
Top 5 most common data horror stories


This post is a part of an ongoing series about mobile data usage

During October, we hosted a Data Horror Stories Contest, where thousands of individuals who have previously been burned by their data plans submitted their tales of mobile-data-overage woes.

Within those submissions, we started to see some recurring complaints about how users went over their monthly data plan limit. Below is a rundown of the most common.

Forgetting to use Wi-Fi 

Have you ever turned your Wi-Fi off and realized later that you’re still using mobile data even though you’re sitting at home, 2 feet from your router? Or gone to a bar only to realize at the end of the night they had free Wi-Fi? Don’t worry, it’s happened to a lot of us.



Streaming from music & video apps

We all know how easy it is to get lost in a music video or zone out listening to Pandora on the way to work. The problem is that apps utilizing video & music tend to eat up a lot of data, and fast!


Traveling abroad

Sure it’s fun seeing the Eiffel Tour or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but you know what’s not fun? A $200 roaming bill.



Whether it’s auto-updating apps or automatic backup of emails, pictures, etc., these automatic events that happen in the background, often without a user’s knowledge, can rip through data plans.


Shared data plans

You may love your sister/brother/cousin/girlfriend, but you don’t have to love how much data they use from your “shared” plan.



Do you have a data horror story? Share it with us in the comments! And, if you’re an Android user, don’t forget to  download and try Opera Max to save up to 50% on your data plan.

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