Changelog for 103

103.0.4928.34 – 2023-10-16 blog post
- DNA-110676 [Mac] Sidebar panel shadow pushes panel down
- DNA-111680 Fix highlight of bookmarks bar folder elements
- DNA-111703 O icon moves upon opening menu
- DNA-111883 [Address bar] Hover effect on page is placed too high
- DNA-111940 OMenu text displaced to the right without any indentation
- DNA-112118 Crash at history::URLDatabase::CreateContinueOnIndexIfNeeded(std::__Cr::vector)
103.0.4928.26 – 2023-10-09 blog post
- CHR-9416 Updating Chromium on desktop-stable-* branches
- DNA-111681 Disappearing icons of bookmarks bar folders elements
- DNA-112020 Enable #address-bar-dropdown-cities on all streams
103.0.4928.16 – 2023-10-03 blog post
- CHR-9416 Updating Chromium on desktop-stable-* branches
- CHR-9449 Update Chromium on desktop-stable-117-4928 to 117.0.5938.132
- DNA-110337 Opera Intro extension – custom versions
- DNA-111454 Player animations visual adjustments
- DNA-111618 Turn on #password-generator on all streams
- DNA-111645 Turn on flag #player-service-react on developer stream
- DNA-111682 [Mac] Splash screen shows two times when Aria extension is not installed
- DNA-111683 [Mac] Onboarding very slow after first installation.
- DNA-111708 Player home page is shown while music service is being loaded
- DNA-111722 [Tab strip][Tab island] Add tab in tab island button appears after size of tabs is changed
- DNA-111727 JsonPrefStore is created twice for Local State file
- DNA-111838 Promote 103.0 to stable
- DNA-111845 Turn on flag #player-service-react on all streams
- DNA-111868 Translations for O103
- DNA-111874 OMenu and Context Menus has transparent few px border
103.0.4928.3 – 2023-09-20 blog post
- DNA-111641 Promote 103 to beta
103.0.4928.0 – 2023-09-19 blog post
- CHR-9407 Update Chromium on master to 117.0.5938.0
- DNA-11221 Deleting search query in inline find toolbar and typing it again will cause next occurence of the matching word highlighted ☣
- DNA-103594 Remove SecKeychainFindInternetPassword usage from autoupdate code
- DNA-104490 [Suggestions] Option to set up custom image for folder
- DNA-105016 Do not open file selector when closing easy files dialog with ‘close this popup’ option
- DNA-106596 Disable ‘reset’ button until there is no effect
- DNA-107234 Move services into service layer
- DNA-107743 Enable feature flag #platform-h264-decoder-in-gpu by default on all channels
- DNA-108167 show 2FA code input page
- DNA-110026 Auth: don’t delay token cache queries
- DNA-110310 Draggin tab can cause scrollbar to appear even when there isn’t enough tabs for it to show
- DNA-110690 Unable to drag top frame of browser’s window
- DNA-110741 Remove the yahoo search template in JP
- DNA-110787 [Tab strip] Close button not available on meeting tab with minimal width
- DNA-111123 [Opera account] User icon not displayed immediately after logging in
- DNA-111209 The “switchingToNewStartPage” event is sent on switching to existing tabs
- DNA-111226 Remove change for #address-bar-categories-customization feature
- DNA-111227 Start Page refreshed when second tab is opened
- DNA-111280 Import from Crypto Browser to Opera Browser
- DNA-111294 Drag and drop tab island to an existing window
- DNA-111314 Implement design refresh for wallet selector
- DNA-111340 Prepare browser.js for new chrome extension shop
- DNA-111369 Crash at views::View::DoRemoveChildView(views::View*, bool, bool, views::View*)
- DNA-111385 Remove outdated AB tests
- DNA-111387 [Start page] Strange effect on SD hover after opening other SD in background tab
- DNA-111389 Crash when dragging tab island to create a new window
- DNA-111408 Create API for triggering Pinboards popup WP1
- DNA-111432 Fix looks of tiles in ‘Add a speed dial’ panel
- DNA-111441 [adblock] “Turn off for this page” is not working
- DNA-111443 Divide TileView into small components
- DNA-111446 Find a way to speed up history query
- DNA-111451 Add Context menu to copy/paste URL from SD dialog page
- DNA-111465 Add feature flag #component-based-tab-cycler
- DNA-111472 Enable #aria-command-line-react on developer
- DNA-111473 Enable flag #address-bar-dropdown-react on all streams
- DNA-111492 Unify Tile click handling logic
- DNA-111494 Experiment with ‘show from X’ command in Aria web command line
- DNA-111498 Implement design refresh for wallet selector – highlighting
- DNA-111520 Fix implementation of scrollable list animations in GX
- DNA-111524 [Win] Chromium builds fail to compile
- DNA-111533 Crash at static void base::ObserverList::AddObserver(class AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel::Observer*)
- DNA-111537 [macOS] Sidebar panel Developer Tools panel is cut
- DNA-111538 All new open windows don`t have a close button ‘x’ in the right upper corner.
