Day 4:

We’ve now covered three days of “7 sites in 7 days: Sharing web fun with our 7M fans”:
Day 1 – Blogging platform Medium with its special twist of time signature per post
Day 2 – The site that helps you get your daily dose of exercise,
Day 3 – Blog, which shows you can have an adventure without traveling far from home
Today, let’s talk about
Code Club World is a group of free, volunteer-led and afterschool coding clubs for children aged 9 to 11 years old. There are now 2,580 Code Clubs worldwide!
Visit to see how easy it is to check if there’s already a Code Club running in your country. If you’re interested in translating online teaching materials or opening a Code Club in your area, you can find a registration form on the site. It’s inspiring and something you really ought to check out. 🙂
See you tomorrow for day 5 of “7 sites in 7 days: Sharing web fun with our 7M fans”! We promise it’s something you won’t want to miss.