See Opera News Hub’s Top Performing Articles and Writers For November with Cash Rewards and more

Following the launch of Opera News Hub and two successful rounds of revenue payment to writers on the user generated content platform, the names of the top contributors and top performing articles for November 2019 is now available to the public. All the writers featured on the list will each receive the sum of $100 as a reward for their outstanding performance.
According to Bayo Olupohonda, Editor-in-Chief for Opera News, “We are very pleased with the commitment of the Opera News Hub contributors, we hope that this gesture to reward quality and performance will encourage more creators to submit their best at all times. On our end we promise to remain committed to supporting the Nigerian writing ecosystem with every resource at our disposal”. Here are the featured reward categories for November 2019.
Writer of the Month
This award is presented to the writer with the most traffic and engagement bonus for the month. This category is only open to unsigned writers. Reward: $100

Editor’s Pick
This award is presented to the top 10 writers of the best quality articles for the month as determined by the office of the Editor-in-Chief. This category is open to both signed and unsigned writers. Reward: $100 per writer.

Most Published
This award is presented to the top 10 writers with the most number of submitted articles for the month. This category is only open to unsigned writers. Reward: $100 per writer.

Most Clicked
This award is presented to the top 10 writers of the articles that attracted the most clicks for the month, excluding topics that focus on sex in an explicit format. This category is only open to unsigned writers. Reward: $100 per writer.

Didn’t make the list? Try joining the Opera News Hub Wrap Up contest, a writing competition with cash reward valued at over N750,000, entries close on 20th Jan 2020. See details below.