
New way to video chat on Facebook!

New way to chat on Facebook in Opera for computers

Want to make quicker video calls on Facebook or Twitter? Simply download the Appear.in Social extension for Opera, and you’re good to go!

This extension adds a small appear.in icon on Facebook chat and Twitter direct messages. Clicking that icon generates a video-chat link and automatically sends it to the other person.

Video chat extension on Facebook and Twitter

So, what is appear.in?

Appear.in is a web-based, real-time chat service. It’s one of the best options out there for video chatting — no logins are required, and it works on computers and smartphones. Just open appear.in, create a chatroom and share the link with anyone you want to chat with.

Working with the appear.in team

Last year, we had a workshop with the appear.in team and came up with a number of experiments, including the Appear.in Social extension.

Rich, one of our developers, also came up with Appear.in Handoff extension that allows you to move from one device to another while video chatting. Take a look:


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