Take control of your email with these 4 Opera extensions

Apparently, email isn’t going to die anytime soon. Building on my previous post in this series, “Is email dead?”, I want to share a few practical email tips with you. If you work with email in the browser, here are 4 Opera extensions to simplify things for you.
Email Shortcuts
You don’t have to keep a tab with your email account page open in Opera all the time. Instead, this extension will keep you up-to-date with any new incoming email. It works with the most popular services, including Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Live Mail, iCloud Mail Mail.com and AOL, so it’s especially handy if you have several email accounts.
This extension for the Opera browser will save you time when composing emails, especially if you send a lot of messages of the same type. You can create templates and paste them with keyboard shortcuts. Gorgias supports Gmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, FastMail, LinkedIn and even Facebook.
Gmail Notifier
When a new message lands in your Gmail inbox, you’ll get an instant notification. You can also preview it without having to open Gmail separately. It supports multiple accounts, too. This one is my personal favorite, since I use Gmail both for work and personal communication.
Gmelius for Gmail
And, here’s one more for Gmail users. With Gmelius, you can customize the look of your mailbox. For example, you can keep just the sender and subject visible, for a cleaner look in the email list. Or, instead of a standard paperclip icon for attachments, you can see icons specific to the file types.
I use email a lot for work, and my inbox really lights up from time to time. However, I think that some carefully selected helpers can keep email a highly useful tool, rather than a distraction.
Want to explore more extensions like these? Just enter “email” in the search box in Opera add-ons catalog. Once you find something you like, just hit “Add to Opera”, and you’re all set.