Changelog for 86

86.0.4363.59 – 2022-05-10 blog post
- DNA-99021 Crash in sidebar when extension of sidebar item was uninstalled
- DNA-99359 Crash at opera::ContinueShoppingExpiredProductRemoverImpl::RemoveExpiredProducts()
86.0.4363.50 – 2022-05-05 blog post
- DNA-68493 Opera doesn’t close address field drop-down when dragging text from the address field
- DNA-99003 Crash at views::Widget::GetNativeView() const
- DNA-99133 BrowserSidebarWithProxyAuthTest.PreloadWithWebModalDialog fails
- DNA-99230 Switching search engine with shortcut stopped working after DNA-99178
- DNA-99317 Make history match appear on top
86.0.4363.32 – 2022-04-27 blog post
- DNA-98510 Blank icon in sidebar setup
- DNA-98525 Unable to drag tab to far right
- DNA-98893 Sound indicator is too precise in Google Meet
- DNA-98909 [Mac Net Installer] Legal documents links don’t work
- DNA-98919 Shopping corner internal API access update
- DNA-98924 Tab tooltip gets stuck on screen
- DNA-98981 Enable easy-files-multiupload on developer stream
- DNA-98998 [Mac] Installer crash : Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSRangeException
- DNA-99041 Move Shopping Corner to sidebar entry
- DNA-99061 Enable #address-bar-dropdown-categories on all streams
- DNA-99062 Create flag to show top sites and recently closed in unfiltered suggestions
- DNA-99064 Hard to drag & drop current URL to a specific folder on bookmarks bar when unfiltered dropdown is displayed
- DNA-99070 Make scroll button in Continue On scroll multiple items
- DNA-99089 Shopping corner tab is not preserved after restart
- DNA-99115 Request updating the Avro schema for sidebar event
- DNA-99117 Make sure shopping corner is enabled by default
- DNA-99129 [Mac] Crash in Network Installer
- DNA-99178 Left/right not working in address bar dropdown
- DNA-99204 Hide Shopping Corner by default
86.0.4363.22 – 2022-04-20 blog post
- CHR-8843 Update chromium on desktop-stable-100-4363 to 100.0.4896.127
- DNA-98236 Turn on #snap-text-selection on all streams
- DNA-98507 DCHECK at
- DNA-98528 Suggestions for internal pages disappear when typing their full name
- DNA-98538 Change name of “Opera Crypto Wallet” to “Crypto Wallet”
- DNA-98540 used instead of custom search engine
- DNA-98587 Favicon of booking suggestion in the city category is unexpectedly changing
- DNA-98605 City suggestions should show URL in address field when selected
- DNA-98608 #address-bar-dropdown-categories expired
- DNA-98616 Add recent searches to ‘old’ BABE
- DNA-98668 Switch to tab button leads to wrong tab
- DNA-98673 Improve suggestion removal handling in suggestion providers
- DNA-98681 Remove unused suggestion consumers
- DNA-98684 Have a dedicated SuggestionList for the new address bar dropdown
- DNA-98685 Enable #native-crypto-wallet on developer
- DNA-98688 “Disable this feature” mini-menu settings is non-intuitive
- DNA-98690 Autocompleted text stayed in address field after removing suggestion
- DNA-98738 Inline autocomplete suggestion for SD disappears after typing 3rd letter of SD name
- DNA-98743 Blank dropdown after pressing space key
- DNA-98783 Improve showing suggestions with long URLs or page titles
- DNA-98785 “Switch to tab” button not shown for suggestions with www subdomain when typing domain text
- DNA-98879 “Disable suggestions before typing” mini-menu option should change to “Enable suggestions before typing” when being selected
- DNA-98917 Translations for O86
- DNA-98975 Turn on #snap-crop-tool on all channels
- DNA-98980 Enable #native-crypto-wallet on all streams
- DNA-98992 [WIN] Better diagnostics for signature verification errors in installer
- DNA-99005 The sidebar item is not visible for already active crypto wallet users when #native-crypto-wallet flag is enabled.
