Meet the Bloggers, Meet the Opera bloggers, Women in tech
Meet the Opera bloggers: Michelle from Ireland

So, how did an Irish woman end up living in Norway?
“A Viking came to Ireland, conquered me and brought me back with him,” is Michelle’s short story of why she came to Norway. 🙂 Michelle likes to push herself to try new things and face her fears. Starting her life in a new country has given her plenty of opportunities to do that.
After eight years in Oslo, she’s now crazy about hiking mountains, skiing and dancing on tables (at an after-ski party). When not doing that, she enjoys watching reality series that are “the trashier the better.”
What is your superpower at Opera?
I am responsible for the B2B marketing at Opera. I guess you could say my superpower is being able to juggle many tasks at the same time: everything from writing blog posts for the business blog to managing the business webpages of the website and making pretty presentations to help our Sales team sell our business products.
Tell us something about you that people don’t know.
I’m afraid of heights, tight spaces, cows and balloons, but I push myself to overcome those. I have hiked up Norway’s highest mountain, Galdhøpiggen and Besseggen, a beautiful mountain ridge separating 2 different- colored lakes. Being from Ireland, my skiing skills were pretty much non-existent before moving to Norway. Now, I love going up to the Norwegian mountains during the winter with friends to ski, but I have to admit my favorite part is still the after-ski! This year I even got to go skiing in the Austrian alps!
When you are not at work, where can we find you?
It depends what time of the year it is. During Spring and Winter, you’ll find me either curled up on the sofa with my hubby or up in the Norwegian mountains trying to get down the slopes without breaking any bones.
Summer and Autumn, I am out discovering some great new travel destination, out on our friend’s sailing boat or socializing with friends. I am expecting my first baby next month, so there won’t be too much skiing or travelling the globe for me for a while, but I can’t wait to begin the adventure of motherhood!