Opera Mini joins WhatsApp, Twitter and Skype in Google Play’s “50 best apps” list

There are close to 1.7 million apps on the Google Play Store. Opera Mini has joined the ranks of WhatsApp, Twitter and Skype in the 50 best apps list. It’s also the only web browser in the list. So, yayyy us! 🙂
We owe a major part of our success to you, our beloved fans who have made Opera Mini their best pal for web browsing. Every time you give us a good rating and thank us, we get inspired. Every time you give us a bad rating or report problems, we pass it on to our app developers, so they can fix bugs and improve Opera Mini. Lots of love to you for taking us to the top 50 spot. We’re dedicated to radically improving your mobile browsing experience.
As first month of 2016 comes about to a close, we’re looking forward to improving Opera Mini even more for you. Opera Mini two compression modes, high and extreme, are especially helpful for saving mobile data and reducing the time it takes to load webpages in slow or patchy networks. Another sweet addition that we introduced to Opera Mini last year was the news feed section in Hindi.
Thank you for the constant support, keep the feedback coming in and let your friends know about Opera Mini. We wish you a great 2016! 🙂
You can also talk directly to me on my Twitter account @mrunmaiy or the India team account @OperaIndia.