O35 initial release

Even though this version is technically O34, we are already in O35 cycle. Public developer versions will be upgraded to O35 next week, together with chromium version.
Since “winter is coming”, we are preparing for it. In the Opera 35 cycle we are working on:
- Simple settings section – so that the most common settings are all together on one page,
- Further downloads improvements – Opera should ask you if you really want to close it and stop currently ongoing download,
- Sync – annoying duplicates creation should finally be solved in this cycle,
- Easier way to turn bookmarks bar on/off. Currently this setting is so hidden that many users complain we don’t have bookmarks bar at all,
- Something we internally call “Mute me baby” – a way to easily kill annoying sound from the browser,
- Addressbar on-click UI suggestions – add a way to display only speed dials there,
- And last but not least – move News to Speed Dial – place News below the SD tiles. This is initial version, there are UI glitches and lack of your own sources addition. You can expect more enhancements to come.
We do not promise that any of this will hit final in O35, or hit it ever at all. Some of these are already turned on by default in this developer release, some are behind the opera:flags, and some are available only as whiteboards mockups.
Go explore and share your feedback with us.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows
- Opera developer for Mac
- Opera developer for 32-bit Linux
- Opera developer for 64-bit Linux
Changelog: Full changelog link