Flip out on Opera Mini

There was a time when shopping was a tedious task. It involved commitment, patience and, yes, a great deal of endurance. After all, it’s not easy to dedicate an entire chunk of the day running from shop to shop and, better yet, sometimes not even find anything you like. And, what’s worse, having to come back and repeat the vicious cycle!
Enter online shopping! Why sweat it out when all you need is a fingertip! Now, it’s worth knowing there are many players in the ecommerce market, but it wasn’t until Flipkart arrived that online shopping was revolutionized in India. Great service, fab products (over 10 million products across 70+ categories!) Life is now pretty sorted!
But, wait, where does Opera come in? Well here’s the good news. Flipkart is now on Opera Mini’s Speed Dial. So, every time you open your super fast Opera Mini, you also get access to super fast shopping! Thanks to Opera Mini’s compression technology, you can browse through the most products in the least possible time – which means no longer having for wait for images to load or wasting time on that stupid circle that keeps spinning!
So, what are you waiting for? Don’t shop till you drop, just hit Flipkart on Opera! I know, I will.