color from ViewsDelegate
- DNA-63574 Atom 1.0 is not working
- DNA-70938 Crash on PrerenderBrowserTest.* browser tests
- DNA-75011 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewRemoving
- DNA-75308 [Mac] Icon refresh – Replace all default-visible icons on toolbar
- DNA-75726 Crash at opera::StartPagePreloadService::GetStartPage()
- DNA-75858 is not redirecting to
- DNA-76039 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnLastPageViewRemoved
- DNA-76669 UpdatePreparerImplTest fails randomly on buildbot
- DNA-77184 Dark theme error in Task manager (Opera 60-61)
- DNA-77252 Pre-fill auth cache with Freedom proxy credentials
- DNA-77323 Easy setup panel has black stripe on 4k display for some DPI settings and maximised window.
- DNA-77471 Whitelisted for built-in Adblocker
- DNA-77479 Split the rules read & decode in separate entities
- DNA-77578 [Mac] Crash at -[BookmarkFolderController showMenuForParentButton]
- DNA-77696 Bring back start-page preload service to stabilization branches
- DNA-77711 Remove usage of old themesPrivate API
- DNA-77795 Tabs font colour is too light [light mode]
- DNA-77821 Parse the specification file
- DNA-77837 Create expression parser using bison
- DNA-77858 News section display a tiny part of an article image
- DNA-77864 Quitting Opera shows ‘Close Window’ warning when quit warning is disabled
- DNA-77946 Create the hints service – update & read the hint specification file from the profile
- DNA-77962 Zombie received -currentTab
- DNA-78039 [Dark mode] Scroll bar on opera://flags is broken.
- DNA-78139 [Win/Lin] Gaps around plus button
- DNA-78152 Shadow on opera://settings page when scrolling down
- DNA-78159 Crash at opera::network_requests::NetworkRequestManagerImpl::EraseRequest(opera::network_requests::NetworkRequestManagerImpl::OngoingRequest*)
- DNA-78162 Shadow on opera://bookmarks page when scrolling down
- DNA-78166 [Win] Deny access and reload button doesn’t work
- DNA-78204 Unable to run Opera again after closing it with snapshot opened
- DNA-78252 Crash at opera::BrowserWindowCocoa::GetWebViewBounds() const
- DNA-78270 [Mac] Memory leak
- DNA-78272 Missing dependency on freedom/content/common
- DNA-78279 Options for personal news in settings are missing
- DNA-78285 [Mac] Dragging URL from Address Field to Bookmarks Bar Freezes Opera
- DNA-78290 Adapt CryptoWallet welcome / pairing page to Opera Touch for iOS
- DNA-78291 [Mac] Unable to move detached developer tool window
- DNA-78293 Implement user interface that shows user’s speed dials
- DNA-78296 Make speed dial suggestions the first suggestion in dropdown under conditions
- DNA-78300 Synchronize default certificate decision expiration policy with Chromium
- DNA-78305 Remove all SpeedDial extensions related code
- DNA-78306 Remove interstitial dialog leftovers
- DNA-78311 Confirm close dialog does not appear after discarding closing opera dialog
- DNA-78315 Refactor mnemonics code to avoid copying views::MenuButton
- DNA-78329 [CryptoWallet] Private key should not be stored in plain text nor being synced
- DNA-78336 Another flaky build dep in chrome_imports/ui/views/controls/combobox/
- DNA-78339 Missing build dependency after DNA-63788
- DNA-78342 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarErrorPage::~BrowserSidebarErrorPage()
- DNA-78346 Crash at service_manager::Main(service_manager::MainParams const&)
- DNA-78351 Button elements was changed to checkboxes
- DNA-78358 VK app in the sidebar – ENTER does not send the message
- DNA-78362 ‘Check failed: mtime_result’ during desktop_common_unittests
