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India wants better connectivity on the move: Opera Wudstay Travel Report

We, Indians, love to travel. Whether it’s a short weekend getaway or a planned holiday during vacations, travelling helps us in (re)discovering ourselves. While you were away during the vacations, Opera decided to work on a summer project of its own – a travel survey with popular accommodation portal Wudstay. Come, let’s show you how India loves to travel – from the hills of Himachal to the sultry islands of Andaman.
No mobile network – biggest fear while travelling
Lack of mobile connectivity is the biggest concern Indians have while travelling. Now, considering how heavily we depend on our GPS for navigation, bad mobile network can be a safety issue too. Try offline navigation apps like OpenStreetMaps and MapFactor that will help you stay connected even in a low coverage area. Wander freely and responsibly.
Willing to give up using restroom for a good internet connection
Yep, a whopping 29% people said they are ready to give up using the washroom for a good internet connectivity. While we love your devotion to all things internet, why struggle so much when Opera Mini gives you the best browsing speed even in remote locations. It also helps you save up to 90% of your mobile data. 33.6% people said they would happily not drink for an evening to access a lag-free internet connection. In the battle of alcohol versus the internet, internet comes out to be the clear winner, while sobriety – an added advantage.
Littering – the most hated habit of Indians
Hate the sight of litter while travelling? You are not alone. Almost 37% people find littering to be the most dreadful habit of Indians while travelling, says our report. While nothing should stop you from having the time of your life, keeping your surroundings clean is equally important. If you spot a dirty place, the free of cost Swachh Paryatan app may just come in handy. It allows you to send pictures to the authority to take an immediate action, and the cleanliness of the place shall be restored in 1-2 hours. So, the next time you are travelling and feel an urge to throw garbage on the road, look around for a dustbin or just a carry a polybag, your fellow Indians will be grateful to you.
For some, old school is the way to go
And then, there are some who love to switch off from the world and enjoy a relaxed holiday. A good 32% Indians prefer the company of their loved ones over using the internet when on a vacation. 29% people said they’ll still look around for free Wi-Fi to use the internet and not burn their mobile data. Here’s a tip: The background apps on your Android phone take away tons of your mobile data, even when you are not using them. Download Opera Max that will restrict these apps for you and will help you save up to 60% of mobile data. Travel smart. Lastly, don’t forget to carry to carry a game of Chess or a pack of Uno to have some quality bonding time with family and friends.
In the comments section below, do tell us what you are willing to give up for free Wi-Fi. And, don’t forget to stay connected with us on Twitter and Facebook for more such updates.
For more details from the travel survey, visit here.