Changelog for 94

94.0.4606.76 – 2023-01-19 blog post
- DNA-104276 News categories layers messed up in other languages
94.0.4606.65 – 2023-01-12 blog post
- DNA-102726 [SD][Folder] When trying to drop SD from folder back to folder, new folder is created
- DNA-102730 [SD][Add to Opera] Remove strip at the top of modal and move ‘x’ button to be in line with ‘Add to Opera’ text
- DNA-102732 [SD][Folders] Add option to merge folders by drag and drop
- DNA-102747 [SD][Folders] Empty SD folder is not visible
- DNA-102763 [SD] Animate changing between Use bigger tiles on and off
- DNA-102847 [SD][Folders] SD displayed on folder tile should be aligned to left
- DNA-102855 [SD] Add SD by drag and dropping link
- DNA-102882 [SD][News][Continue on][Suggestion] Do not focus on opened page when opening in new tab
- DNA-102936 [News Categories] Categories become invisible after minimizing browser window
- DNA-102988 [News categories] Only games category displayed after changing browser language
- DNA-103000 [News Categories] Selected categories not saved after restarting browser
- DNA-103001 [News Categories] ‘x’ button invisible in ‘Choose language and country’ on light theme
- DNA-103002 [News Categories] Changes in ‘Choose language and country’ modal not saved on esc or clicking outside of modal
- DNA-103015 [News locales] Pref startpage.news_locales udated only when close/done the moda, initial value not set
- DNA-103097 [Settings] Enable ‘Adjust Speed Dial animations for slower hardware’ settings option to have effect
- DNA-103098 [SD] No big icon for
- DNA-103110 Strange animation when dragging tiles
- DNA-103112 [Continue on] Offers opened on current tab
- DNA-103116 [Continue on] Not possible to drag tiles from continue on section
- DNA-103131 [Feedback] Implement ‘Rate Opera’ element and modal
- DNA-103193 [SD][Edit] Set OK button to read only when typed in address is invalid
- DNA-103293 [SD][Add to Opera] ‘/’ added in autocomplete for URL
- DNA-103360 [SD][Add to Opera] Tile graphic does not update automatically when adding suggestion through Add to Opera modal
- DNA-103393 [Continue on] Start page needs to be reloaded in order to show “Continue on” section
- DNA-103545 [Banner] Wide banner have no background
- DNA-103550 [Banners] Black Friday deals promoted on Start Page with related settings off
- DNA-103569 No margin under suggested speed dials
- DNA-103578 [SD] Impressions should be reported every time user comes back to start page tab
- DNA-103593 [Navigation] Change which elements on start page are possible to navigate through with keyboard shortcuts
- DNA-103595 [Navigation] Show which element is focused when navigating with keyboard shortcuts
- DNA-103605 Dark stripe blinks in Speed Dial Search box when changing color mode
- DNA-103618 [SD][Folder] Not possible to drag SD into empty folder
- DNA-103619 [SD][Suggestions] Blue border on tile when it is being dragged
- DNA-103678 Font modification from themes not applied
- DNA-103723 [SD][Folders][Edit] Confirm change to SD folder name with Enter key
- DNA-103738 Disable Updater diagnostic metrics that surpass session lifetime and verify if it solves DNA-102940
- DNA-103739 Try to record metrics disabled in DNA-103738 in histograms.
- DNA-103759 [SD][Add to Opera] Wrong position of Add to Opera button
- DNA-103781 [News Categories] Choose language and country shows options in 2 columns instead of adapting to wider window
- DNA-103787 [Continue on] No margin between search box and continue on section
- DNA-103908 [Search box] Blurred text in search box suggestions in dark theme
- DNA-103909 [SD] Not possible to drop SD in empty place when hovering over edge of other tile
- DNA-103911 [SD][Add to Opera] Modal dialog stays open after adding suggestion to SD
- DNA-103915 [SD][Folders] Difficult to drop SD from start page between SD in folder
- DNA-103932 [SD][Add to Opera] Remove https://www and / from tile title when adding SD
- DNA-103933 [SD][Add to Opera] Do not return focus to the end of the URL after pressing backspace when editing it