- DNA-78370 No-change build is not a no-op
- DNA-78380 Crash while clicking Manage passwords in the VK app on the side bar
- DNA-78393 Update Toolkit to version 0.62.0
- DNA-78395 Add browser test covering this feature
- DNA-78403 Crash at gfx::`anonymous namespace”::HSLImageSource::~HSLImageSource
- DNA-78406 Extensions overflow chevron appears after extension installation
- DNA-78422 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewMoved
- DNA-78423 Speed dial suggestions don’t work as intended on some speed dials
- DNA-78427 Jumbo build failure due to symbols redefinition in FAB code
- DNA-78444 Implement UI for removing tiles
- DNA-78447 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewPinned
- DNA-78454 Dark mode: VPN dialog – if off, toggle is back
- DNA-78473 Opera Portable (“USB”) loses settings and extensions after starting on other machines
- DNA-78478 Add whitelist support
- DNA-78480 [mac] Battery icon is emptied on wrong side
- DNA-78489 [Mac] desktop_browsertests timing out
- DNA-78490 Broken dependency in desktop/mac/opera_crash_handler/crash_handler
- DNA-78497 Crash at opera::AutoupdateBrowserTest::RunLogFileReleasedClosure()
- DNA-78502 Reload page button on toolbar doesn’t work on Mac
- DNA-78507 WebNavigationApiTest.TargetBlankIncognito fails
- DNA-78513 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewCollectionClearing
- DNA-78514 [Engine] Pinned tab is not on the first place after restart browser
- DNA-78522 Remove TestingTests
- DNA-78524 Use URLLoaderThrottle for renderer-initiated requests
- DNA-78525 Add crash reporter to Assistant and its installer
- DNA-78535 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewDeactivating
- DNA-78536 Do not show text shadow below tiles in the folder
- DNA-78541 Improve page load speed on Downloads page
- DNA-78543 [Mac] badge icons are blue in address bar
- DNA-78545 Snapshot Tool – adding text
- DNA-78547 Remove unused opera_components/utility directory
- DNA-78554 Incompatible browser
- DNA-78557 [Linux] OSCrypt is not initialized before being used in crypto wallet
- DNA-78571 O62 translations (06.06.2019)
- DNA-78575 [Win7] Arrows are not visible
- DNA-78579 Feedback popup – font is not visible
- DNA-78582 Make fix_deps preserve comments
- DNA-78600 [Settings] Clear browsing data section shifted
- DNA-78602 Build Chrome-branded ffmpeg in addition to Chromium-branded one
- DNA-78614 [MAC] Crash when closing browser with adblocker popup.
- DNA-78619 ThemeCreateRequestUtilsTest does use-after-free
- DNA-78657 FreedomProxyThrottleFactory::Throttle can attempt use-after-free of factory
- DNA-78658 Private mode – update information
- DNA-78667 Enable for developer
- DNA-78669 Snapshot Tool – add and rearrange buttons
- DNA-78671 prefers_color_scheme broken after chromium intake
- DNA-78672 Icon for SpeedDials doesn’t shows in Light mode
- DNA-78673 Opera opens with opera://startpage instead of Speed Dial
- DNA-78678 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewPreActivated
- DNA-78685 ‘Reload this page’ button is covered in red
- DNA-78687 Save a site in bookmarks bar as a default setting for new users
- DNA-78689 Hide Bookmarks Bar once the last bookmark is removed
- DNA-78691 Crash at gfx::SlideAnimation::GetCurrentValue() const when dragging tabs on Linux
- DNA-78697 Make Opera build and run with new_mac_bundle_structure
- DNA-78704 Use scrollable component for gallery
- DNA-78705 Show new gallery on Settings page
- DNA-78707 Bring back start-page preload service to master
- DNA-78708 Show spinner during installation
- DNA-78710 Use shared memory to store rules