- DNA-111541 Define token scopes in extension manifest
- DNA-111544 Use continue-on query for continue booking
- DNA-111554 Fix News placeholders and design
- DNA-111558 Inconsistent padding between header and tiles
- DNA-111559 Extend getAccessToken with scopes
- DNA-111580 Unify PL translations of the word “cookie(s)”
- DNA-111589 Loupe icon in search box is too small
- DNA-111606 Add getUserData()
103.0.4920.0 – 2023-09-11 blog post
- CHR-9374 Update Chromium on master to 117.0.5897.3
- DNA-11370 CAT: xaa796604:: ::do_free_with_callback
- DNA-103337 Rollback
- DNA-104925 Implement receiving subscriptions updates with the FCM push notification
- DNA-107203 [WinLin] DCHECK on PrintScreen
- DNA-107234 Move services into service layer
- DNA-107637 Make sidebar setting in Easy Setup translateable
- DNA-107670 Remove courgette support from autoupdate diffs
- DNA-107814 Not possible to close inactive tab on touchscreen
- DNA-108951 Reuse MFTIME utilities introduced upstream
- DNA-109328 Assertion failure in tiling_data.h when resizing PiP window
- DNA-109860 Have Chrome-specific graphics driver optimizations apply to Opera
- DNA-110101 [Linux] Maximize/restore button does not work properly
- DNA-110199 Assertion failure in when opening link in new tab
- DNA-110216 [Sidebar] Straight lines instead of rounded corners
- DNA-110248 Open bookmark from StartPage with Ctrl+Shift should jump to a new Tab
- DNA-110321 Add performance test to check amount of Layout() calls
- DNA-110496 NOTREACHED in
- DNA-110527 [Mac] Disable changing AB buttons foreground color on hover
- DNA-110539 [LIN] Crash at content::WebContentsImpl::GetLastCommittedURL()
- DNA-110545 Implement “An update is available” dialog
- DNA-110552 [Workspaces] closing last tab in workspace in second window does not open workspace with tabs in that window
- DNA-110591 [Mac][Context menu] Context menu disappearing if option is hovered over immediately after opening menu
- DNA-110656 [TabStrip] Memory leak for tab group
- DNA-110690 Unable drag top frame of browser’s window
- DNA-110772 [Mac][Sidebar] Horizontal line at between title main component
- DNA-110785 Crash at static void base::allocator::UnretainedDanglingRawPtrDetectedDumpWithoutCrashing(unsigned __int64)
- DNA-110795 [WinLin][Tab strip] Search tabs button is too high
- DNA-110824 [mac] The Opera browser is closed after last tab on workspace is closed
- DNA-110828 Update build
- DNA-110875 Drag and drop island to a new Window
- DNA-110886 Remove code paths never taken on macOS 10.15 or newer from media patch
- DNA-110894 Turn #component-based-scrollbar on developer
- DNA-110927 Crash after switching from myFlow to Snapshot
- DNA-110930 Capture mouse events on the 1-pixel edge for DevTools
- DNA-110935 ChatSonic colors are unreadable in Dark Mode
- DNA-110944 displays wrong reports
- DNA-110973 Crash after dragging tab from island to another screen
- DNA-111026 [Mac] Implement smooth round corners on web view
- DNA-111034 Dynamic icon does not look good in edit-tile-modal
- DNA-111035 Removal custom-image should restore dynamic icon
- DNA-111043 [Tab strip] Dragged tab is lower on tab strip after being dragged away and back to tab strip
- DNA-111044 Sort out threaded SW H.264 encoding with OpenH264
- DNA-111047 [Tab strip] Make hover tooltip rounder
- DNA-111048 [Tab strip] Make close tab button rounder
- DNA-111059 Prepare packaging and scripts for using poetry on goth
- DNA-111063 Start page favicon in a new style
- DNA-111066 Crash at base::FeatureChecker::IsFeatureEnabled(base::BasicStringPiece) const
- DNA-111076 [Windows] System buttons are not rounded when clicked
- DNA-111079 Improve user-profile migration
- DNA-111087 [E-]AC-3 decoder tests fail on some machines
- DNA-111097 Implement new colors for scrollbar without breaking Opera on any platform
- DNA-111099 [ReactDropdown] Add HTML ID/class for tests
- DNA-111100 Create web version of the command line interface
- DNA-111101 Show web version of command line instead of native
- DNA-111144 Enable a new version of the extension.
