#OperaMeetup in Hyderabad on 24th September

We are excited to announce our first #OperaMeetup in Hyderabad. If you use any of the Opera browsers; Opera Mini, Opera for Android, Opera Coast or Opera for computers then just come along. Drop-in even if you have never tried Opera, this is your chance to get to know Opera better.
We’ve been doing some really cool stuff in our labs, creating and re-creating. You might have heard about Opera Coast, our exclusive browser for iOS that gives you an entirely new way to browse on your iPhone or iPad, the handy Discover feature added to Opera for Android, the three compression modes offered in Opera Mini for iOS and much more!
So, join Sunil Kamath, the Bangalorean foodie better known as the VP for South Asia at Opera Software at Ohri’s Ruci & Idoni Bistro on Sept. 24, Wednesday, at 7 p.m. for a evening full of tech talk! Besides sharing the latest about Opera, he’s likely to ask you for the secret behind the brilliance of Hyderabadi briyani! So, come prepared!
Please register on our Meetup Page here: http://bit.ly/XtaZ7t
Team Opera 🙂