- DNA-78712 The default Favicon in the bookmark bar in the private light mode looks bad
- DNA-78713 OpAuto GetCookie crashing brower
- DNA-78728 Make “size” an optional parameter for wallpaper preview urls
- DNA-78731 Fix risky path handling for downloaded notification data
- DNA-78735 (Re)align media_unittests with Chromium
- DNA-78736 (Re)align media-related content_browsertests with Chromium
- DNA-78738 Enable OpAuto tests involving proprietary codecs on Linux
- DNA-78740 Save as pdf does not work on sidebar’s pane
- DNA-78745 should not run automatically during op-format
- DNA-78748 Tailor wallpaper data
- DNA-78750 Extend API with “getRemote” method
- DNA-78755 Fix crashpad unittests and add to chromium_tests target
- DNA-78765 Clear Image cache on Bookmark’s updates
- DNA-78776 Opera crashes on restart clearing session
- DNA-78804 Snapshot Tool – add Neon-like animation on snap begin and cursor change
- DNA-78828 Missing dependency on opera_components/content_filter:mojo_bindings
- DNA-78829 Move translations from opera_strings to opera_components_strings
- DNA-78844 O62 string freeze [opera_strings]
- DNA-78845 O62 string freeze [product_free_strings]
- DNA-78850 POST method in custom Search Engines does not work
- DNA-78855 Amend “getSelected” API method to return full wallpaper data
- DNA-78871 Realign EncryptedMediaTest with Chromium
- DNA-78873 Can’t access Granblue Fantasy website
- DNA-78874 “Update available” is not readable in dark mode
- DNA-78877 MSE_Widevine/EncryptedMediaTest.Playback_VideoOnly_MP4/0 fails on Linux
- DNA-78882 Handle installing wallpapers by clicking “Add to Opera” button on
- DNA-78883 Add callback to so that WebUI knows when it’s done
- DNA-78910 [Opera News] lack of horizontal scrolling for news categories
- DNA-78913 Switch the flag on the Developer channel
- DNA-78921 Allow to use ES imports on Settings page
- DNA-78934 Handle settings Prefs reset to bring section view to default
- DNA-78979 Flags options are cut
- DNA-78983 columns misaligned in the Manage Search Engines in the opera://settings
- DNA-78994 Atom new feed keep loading
- DNA-79005 Wallpapers section only displays three wallpapers at the start
- DNA-79011 Browser crash while opening EasySetup in the private mode
- DNA-79014 Folder blinks when selecting different folders in opera://bookmarks
- DNA-79015 Unable to add own wallpaper
- DNA-79023 Selected icon rotating forever
- DNA-79030 Building master-next and then master causes the wrong toolchain to be used
- DNA-79032 Add browsertest for addonsPrivate API (using the wallpapers backend)
- DNA-79034 Selecting new wallpaper from “All wallpapers” duplicates thumbnail
- DNA-79035 Hovering wallpaper thumbnail doesn’t show label with title
- DNA-79039 Empty content of Wallpapers in Settings
- DNA-79043 Elements of wallpapers gallery not named in opaccessible
- DNA-79055 Remove #snap-edit-text-tool flag
- DNA-79057 ExternalExtensionPriorityTest.PolicyForegroundFetch fails randomly on buildbot
- DNA-79058 Update bookmark-related tests after DNA-78687
- DNA-79061 DownloadLedgerTest fails randomly on buildbot
- DNA-79064 Make sure throttles don’t access destroyed factory
- DNA-79065 Default text disappear while color change
- DNA-79066 After selecting the text and save snapshot background doesn’t disappear
- DNA-79067 Snapshot Tool – pressing “enter” should finish adding text
- DNA-79070 Add “installFromImage” method
- DNA-79073 Add data-id attribute to the wallpaper-thumbnail for opauto tests purpose
- DNA-79081 [Mac] Adding/removing elements from sidebar makes it broken