- DNA-111160 PasswordManagerUITest.SettingsSection failing
- DNA-111162 Refresh Player home page
- DNA-111164 Implement animation in Player home page
- DNA-111168 Animation on hover and click of tiles
- DNA-111177 [Start page] Letter in SD is black on light wallpaper
- DNA-111178 [Tab strip] Update hover tooltip to match design
- DNA-111192 content_browsertests.All/DumpAccessibilityTreeTest cause endless loop on Goth
- DNA-111199 Disable user_education tests from component_unittests
- DNA-111203 Prepare translations for home button in settings
- DNA-111204 Implement command line logic in web version
- DNA-111206 Installation of Chrome extensions in Opera should be possible from the new Chrome’s WebStore
- DNA-111216 Crash at TabStripModel::SetTabNeedsAttentionAt(int, bool)
- DNA-111219 [ReactDropdown] Missing tooltips for Feedback and Settings buttons in address bar dropdown
- DNA-111225 [Address bar] Update icon on internal pages
- DNA-111228 Fix context menu for folder view
- DNA-111229 Prompts are displayed too close to each other
- DNA-111230 Fix context menu for weather corner
- DNA-111231 Amazon Music logo update – sidebar
- DNA-111251 Animation on hover and click of tiles not working for Suggestions and Continue on
- DNA-111253 MediaCanPlayTypeTest.CodecSupportTest_Mp4aVariants breaks thread restrictions
- DNA-111255 Update signing script after CHR-9374
- DNA-111260 Random crash in media::VideoFrame::PlaneSizeInSamples()
- DNA-111262 Preload web version of command line
- DNA-111263 Tab island animation incorrect when tabstrip full
- DNA-111265 Fix size of dynamic icon in a folder tile
- DNA-111266 Extensions page options are not displayed properly
- DNA-111267 Clean up Wallpaper component
- DNA-111270 WMFVideoEncoder::ChangeOptions() randomly fails
- DNA-111277 Right click on Rate Opera opens context menu and popup
- DNA-111289 Add Tiles tab to the Design System page
- DNA-111292 Enable #password-generator by default on developer stream
- DNA-111299 [Mac] Popup browser window address bar clipped on top
- DNA-111310 Add tab commands experiment to web version of Command Line
- DNA-111312 Pass information to CA about product line
- DNA-111313 Add run-time feature flag for wallet selector
- DNA-111322 Only show splash screen on major version update
- DNA-111331 Can’t generate adblocker_rules due to changed structure of Disconnect list
- DNA-111332 Arrow pointing to the highlighted text is blurred
- DNA-111337 Video pop-out stays on screen when original site with video is gone
- DNA-111346 Add data-url value for tile
- DNA-111348 Update browser tests
- DNA-111352 Tile click+Ctrl -> 2 new tabs or click+Shift -> 2 new windows
- DNA-111353 Make + button on Start page animated
- DNA-111355 [Sidebar] DevTools is not working correctly in with sidebar panel
- DNA-111357 doesn’t work in Opera
- DNA-111358 Update legal documents cache to match those at
- DNA-111360 Sunsetting the News Experiment
- DNA-111364 Update User Agent strings for sitepreferences
- DNA-111378 Move Tile component to Styleguide
- DNA-111379 Decouple Tile from animation dependencies
- DNA-111382 Crash at ui::Shadow::UpdateShadowAppearance()
- DNA-111384 Continue on Tiles doesn’t open new tab
- DNA-111402 [ReactDropdown] Settings button should not be available in filtered dropdown
- DNA-111413 [ReactDropdown] Unable to cycle through suggestions in dropdown using PageUp/PageDown/Tab
- DNA-111417 Crash at opera::component_based::TabAnimationController::StartAnimatedLayout(opera::component_based::TabAnimationController::AnimationInfo, base::OnceCallback)
