This #GivingTuesday give the gift of reading

Have you heard about #GivingTuesday? It’s the global day dedicated to giving, fueled by social media and collaboration. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two global shopping phenomena focused on getting deals, #GivingTuesday is a chance to step back and reflect on how we can help people in need and address local challenges. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate and encourage generosity.
How’s Opera helping on?
This #GivingTuesday, Opera is continuing and expanding our work with Worldreader, to give the gift of reading to children, families and adults around the world.
Worldreader offers an e-book reading app that allows people in developing countries to access a vast, virtual library of free e-books, right from their mobile phones. With Opera’s support, Worldreader’s app is now accessible to millions of mobile users with just one click, through a Speed Dial entry in Opera Mini.
Worldreader and Opera share the belief that reading is empowering, and, together, we want to share the gift of reading with many more mobile users around the world. Want to help? Visit Worldreader’s site to learn more about the initiative and how you can contribute.
You can also help by spreading the word about this program – and #GivingTuesday in general – on Facebook and Twitter!