- DNA-79086 Make blur in the snapshot tools more blurry
- DNA-79087 Indication that you shouldn’t edit the area around the snap
- DNA-79088 Add highlight tool in the snapshot window
- DNA-79092 Fix instability caused by TestingProfile teardown within ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness
- DNA-79099 [Mac] Empty bookmarks bar remains visible after adding bookmark to location other than bookmarks bar
- DNA-79102 Make AU to be always server IPC endpoint when new AU logic is enabled
- DNA-79106 Crash at base::Value::RemoveKey(base::BasicStringPiece)
- DNA-79110 Pop up AU version in AU HTTP request user agent
- DNA-79117 ASAN builds fail with heap-buffer-overflow in
- DNA-79138 Broken dependency on theme_reborn3_generated
- DNA-79153 Replace VPN icon with a bigger one
- DNA-79165 Append upload_context.request_type to the sessions schema
- DNA-79178 Crypto Wallet welcome/pairing page – string modification
- DNA-79199 Crash when enabling malware list in Ad Blocker
- DNA-79210 Sidebar shortcuts<>right click on start page are not synchronized until page refresh
- DNA-79229 Translation: Crypto Wallet welcome/pairing page – string modification [PL, DE, RU]
- DNA-79234 Crash at extensions::(anonymous namespace)::WallpaperIdToString(opera::wallpapers::WallpaperID const&)
- DNA-79237 Fix minor bugs in Snap tool onboarding animation
- DNA-79238 Don’t show again checkbox won’t work
- DNA-79241 Wrong title in Private window tab
- DNA-79258 chrome://wallpapers/* WebUI access forbidden with network service
- DNA-79272 Enable #crypto-wallet-ios-instructions on O63
- DNA-79287 Set channel of desktop-stable-76-3368 to “beta”
- DNA-79289 Ensure ThemeService doesn’t start when kFeatureWallpapersApi is enabled
- DNA-79291 Enable “wallpapers-api” everywhere
- DNA-79311 Old style theme file not loaded
- DNA-79319 Incorrect definition of declarativeNetRequestFeedback for beta channel (in APIs unittests for desktop-stable-76-3368)
- DNA-79327 Inconsitency between _api_features.json and api_availability_unittests for wallpapersPrivate API
63.0.3367.0 – 2019-07-03 blog post
- DNA-70938 Crash on PrerenderBrowserTest.* browser tests
- DNA-76669 UpdatePreparerImplTest fails randomly on buildbot
- DNA-77184 Dark theme error in Task manager (Opera 60-61)
- DNA-77711 Remove usage of old themesPrivate API
- DNA-78305 Remove all SpeedDial extensions related code
- DNA-78342 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarErrorPage::~BrowserSidebarErrorPage()
- DNA-78358 VK app in the sidebar – ENTER does not send the message
- DNA-78478 Add whitelist support
- DNA-78525 Add crash reporter to Assistant and its installer
- DNA-78657 FreedomProxyThrottleFactory::Throttle can attempt use-after-free of factory
- DNA-78658 Private mode – update information
- DNA-78710 Use shared memory to store rules
- DNA-78804 Snapshot Tool – add Neon-like animation on snap begin and cursor change
- DNA-78882 Handle installing wallpapers by clicking “Add to Opera” button on
- DNA-78994 Atom new feed keep loading
- DNA-79015 Unable to add own wallpaper
- DNA-79032 Add browsertest for addonsPrivate API (using the wallpapers backend)
- DNA-79035 Hovering wallpaper thumbnail doesn’t show label with title
- DNA-79039 Empty content of Wallpapers in Settings
- DNA-79043 Elements of wallpapers gallery not named in opaccessible
- DNA-79055 Remove #snap-edit-text-tool flag
- DNA-79057 ExternalExtensionPriorityTest.PolicyForegroundFetch fails randomly on buildbot
- DNA-79058 Update bookmark-related tests after DNA-78687
- DNA-79061 DownloadLedgerTest fails randomly on buildbot