- DNA-111418 [Speed Dials] Animation not working for Continue on
- DNA-111420 Update continue on link for euro rtv agd
- DNA-111440 Crash at opera::component_based::ComponentTabBar::GetActiveTab()
- DNA-111442 Convert Color library to ES Modules
- DNA-111470 Add a hidden flag for commands feature
103.0.4906.0 – 2023-08-29 blog post
- DNA-103341 Adapt Browser Assistant
- DNA-103648 Adapt password generator UI to Opera designs
- DNA-108982 Return Promise from supply2fa
- DNA-109397 [Tab island] Clicking on tab island handle twice fast enough selects first tab in island
- DNA-109498 Splash screen is shown on every restart of the browser
- DNA-109767 Add “Create new tab in island” to tab island handle context menu
- DNA-110073 Add AC-3, EC-3 support to ATAudioDecoder
- DNA-110130 Capture mouse events on the 1-pixel edge to the right of the web view
- DNA-110200 Sites from speed dial open as islands
- DNA-110396 [Mac] Tabs from closed tab island do not appear in history
- DNA-110487 [Start page] SpeedDial opens in wrong tab index when using Ctrl+Shift+left click
- DNA-110534 Tab strip expands for a moment when opening Top Site suggestion in another workspace
- DNA-110588 Create new screen to select extra speed dials
- DNA-110631 AB test mechanism for Speed Dial
- DNA-110669 duplicated hints on system buttons
- DNA-110720 [Sidebar] Sidebar app increase size every time it’s reopened
- DNA-110725 [Address bar] Adress bar buttons and extensions cut when window width is too low
- DNA-110730 Fix VS Code strict type errors
- DNA-110788 No 1-pixel edge in full screen mode
- DNA-110823 Uninstallation Survey Countries
- DNA-110828 Update build
- DNA-110829 Setting chromium SIDs sometimes fails during upgrade.
- DNA-110842 [Tab strip] Make ‘+’ button round(er) again
- DNA-110863 [Mac] Sharp corners on web view
- DNA-110873 URL pasted to address bar is searched instead of navigated
- DNA-110874 Bring back Home button
- DNA-110876 Search box on Start page without transparency
- DNA-110881 Scroll bar doesn’t change color in dark mode
- DNA-110891 [Bookmarks Bar] Bookmarks tiles are cut off after an update
- DNA-110892 Translations for O102
- DNA-110905 Amazon Music for all given locales
- DNA-110947 Remove PrependRuleToBypassNonUniqueHostnames()
- DNA-110952 Crash at base::subtle::RefCountedBase::ReleaseImpl() const
- DNA-110961 [WinLin] Remove 1-pixel edge in full screen mode
- DNA-110962 Fix ab_tests.json preferences override not working
- DNA-110963 [Mac] Remove 1-pixel margin in full screen mode without toolbars
- DNA-110968 Downloads pin does not appear when a download has been cancelled
- DNA-111030 [Mac] Web view has 4-pixel bottom margin in full screen with toolbar mode
- DNA-111031 Address bar dropdown icons layed over when width changed
- DNA-111037 [Win] Sharp corners on web view
- DNA-111039 Add #memory-saver feature flag
- DNA-111040 Reenable performance page in settings when #memory-saver is enabled
- DNA-111060 Fix branch detection in input_analyzer
103.0.4899.0 – 2023-08-21 blog post
- DNA-107742 Enable feature flag #platform-h264-decoder-in-gpu by default on developer
- DNA-109937 Crash at opera::ComponentTabStripController::SetGroupCollapsed(tab_groups::TabGroupId const&, bool)
- DNA-110114 Crash at sync_preferences::PrefModelAssociator::OnPrefValueChanged(std::Cr::basic_string const&)
- DNA-110205 “Corruption detected” in video_handler extension
