How Tom and Kjersti found their next adventure using Opera

Opera features two of the world’s most experienced BASE jumpers, Tom Erik Heimen and Kjersti Eide.
“Off the wall with Opera browser”
lets you experience a thrilling BASE jump from one of Norway’s most daring heights. How did Tom and Kjersti end up here?
This product video explains how Opera 15 is used to make the adventure happen.
We start with Speed Dial. This feature was first introduced in 2007 and has been continuously improved for easier access of preferred websites. This film shows how folders work in Speed Dial; in this instance, a “social” folder has been made to display how Opera 15 seamlessly organises websites.
The Discover feature finds up-to-date content. Here, finding destinations happens with just a few clicks. Users can choose content category and country category. Discover curates the web and delivers the best content for you to enjoy.
Stash then helps log accumulated websites for further readings. This means that you don’t need tons of opened tabs when browsing. In this case, Stash gives a vertical overview of the websites that is needed to make the next adventure happen. It provides an easily adjustable page view, from view to plain text view of the website addresses when collapsed.
Opera 15 for desktop is solid, fast, and made for consumers who want a solid foundation to innovate from.
Download Opera 15 here