- DNA-79064 Make sure throttles don’t access destroyed factory
- DNA-79065 Default text disappear while color change
- DNA-79066 After selecting the text and save snapshot background doesn’t disappear
- DNA-79067 Snapshot Tool – pressing “enter” should finish adding text
- DNA-79070 Add “installFromImage” method
- DNA-79073 Add data-id attribute to the wallpaper-thumbnail for opauto tests purpose
- DNA-79081 [Mac] Adding/removing elements from sidebar makes it broken
- DNA-79086 Make blur in the snapshot tools more blurry
- DNA-79087 Indication that you shouldn’t edit the area around the snap
- DNA-79088 Add highlight tool in the snapshot window
- DNA-79092 Fix instability caused by TestingProfile teardown within ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness
- DNA-79099 [Mac] Empty bookmarks bar remains visible after adding bookmark to location other than bookmarks bar
- DNA-79102 Make AU to be always server IPC endpoint when new AU logic is enabled
- DNA-79106 Crash at base::Value::RemoveKey(base::BasicStringPiece)
- DNA-79110 Pop up AU version in AU HTTP request user agent
- DNA-79117 ASAN builds fail with heap-buffer-overflow in
- DNA-79153 Replace VPN icon with a bigger one
- DNA-79165 Append upload_context.request_type to the sessions schema
- DNA-79178 Crypto Wallet welcome/pairing page – string modification
- DNA-79199 Crash when enabling malware list in Ad Blocker
- DNA-79210 Sidebar shortcuts<>right click on start page are not synchronized until page refresh
63.0.3359.0 – 2019-06-25 blog post
- DNA-63574 Atom 1.0 is not working
- DNA-77323 Easy setup panel has black stripe on 4k display for some DPI settings and maximised window.
- DNA-77471 Whitelisted for built-in Adblocker
- DNA-78139 [Win/Lin] Gaps around plus button
- DNA-78497 Crash at opera::AutoupdateBrowserTest::RunLogFileReleasedClosure()
- DNA-78507 WebNavigationApiTest.TargetBlankIncognito fails
- DNA-78545 Snapshot Tool – adding text
- DNA-78575 [Win7] Arrows are not visible
- DNA-78600 [Settings] Clear browsing data section shifted
- DNA-78687 Save a site in bookmarks bar as a default setting for new users
- DNA-78689 Hide Bookmarks Bar once the last bookmark is removed
- DNA-78704 Use scrollable component for gallery
- DNA-78705 Show new gallery on Settings page
- DNA-78708 Show spinner during installation
- DNA-78713 OpAuto GetCookie crashing brower
- DNA-78731 Fix risky path handling for downloaded notification data
- DNA-78755 Fix crashpad unittests and add to chromium_tests target
- DNA-78873 Can’t access Granblue Fantasy website
- DNA-78883 Add callback to so that WebUI knows when it’s done
- DNA-78910 [Opera News] lack of horizontal scrolling for news categories
- DNA-78913 Switch the flag on the Developer channel
- DNA-78934 Handle settings Prefs reset to bring section view to default
- DNA-78979 Flags options are cut
- DNA-78983 columns misaligned in the Manage Search Engines in the opera://settings
- DNA-79005 Wallpapers section only displays three wallpapers at the start
- DNA-79011 Browser crash while opening EasySetup in the private mode
- DNA-79014 Blink when selecting different folders in opera://bookmarks
- DNA-79023 Selected icon rotating forever
- DNA-79030 Building master-next and then master causes the wrong toolchain to be used
- DNA-79034 Selecting new wallpaper from “All wallpapers” duplicates thumbnail
63.0.3353.0 – 2019-06-19 blog post
- DNA-79558 Add database for continue shopping feature
- CHR-7437 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3809.12
- CHR-7444 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3809.25