- DNA-104005 Change activation pop-up
- DNA-104035 [SD] Browser crashes when dragging tiles with fresh profile
- DNA-104040 Can not drag tile to open folder
- DNA-104049 Can not drag suggestion when only [+] tile and no speed dials
- DNA-104053 Right mouse click open speed dial instead of context menu
- DNA-104055 News article opens in active tab
- DNA-104080 Tab not activated after opening speed dial folder in new tabs
- DNA-104088 Create new welcome pop-up for Rich Hints
- DNA-104139 [Weather] Long time to load Weather widget after browser was running for some time
- DNA-104141 [News] Improve news loading UX
- DNA-104167 Add feature flag #speed-dial-custom-image
- DNA-104168 Allow setting custom image for Speed Dial
- DNA-104196 [News Categories] News categories do not work
- DNA-104201 Set back Baidu as default search engine in China
- DNA-104218 [Search box] Search engine icon does not change
- DNA-104251 Add option to reset to default icon
- DNA-104256 [Suggestions][ContinueOn][AMG] Scroll button does not update its visibility when resizing window
- DNA-104277 [Win] SD and News tiles get blue border with –focus-outline
- DNA-104313 Search bar on Speed Dials doesn’t fit it size
- DNA-104353 [Mac] No hover state on traffic light buttons
- DNA-104382 Shopping corner is unredible in light theme and dark wallpaper
☣ = bugfix
94.0.4606.54 – 2023-01-04 blog post
- CHR-1854 Run gn hooks in gyp_chromium
- DNA-102035 [Settings] Shortcut search does not work
- DNA-103451 Add impression and click events for VPN keyword suggestion
- DNA-103643 Prepare for showing Lucid Mode button without text
- DNA-103675 URL shown for promoted VPN suggestion
- DNA-103923 [win installer] silent installation should not add consent to installer prefs
- DNA-104201 Set back Baidu as default search engine in China
- DNA-104234 Opera update resets all consents to False value
- DNA-104278 Don’t show Lucid Mode button on videos when hardware acceleration is off
94.0.4606.38 – 2022-12-20 blog post
- CHR-9133 Update chromium on desktop-stable-108-4606 to 108.0.5359.125
- DNA-103624 Create JS API to open Search tabs feature
- DNA-104004 Improve welcome pop-up
- DNA-104053 Right mouse click open speed dial instead of context menu
- DNA-104055 News article opens in active tab
- DNA-104084 [Suggestion] Introduce a way to remove the Lucid Mode button
- DNA-104089 No crashes reported in soccoro for Linux
94.0.4606.26 – 2022-12-15 blog post
- CHR-9125 Update chromium on desktop-stable-108-4606 to
- DNA-99207 WebUI popup/dropdown could be empty due to lack of memory
- DNA-102882 [SD][News][Continue on][Suggestion] Do not focus on opened page when opening in new tab
- DNA-103076 Release installer consent flow globally
- DNA-103137 Fix positioning in Web UI component
- DNA-103240 Re-use logic from popup for consent not set in settings
- DNA-103540 Implement Autostart for Opera Desktop (except Poland)
- DNA-103636 Implement Lucid Mode for Videos
- DNA-103637 Implement Lucid Mode button on top of videos
- DNA-103638 Make Lucid Mode button on top of videos work
- DNA-103641 Implement Lucid Mode for Images
- DNA-103642 Updated design and animation for Lucid Mode button on top of videos
- DNA-103650 Add Lucid Mode to Easy Setup
- DNA-103701 Move User Styles loading/saving to a separate component
- DNA-103718 Record “consent_given” stat for every session
- DNA-103724 Video detach button wont go away
- DNA-103757 Add click animation for Lucid Mode button on top of videos
- DNA-103765 Console error with lucid mode flag off
- DNA-103770 Easy Setup switch doesn’t get updated
- DNA-103771 Click animation should only show when turning on Lucid Mode
- DNA-103773 Unable to access lucid mode settings section directly
- DNA-103784 Investigate video buttons ‘escaping’
- DNA-103800 Adapt Lucid Mode button to new design
- DNA-103836 Translations for O94
- DNA-103850 Label on detach button cut off
- DNA-103924 Popup windows of type TYPE_APP_POPUP have incorrectly set minimum size
- DNA-103930 Promote O94 to stable
- DNA-103931 Wrong sidebar detection.
