Opera 104.0.4944.10 beta update

Hey there!
Exciting news! We’ve just released the latest beta update for Opera version 104.0.4944.10. In this update, we’ve focused on fixing a couple of visual bugs that our users have brought to our attention.
We’ve fixed the displacement of OMenu text. We’ve noticed that the text seems to be shifted to the right without any indentation.
There also have been instances where the extension icon is not shown as intended. We’ve made the necessary adjustments to ensure everything looks perfect.
If you’re curious about all the changes and fixes in this update, you can find the complete changelog here.
Ready to dive into the new enhancements? You can download the beta version right away! Be one of the first to explore the exciting improvements we’ve made.
Stay tuned for more updates, and happy browsing with Opera!
Installation links:
- Opera beta for Windows (By using the Opera beta for Windows installer, you accept the Opera for Computers EULA)
- Opera beta for macOS
- Opera beta for Linux – deb packages
- Opera beta for Linux – RPM packages
- Opera beta for Linux – snap package