- DNA-78204 Unable to run Opera again after closing it with snapshot opened
- DNA-78272 Missing dependency on freedom/content/common
- DNA-78351 Button elements was changed to checkboxes
- DNA-78554 Incompatible browser
- DNA-78669 Snapshot Tool – add and rearrange buttons
- DNA-78673 Opera opens with opera://startpage instead of Speed Dial
- DNA-78685 ‘Reload this page’ button is covered in red
- DNA-78691 Crash at gfx::SlideAnimation::GetCurrentValue() const when dragging tabs on Linux
- DNA-78697 Make Opera build and run with new_mac_bundle_structure
- DNA-78735 (Re)align media_unittests with Chromium
- DNA-78736 (Re)align media-related content_browsertests with Chromium
- DNA-78738 Enable OpAuto tests involving proprietary codecs on Linux
- DNA-78740 Save as pdf does not work on sidebar’s pane
- DNA-78748 Tailor wallpaper data
- DNA-78750 Extend API with “getRemote” method
- DNA-78834 Fix keychain_reauthorizer for new_mac_bundle_structure
- DNA-78845 O62 string freeze [product_free_strings]
- DNA-78850 POST method in custom Search Engines does not work
- DNA-78855 Amend “getSelected” API method to return full wallpaper data
- DNA-78868 Add verification step to prevent packaging wrong FFmpeg build
- DNA-78871 Realign EncryptedMediaTest with Chromium
- DNA-78874 “Update available” is not readable in dark mode
- DNA-78877 MSE_Widevine/EncryptedMediaTest.Playback_VideoOnly_MP4/0 fails on Linux
- DNA-78921 Allow to use ES imports on Settings page
63.0.3349.0 – 2019-06-14 blog post
- DNA-75726 Crash at opera::StartPagePreloadService::GetStartPage()
- DNA-77696 Bring back start-page preload service to stabilization branches
- DNA-77946 Create the hints service – update & read the hint specification file from the profile
- DNA-78311 Confirm close dialog does not appear after discarding closing opera dialog
- DNA-78454 Dark mode: VPN dialog – if off, toggle is back
- DNA-78473 Opera Portable (“USB”) loses settings and extensions after starting on other machines
- DNA-78524 Use URLLoaderThrottle for renderer-initiated requests
- DNA-78571 O62 translations (06.06.2019)
- DNA-78579 Feedback popup – font is not visible
- DNA-78602 Build Chrome-branded ffmpeg in addition to Chromium-branded one
- DNA-78672 Icon for SpeedDials doesn’t shows in Light mode
- DNA-78707 Bring back start-page preload service to master
- DNA-78712 The default Favicon in the bookmark bar in the private light mode looks bad
- DNA-78728 Make “size” an optional parameter for wallpaper preview urls
- DNA-78745 should not run automatically during op-format
- DNA-78748 Tailor wallpaper data
- DNA-78765 Clear Image cache on Bookmark’s updates
- DNA-78776 Opera crashes on restart clearing session
- DNA-78778 Remove –ffmpeg-preload-mode
- DNA-78797 Remove –enable-proprietary-media-types-playback
- DNA-78828 Missing dependency on opera_components/content_filter:mojo_bindings
- DNA-78829 Move translations from opera_strings to opera_components_strings
- DNA-78844 O62 string freeze [opera_strings]
63.0.3347.0 – 2019-06-12 blog post
- CHR-7242 Fix memory leaks in TtsControllerTest.
- CHR-7424 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3800.0
- DNA-75858 is not redirecting to
- DNA-77479 Split the rules read & decode in separate entities
- DNA-77578 [Mac] Crash at -[BookmarkFolderController showMenuForParentButton]
- DNA-77795 Tabs font colour is too light [light mode]
- DNA-77837 Create expression parser using bison
- DNA-77864 Quitting Opera shows ‘Close Window’ warning when quit warning is disabled
- DNA-77962 Zombie received -currentTab
- DNA-78039 [Dark mode] Scroll bar on opera://flags is broken.