- DNA-103935 Change Lucid Mode Video (Sharpen videos) to default off
- DNA-103949 Lucid Mode doesn’t work in a private window
- DNA-103959 Unable to scroll down on player home page
- DNA-103962 [Settings] Remove “Safety Check”
- DNA-104011 Turn on Lucid Mode on all streams
- DNA-104052 Hide Lucid Mode video button on Google Meet
94.0.4606.19 – 2022-12-08 blog post
- DNA-103165 [Win] VPN badge is broked after double click
- DNA-103296 Force dark page break QR code in whats app
- DNA-103416 Change Polish translation for closing multiple tabs
- DNA-103511 Instagram sidebar app doesn’t show notifications
- DNA-103527 “x” tab after back form page
- DNA-103530 Replace icons in sidebar setup
- DNA-103704 Crash at opera::InstagramSidebarBehaviourAdjuster::InjectJavaScript(content::RenderFrameHost*)
94.0.4606.14 – 2022-12-01 blog post
- CHR-9101 Update chromium on desktop-stable-108-4606 to 108.0.5359.62
- DNA-102741 [Banner] Incorrect size of banners
- DNA-102873 [SD][Folders] Move to trash context menu option on SD in folder not working
- DNA-102884 [SD] Implement keyboard navigation between SD by tab
- DNA-102944 [News] Click news with keys combination (Shift,Ctrl) not opens where it is exp
- DNA-102976 [News Categories] Small area to click on ‘x’ button on Choose language and country modal
- DNA-103021 [Private mode] Create hat and glasses animation on private mode start page
- DNA-103055 [Continue on] Continue on Booking does not appear over Continue on shopping
- DNA-103222 [Speed Dial Suggestions] All subpages suggestions lead to the homepage
- DNA-103259 [SD][Edit] Confirm changes in modal with Enter
- DNA-103297 [News Categories] Not possible to scroll to the top of Choose language and country modal in small window
- DNA-103310 hideOperaObject() in browser.js stopped working on public builds
- DNA-103317 [Suggestions][Continue on] Arrow to scroll when there are too many results does not adapt to bigger tiles
- DNA-103318 [Continue on] Change cursor when hovering over section header
- DNA-103355 No buttons in update dialog on opera://extensions
- DNA-103357 Do not sync sidebar settings
- DNA-103364 Wrong title of speed dial page
- DNA-103368 TikTok videos starting to play automaticly
- DNA-103370 [SD][Suggestions] Glowing background on tiles that have smaller graphic
- DNA-103400 Folder closes after deleting last item
- DNA-103516 [SD][Folders] Folder with default folder name remains open when all SD are removed
- DNA-103522 Missing translations for IDS_CONSENT_FLOW_DATA_DESC_INTERESTS
- DNA-103526 search popup doesn’t recognize some currencies shortcut
- DNA-103535 Startpage preview is not visible
- DNA-103665 Reduce Tik Tok pane width
94.0.4606.8 – 2022-11-24 blog post
- CHR-8362 IPFS support update
- DNA-102759 [Weather] First weather location modal not closing when setting location manually
- DNA-102866 Dev tools don’t remember position
- DNA-102929 [Weather][Private window] Weather widget appears in private window
- DNA-103026 [Continue on] Continue on does not collapse/expand when clicking on section header
- DNA-103052 [Continue on] Continue on sections are not always loaded
- DNA-103107 Automatic video popout for popular sports sites – World Cup
- DNA-103125 Translations for O93
- DNA-103162 [SD] Move to trash context option not working
- DNA-103197 Dropbox not loading
- DNA-103212 Free VPN toggle don’t read free vpn status
- DNA-103320 Crash at chrome::FindBrowserByType(absl::optional<T>)
- DNA-103321 Tab preview causes freeze when dragging tabs
- DNA-103375 [Workspaces] Crash at absl::raw_log_internal::RawLog(absl::LogSeverity, char const*, int, char const*, …)
94.0.4604.0 – 2022-11-14 blog post
- CHR-9050 Update Chromium on master to 108.0.5359.19
- DNA-85731 Stat Searches..ForwardBack;PreinstalledSearch not registered after search from start page
- DNA-89414 session stat: events.event_bookmarks_panel BookmarkEdited action sent twice on bookmark edition
- DNA-96674 Loomi small issues
- DNA-100928 Add “Edit” modal for the Tiles
- DNA-101279 Downloading edited pdf forms not working
- DNA-102320 Wrong executable name and path constants on Linux
- DNA-102433 Wrong url for More info link on private window start page
- DNA-102434 Implement free VPN switch
- DNA-102493 Activate link in VPN PRO section don’t work
- DNA-102760 [Mac] Opera account icon shows default avatar when browser window is not focused
- DNA-102768 [Easy setup] Sidebar options not animated
- DNA-102793 Add support for zucchini to binary updates
- DNA-102820 [News] Impression is not logged
- DNA-102821 Exclude DuckDuckGo subpages from being treated as “search page results”
- DNA-102969 On some pages search popup don’t work
- DNA-102989 [Shopping corner] Possible to highlight text in widget
- DNA-102994 Easy setup content is not always scrolled up to the top
- DNA-102995 Disable sidebar don’t change prefs in EasySetup
- DNA-103020 Turn on #start-page-redesign on developer
- DNA-103042 Fix import from Firefox
- DNA-103046 Opera crash with flag –with-feature:sidebar-autohide=off