- DNA-110366 [QA] Test TestAriaChatViewUserInput.testAriaUserInputPressEnterKey of type opauto failed on goth with status error
- DNA-110443 Debug crash at EasyFilesView::ShowFileSelector
- DNA-110515 Window buttons not displayed properly on hover
- DNA-110532 [Address bar] Switch to Tab highlight does not apply to arrow
- DNA-110633 Aria doesn’t open after sending a prompt through CommandLine when sidebar is disabled
- DNA-110660 [AdBlock] Some ads are blocked with AA enabled
- DNA-110701 [Mac] Right side of the browser is inactive
- DNA-110718 [Tab strip][Tab Island] Make expanded tab island round(er) again
- DNA-110723 Music logo in light mode of ‘Select service’ unreadable on hover
- DNA-110725 [Address bar] Adress bar buttons and extensions cut when window width is too low
- DNA-110730 Fix VS Code strict type errors
- DNA-110737 [OMenu] Menu button looks weird
- DNA-110738 Add Session restore histograms
- DNA-110776 Use after move
- DNA-110777 Use after move
- DNA-110792 The UI becomes unresponsive after closing the workspace.
- DNA-110802 Allow Jitsi videoconference to auto-popout
- DNA-110821 Run-if-alive callback missing in WMFDecoderImpl
- DNA-110828 Update build
- DNA-110834 Crash at opera::component_based::TabAnimationController::StartAnimatedLayout(opera::component_based::TabAnimationController::AnimationInfo, base::OnceCallback)
- DNA-110835 Search/copy popup issues
- DNA-110878 Turn on Amazon Music on developer
103.0.4892.0 – 2023-08-14 blog post
- DNA-103721 Update legal document fetching code
- DNA-109698 Test Amazon Music support
- DNA-109842 [opauto] Add tests for Amazon Music in Player
- DNA-110040 Crash at crash_reporter::(anonymous namespace)::AbslAbortHook(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)
- DNA-110060 [Address bar] Address bar disappears when changing the display scale
- DNA-110076 [Start page] Developer tools are broken on start page
- DNA-110107 Clicking roblox link on page closes the tab
- DNA-110110 [Tab strip][Tab island] Middle/right mouse click on top of the screen have no/wrong efect
- DNA-110112 Smooth corners on web view MAC implementation
- DNA-110125 [Win/Lin] New design for default scrollbars on web page
- DNA-110127 [Mac] 1-pixel edge design in full-screen mode
- DNA-110225 Replace Twitter logo in Sidebar with the new one X
- DNA-110315 O-menu opening after pressing alt on site which have action for Alt press
- DNA-110328 Opera main process eating up 100% CPU core
- DNA-110425 CoS – no logo for Media Expert
- DNA-110440 [Tab strip] Tab favicon not cropped when it does not fit in tab size
- DNA-110466 [Mac][Sidebar] Fix sidebar panel vertical layout
- DNA-110469 Move Shopping corner and Loomi to ‘Special Features’ section
- DNA-110476 [Windows] Min/max frame button doesn’t refresh
- DNA-110510 [Tab strip] Mute icon displayed over tab title
- DNA-110514 [Win] “O” Icon changes position on opening O-menu
- DNA-110515 Window buttons not displayed properly on hover
- DNA-110516 [Tab strip][Tab Island] Make collapsed tab island round(er) again
- DNA-110521 ‘Switch to Tab’ cut if website title/url is long
- DNA-110523 ‘Switch to Tab’ doesn’t open original Tab in another workspace
- DNA-110525 Two mouse clicks are needed to open Top Site suggestion in dropdown
- DNA-110526 If group is first the tab bar is not aligned with address bar
- DNA-110529 Turn #address-bar-dropdown-react on developer
- DNA-110530 PageUp, PageDown, Tab keyboard actions not supported in dropdown
- DNA-110533 [Tab strip][Pinned tabs] Favicon not centered in selected pinned tab