- DNA-78270 [Mac] Memory leak
- DNA-78290 Adapt CryptoWallet welcome / pairing page to Opera Touch for iOS
- DNA-78293 Implement user interface that shows user’s speed dials
- DNA-78315 Refactor mnemonics code to avoid copying views::MenuButton
- DNA-78329 [CryptoWallet] Private key should not be stored in plain text nor being synced
- DNA-78403 Crash at gfx::`anonymous namespace”::HSLImageSource::~HSLImageSource
- DNA-78406 Extensions overflow chevron appears after extension installation
- DNA-78480 [mac] Battery icon is emptied on wrong side
- DNA-78490 Broken dependency in desktop/mac/opera_crash_handler/crash_handler
- DNA-78502 Reload page button on toolbar doesn’t work on Mac
- DNA-78513 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewCollectionClearing
- DNA-78535 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewDeactivating
- DNA-78536 Do not show text shadow below tiles in the folder
- DNA-78541 Improve page load speed on Downloads page
- DNA-78543 [Mac] badge icons are blue in address bar
- DNA-78547 Remove unused opera_components/utility directory
- DNA-78557 [Linux] OSCrypt is not initialized before being used in crypto wallet
- DNA-78575 [Win7] Arrows are not visible
- DNA-78582 Make fix_deps preserve comments
- DNA-78614 [MAC] Crash when closing browser with adblocker popup.
- DNA-78619 ThemeCreateRequestUtilsTest does use-after-free
- DNA-78655 Tiles are center aligned after the most recent intake
- DNA-78667 Enable for developer
- DNA-78671 prefers_color_scheme broken after chromium intake
- DNA-78678 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewPreActivated
63.0.3340.0 – 2019-06-05 blog post
- CHR-7405 Update chromium on master to 76.0.3788.1
- CHR-7425 Add missing include to
- DNA-75011 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewRemoving
- DNA-75308 [Mac] Icon refresh – Replace all default-visible icons on toolbar
- DNA-76039 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnLastPageViewRemoved
- DNA-77252 Pre-fill auth cache with Freedom proxy credentials
- DNA-77821 Parse the specification file
- DNA-77858 News section display a tiny part of an article image
- DNA-78152 Shadow on opera://settings page when scrolling down
- DNA-78159 Crash at opera::network_requests::NetworkRequestManagerImpl::EraseRequest(opera::network_requests::NetworkRequestManagerImpl::OngoingRequest*)
- DNA-78162 Shadow on opera://bookmarks page when scrolling down
- DNA-78166 [Win] Deny access and reload button doesn’t work
- DNA-78252 Crash at opera::BrowserWindowCocoa::GetWebViewBounds() const
- DNA-78272 Missing dependency on freedom/content/common
- DNA-78279 Options for personal news in settings are missing
- DNA-78285 [Mac] Dragging URL from Address Field to Bookmarks Bar Freezes Opera
- DNA-78291 [Mac] Unable to move detached developer tool window
- DNA-78296 Make speed dial suggestions the first suggestion in dropdown under conditions
- DNA-78300 Synchronize default certificate decision expiration policy with Chromium
- DNA-78306 Remove interstitial dialog leftovers
- DNA-78329 [CryptoWallet] Private key should not be stored in plain text nor being synced
- DNA-78336 Another flaky build dep in chrome_imports/ui/views/controls/combobox/
- DNA-78339 Missing build dependency after DNA-63788
- DNA-78346 Crash at service_manager::Main(service_manager::MainParams const&)
- DNA-78362 ‘Check failed: mtime_result’ during desktop_common_unittests
- DNA-78370 No-change build is not a no-op
- DNA-78393 Update Toolkit to version 0.62.0
- DNA-78395 Add browser test covering this feature
- DNA-78422 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewMoved
- DNA-78423 Speed dial suggestions don’t work as intended on some speed dials
- DNA-78447 Remove PageViewCollectionObserver::OnPageViewPinned
- DNA-78489 [Mac] desktop_browsertests timing out
- DNA-78514 [Engine] Pinned tab is not on the first place after restart browser
- DNA-78522 Remove TestingTests