- DNA-103053 Put consent flow settings in separate feature flag
- DNA-103054 Update consent settings to new design
- DNA-103059 Fix exclude list for patches in buildsign script
- DNA-103062 Add opauto tests for consent flow settings
- DNA-103074 Crash at views::DesktopNativeWidgetAura::IsFullscreen()
- DNA-103089 [Edit] Incorrect colors of modal
- DNA-103099 Set testlist_from in testlist generating script
- DNA-103100 Log ImpressionsV2 for react start page SDs and Suggestions
- DNA-103101 Log ImpressionsV2 for old start page SDs and Suggestions
- DNA-103102 Log ImpressionsV2 for react searchbox dropdown
- DNA-103105 Log ImpressionsV2 for react start page ContinueOn offers
- DNA-103111 [SD][Edit] No focus on any element when opening edit modal
- DNA-103121 Disable #start-page-redesign for GX and Crypto
- DNA-103137 Fix positioning in Web UI component
- DNA-103138 access-violation in
- DNA-103139 Windows debug builds fails to compile base/test/test_support/scoped_test_feature_override.obj
- DNA-103175 [Mac] Segmentation fault when running Opera with –version switch
- DNA-103176 [AdBlock] q-factor is missing in Accepted-Language header for AA list download URL
- DNA-103179 [SD][Folder] Impression should be reported every time a folder is opened
- DNA-103183 History page title is “Search history”
- DNA-103186 Implement free VPN switch in the React page
- DNA-103191 Add –silent option to
- DNA-103204 Highlighted items are cut in address dropdown
94.0.4597.0 – 2022-11-07 blog post
- CHR-9033 Update Chromium on master to 108.0.5343.2
- DNA-95965 Add support for more UD TLDs
- DNA-100928 Add “Edit” modal for the Tiles
- DNA-101461 Continue on Shopping: Service
- DNA-101835 [WIN] Handle multi-account browser update
- DNA-102616 [Sidebar][Twitter] Video from Twitter on sidebar cannot be set to fullscreen
- DNA-102623 Investigate missing WebContents in StartPageEventSender::NotifyReady
- DNA-102646 [Private window] No Private browsing page when opening private window with redesign flag enabled
- DNA-102689 [GX[ Create GX widgets section in Easy Setup
- DNA-102719 [Win][Edge] Not all history is imported
- DNA-102720 [Win][Chrome] Cookies are not imported
- DNA-102722 [Mac][Chrome] Can’t import passwords and cookies
- DNA-102740 [Banner] Clicking on banner opens page on current tab instead of new one
- DNA-102776 Sidebar should not be shown when snap capture overlay is displayed
- DNA-102792 Add support for zucchini in buildsign script
- DNA-102811 Sidebar sometimes shows up in full screen mode
- DNA-102828 Fix non compatible with Opera Airtable
- DNA-102830 [Shopping corner] clicking anywhere on shopping corner widget should open shopping corner
- DNA-102831 [Sync banner] Change cursor when hovering over text in banner
- DNA-102835 The sidebar unhide when you move the mouse over the edge of easy setup
- DNA-102836 Make 1st screen of Consent Popup a little taller to have more space under “You can adjust your choices…” label
- DNA-102844 Add Crypto Jira Managment Sysinfo to browserjs
- DNA-102848 Continue on Shopping: Implement UI
- DNA-102852 Update to skip files downloaded by Opera during buildtime
- DNA-102853 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarSwitcher::Update(base::TimeDelta, absl::optional)
- DNA-102854 Bump major version to 94
- DNA-102869 Add typing for buildsign script
- DNA-102871 [Sync banner] Make text in banner unable to be highlighted
- DNA-102872 No animation for opening sidebar while sidebar is closing
- DNA-102876 [SD][Folder][Add to Opera] Modal not closed on Esc
- DNA-102877 [SD] Invalid URL when opening SD in new window
- DNA-102885 Turn on #sidebar-autohide on all streams
- DNA-102892 DCHECK at when opening settings
- DNA-102895 [Safety Check] Safe Browsing test always shows Passed result regardless of the feature state
- DNA-102903 Fix weather translation in Spanish
- DNA-102906 [Windows][Linux] Crash on settings page
- DNA-102934 Turn on building testlist on GOTH instead of Buildbot
- DNA-102935 Adress tooltip covers Sidebar setup menu
- DNA-102943 [News] Article should open in new tab
- DNA-102945 [News] Do not show in private window
- DNA-102956 [ContinueOn] Section header is not completed
- DNA-102957 Assertion failure in
- DNA-102958 Add net_unittests to default compile targets
- DNA-102960 Replace messengers icons
- DNA-102962 Fix compilation error in CHR-8362: DNA-90344: IPFS support
- DNA-102964 Crash at -[FramedBrowserWindow sendEvent:]
- DNA-102985 Show error for non-unique keys in release mode
- DNA-102993 Crash at FullscreenController::IsFullscreenForTabOrPending(content::WebContents const*, long long*) const
- DNA-103004 [Continue] Offers are not scrollable when too many
- DNA-103009 [Web UI] Rename Toolkit script file name
- DNA-103011 Flag address-bar-dropdown-unfiltered-full has no effect
- DNA-103022 Easy files dialog misplaced iframe content
- DNA-103032 Messenger sidebar icon doesn’t look great
- DNA-103035 Re-enable some content_browsertests
☣ = bugfix