
An all new Dev.Opera

If you’re a developer, then you might be familiar with Dev.Opera – our site featuring the latest in cutting-edge web standards and New Dev.Opera techniques. We’ve recently given it a complete makeover. It now sports a new look, and also has a lot of significant changes under the hood. The site is now a built using Jekyll, and we also use tools like Grunt, SASS and highlight.js. The entire site is open source and you are free to check it out and send in pull-requests! Of course, we would welcome great articles for the site, and we’ve made the contribution process much more straightforward.  The Opera extensions site sports the same look as before, but the plan is to bring it in line with the new look in due time.

Feel free to file a bug or to contribute with feedback or new articles! We hope you enjoy the new Dev.Opera, and stay tuned for more great content at the site.

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