Browsing Survey Results

A few weeks ago, we invited you to participate in our first-ever browsing survey. Lots of you responded at that time, and the answers keep coming in. As we sift through the data, we'd like to share a few of the patterns that are starting to emerge:
The need to know
More than 60% of you said that your primary goal in going online is to be informed, whether that's through keeping up with news and events in the world or what's happening in your field of work or study.
Being entertained came in a very distant second. Only 17% of you turn to the internet to watch videos, play games, or indulge in other forms of fun (also known as procrastination).
Work, socializing and shopping rounded up the list of activities you pursue on the web.
Time vs productivity
We didn't ask you how much time you spend online in minutes or hours, but we did ask you to decide if the amount of time you spent felt right to you. Here there was an almost even split between those who felt they spent too much online and those who felt they spent just about the right amount of time. Those who felt they didn't spend enough time were a very small minority.
Focus vs distraction
In doing this survey, one of our larger goals is to find out how the browser can help you achieve more of your goals. While many of you have said that the internet is a distraction, some of you manage to use it effectively. If you have any tips on staying focused while you're online, please share them in the comments!