- DNA-110535 Text selection on section titles is allowed in dropdown
- DNA-110536 Disable drag & drop for elements in address bar dropdown
- DNA-110550 Enable flag #pinboard-popup-refresh on developer stream
- DNA-110581 Implement dynamic icon for Speed Dials without icon available
- DNA-110586 Shadow is clipped if first tab is selected
- DNA-110601 Hide ‘Switch to Tab’ button when window is really narrow
- DNA-110621 [QA] Automatic tests for Aria – Chat view: Code snippets
- DNA-110637 Revert removal of start page button
- DNA-110657 Remove gamebites from Opera Site Fixes
- DNA-110658 [Linux] Blinking site info popup when tab is in group
- DNA-110663 Unexpected large amount of “babe_adjust_height” events
- DNA-110664 Enable SessionRestore TabRestore histograms
- DNA-110674 AllTabContentses() does not work with workspaces
- DNA-110683 Make chrome://address-bar-dropdown attachable by webdriver
- DNA-110684 Add bookmarks permissions
- DNA-110685 [QA] Fix onboarding locators in tests
- DNA-110696 [Mac] Traffic buttons not centered in fullscreen
- DNA-110701 [Mac] Right side of the browser is inactive
- DNA-110702 [Scrollable] Pin group is not aligned with address bar
- DNA-110705 Missing dependency between opera_resources_grit and sandbox_internals
- DNA-110719 Old autoupdate files are not removed
- DNA-110726 Crash at DependencyManager::AddComponent(KeyedServiceBaseFactory*)
- DNA-110730 Fix VS Code strict type errors
- DNA-110732 Crash at DependencyManager::AddComponent(KeyedServiceBaseFactory*)
- DNA-110738 Add Session restore histograms
☣ = bugfix
103.0.4885.0 – 2023-08-07 blog post
- DNA-100807 [Pinboards] No link to pinboard page in Sidebar Setup
- DNA-108015 [AU] Check proxy authentication window
- DNA-108421 Automatic Tests for Aria – part1
- DNA-109202 Often extension popup is not displayed
- DNA-109454 Wallpaper customization with remote resource
- DNA-109655 AI Prompts popup stays visible on the sidebar after sending a prompt when popup overlaps the sidebar
- DNA-109860 Have Chrome-specific graphics driver optimizations apply to Opera
- DNA-110024 Smooth corners for address bar buttons background
- DNA-110126 [Win] 1-pixel edge design in maximized mode
- DNA-110172 [BUG] Images inside popup does not get rounded corner
- DNA-110195 [Win] Feedback dialog should be close on click to avoid layering
- DNA-110217 Tab island can be moved before pinned tabs
- DNA-110244 Translations for O101
- DNA-110291 Add windowId to opr.browserSidebarPrivate.onItemPanelVisibilityChanged event
- DNA-110356 Switch to Tab layed over Suggestion when Window size restored
- DNA-110397 Add suggestion style formatting.
- DNA-110400 teaser_event_impression counted when user closes baner
- DNA-110414 [QA] Refactor opauto/utils/ai_tools/ file
- DNA-110431 Crash at base::internal::BindStateHolder::operator=(base::internal::BindStateHolder const&)
- DNA-110437 Extensions font color in dark mode makes the text not visible
- DNA-110462 Bump major version on master to 103.0
- DNA-110477 Colors are incorrect
- DNA-110482 Suggestions in address bar dropdown are not highlighted on selection
- DNA-110491 The delete button is not aligned on the right
- DNA-110495 “Copied to clipboard” prompt is missing
- DNA-110497 [Linux] [Tab strip] Tabs are left in a state of being hovered over
- DNA-110509 opr.browserSidebarPrivate.onItemPanelVisibilityChanged doesn’t fire events in some cases.
- DNA-110522 Suggestion site is loaded when clicking X button to dismiss it