Watch Bollywood videos faster on Opera Mini for iOS

Who isn’t watching videos from his/ her mobile phone nowadays! And if you are one of many who have said bye-bye to conventional soap operas on TV and embraced your mobile to watch videos of latest Bollywood songs – then this new version of Opera Mini is made for you.
Opera Mini brings in video boost
You have always seen Opera Mini work hard to compress webpages and images for you. Doesn’t opening webpages faster on your mobile bring a smile to your face 😉 Yeah… we know that one.
Now say hello to video boost. When you switch this feature ON in the all new Opera Mini 9 for iPhone and iPad devices, you will instantly see the difference in faster opening and playing the video of your favorite Bollywood song.
Opera’s back-end technology will assess if it is a high-resolution video and then it will shrink it so that it opens faster when you play the video in Opera Mini. Now you don’t have to suffer from buffering anymore when watching videos from your mobile phone.
Isn’t that sweet.
Flaunt your speed
If you have bought yourself the latest iPhone 6, or even better if you grabbed a deal for older versions of iOS devices this Diwali – then you must download Opera Mini 9. iPhones are cool, but when you are among the select few who can flaunt instant playing of online videos that’s gonna to be supercool. Let your phone be the home of all the latest Bollywood numbers.
Update your existing version of Opera Mini today.
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