Meet the Opera bloggers, Women in tech
Meet the Opera bloggers: Angela, the social-media ninja

Angela is very active in Opera’s social media channels, so her name might sound familiar to you. But, did you know that she grew up living in four different countries and that her favorite color is purple? She also loves to travel and to sew in her free time. “It’s a really lost art,” she says.
Angela is one of the Opera bloggers and you can follow her on the Opera news blog!
What is your superpower at Opera?
I’m active on social media, talking to our wonderful community of users. I learn something new from our fans everyday and I make sure to pass on their suggestions to our engineering teams. I’m constantly exploring new ways to connect with you. Recently, we opened a new channel on the popular chat app Viber for our users in Myanmar. If you haven’t, join Opera’s chat on Viber now.
Tell us something about you that people don’t know.
I am what people call a “third-culture kid”. By definition, third-culture kids grew up with more than one culture of their own. I’ve lived in Tianjin, China, Bangkok, Thailand, Oslo, Norway and New York City. I speak fluent Chinese and Norwegian, and pretty good Korean and French. Write to me in one of these languages. 🙂
When you are not at work, where can we find you?
I’m actually a full-time master student focused on Marketing. So, I’m probably trying to catch up on homework and assignments that I should have started on long ago or reading business cases. When I have more than one day free, I always travel. Recently, I visited Italy and absolutely adored the Italians’ hospitality and love for food. I really felt at home there. I guess only the Chinese and Italians put enough garlic and oil in their food for me!