Got a Jugaad up your sleeve? Join us for the #JugaadwithOpera contest

Bending the rules is second nature for most Indians. Our ancestors have taught us well! Doing things the conventional way is just not our style. And, that is a good thing, because it gives us room for original, fresh and outside-the-box thinking, or “Jugaad thinking”. terms ‘ No matter what the situation is, we Indians can find a quick fix or Jugaad to get the job done. It never fails us, does it?
For those who are new to the concept (though, we highly doubt it, considering the number of doctors and engineers our nation churns out), this example should make it clear as crystal – and give you a good laugh.
No burglar will ever attempt to unlock this car, because who knows what else the owner is capable of! #Jugaad
Here’s another ingenious Jugaad:
Your laptop has just the right Jugaadu holder for your can of refreshment!
In a country full of Jugaad people, we’re thrilled to know that when it comes to internet, Opera Mini has your unanimous vote on being the best Jugaad of them all. Be it bad networks, slow speeds or even a low prepaid balance, Opera Mini has always provided a quick fix to most of your internet woes. What’s more, recent tests by Cigniti showed that Opera Mini helps you save more data (nearly 90%!) and battery life than any other browser!
We are more than happy to have your back. Now, it’s time for some Jugaad fun together – a full-blown #contest. To enter, all you need to do is:
(1) Follow us on @OperaIndia handle on Twitter. And while you’re at it, you can also check us out on on Facebook. (Although Facebook likes are not compulsory!)
(2) Share images/videos of some awesome Jugaads that have come to your rescue, in a post on Facebook or Twitter.
(3) Don’t forget to include #JugaadWithOpera in your post.
The 20 best entries stand a chance to win Flipkart vouchers. So c’mon now, spill your Jugaad beans straight up! Time to make your ancestors proud and show the world your innovative thinking. May the best Jugaad win! ☺