- DNA-99007 Crash at TemplateURLRef::ParseIfNecessary(SearchTermsData const&) const
- DNA-99047 Promote O86 to stable
86.0.4363.17 – 2022-04-14 blog post
- CHR-8819 Update chromium on desktop-stable-100-4363 to 100.0.4896.60
- DNA-98640 System crash dialog shown on macOS <= 10.15 in O86 and newer
- DNA-98765 Investigate broken binaries from alltests packages
- DNA-98772 Screen sharing broken
- DNA-98814 [Mac] String to accept legal requirements has not been translated
- DNA-98894 [Mac Net Installer] Wrong button caption at startup
86.0.4363.15 – 2022-04-07 blog post
- DNA-97492 [Mac] Crash on exception: [NSScreen auxiliaryTopLeftArea]
- DNA-98631 Wrong title for synced pinboard
- DNA-98707 Hint is not displayed for new crypto wallet sidebar icon
- DNA-98775 RichHintsSearchEngineCondition.testSogouSearchEngine errors
86.0.4363.12 – 2022-03-31 blog post
- CHR-8805 Update chromium on desktop-stable-100-4363 to 100.0.4896.45
- DNA-98278 Translations for O85
- DNA-98435 Google maps icon disappears
- DNA-98524 Can’t get suggestions from Bookmarks category in dropdown
- DNA-98696 smoketest PageInfoHistoryDataSourceTest.FormatTimestampString failing
- DNA-98703 Port Chromium issue 1309225 to Opera Stable
- DNA-98737 [Lin] ffmpeg codec needs upgrade
- DNA-98768 Crash at extensions::ContentFilterPrivateIsWhitelistedFunction::Run()
☣ = bugfix
86.0.4363.9 – 2022-03-24 blog post
- DNA-97461 Improve Netinstaller resiliency to communication problems with a single host
- DNA-97517 Add test suite for Acceptable Ads list
- DNA-97951 [Snapshot] Meme generator button collides with arrow button on small window size
- DNA-98059 Crash at opera::FreedomSettingsImpl::IsBypassForDotlessDomainsEnabled const
- DNA-98086 Resizing the crop rectangle below 0px makes it disappear and change location
- DNA-98149 [Mac] Tab should not be highlighted when closing another tab.
- DNA-98207 Fix nesting context manager to work with python 3.8
- DNA-98213 Update scripts in opera_components/avro to work with python3
- DNA-98251 Make Crypto Wallet setting enable / disable extension
- DNA-98253 Always show “Crypto Wallet” in Sidebar Setup
- DNA-98331 [Snap] Meme generator cropping / resizing broken
- DNA-98383 Removing recent searches visibly refreshes unfiltered suggestions
- DNA-98386 “How does it work” link in feedback dialog points to non-existing resource in
- DNA-98388 Can’t open ‘City’ suggestions with Enter keypress
- DNA-98389 Google Maps and Booking are visible when changing search engine using keyboard shortcut
- DNA-98392 [Win7] Tab strip is transparent with aero
- DNA-98394 Audio tab indicator set to “muted” on videoconferencing sites
- DNA-98401 Not enough search suggestions in the dropdown
- DNA-98415 Tab disappears when dragging it after plus button
- DNA-98418 Add Acceptable Ads switch in privacy popup
- DNA-98419 Add separate Acceptable Ads switch to settings
- DNA-98428 Dropdown shows different cities with the same name
- DNA-98441 Google Maps and Booking are visible in the “Search with” context menu
- DNA-98444 Menus are white for private mode in dark theme
- DNA-98455 Dropdown unexpectedly closes when removing suggestions from one category but other categories still exist
- DNA-98463 Add preference for enabling / disabling tab scrolling
- DNA-98466 Can’t change search engine using shortcut when other than the first suggestion is highlighted in dropdown
- DNA-98472 City suggestions do not match design
- DNA-98475 Pressing [Enter] opens hovered suggestion instead of address field content
- DNA-98476 Selecting an unfiltered suggestion should update address field
- DNA-98479 Unfiltered suggestions are shown incorrectly when address filed text is changed back to current URL
- DNA-98481 Report errors in opauto_collector
- DNA-98483 Snap archive version_dict is wrong for builds with forced stream
- DNA-98484 Report Startup.BrowserWindow.FirstPaint histogram
- DNA-98489 [Scrollable tab strip] Space for unpinned tabs is incorrectly calculated
- DNA-98490 Wallpaper order in Settings is not stable
- DNA-98497 Crash when installing extension
- DNA-98500 Crash at base::debug::BreakDebuggerAsyncSafe() | base::internal::LoggerWithAllowedAllocations::~LoggerWithAllowedAllocations()
- DNA-98505 Cropping a meme-containing snapshot yields wrong result
- DNA-98506 Enable opera_feature_crypto_wallet_encryption on desktop
- DNA-98563 Promote O86 to beta
☣ = bugfix
86.0.4359.0 – 2022-03-15 blog post
- CHR-8787 Update Chromium on master to 100.0.4896.20
- DNA-94119 Upgrade curl to 7.81.0
- DNA-97152 Some internal pages shown under History category without prior navigation to them
- DNA-97411 Error code 6 when playing video from
- DNA-97723 Clearing “Hosted App Data” or “”Cookies and other site data” clears allowed notifications for sites
- DNA-97849 [Mac monterey] System shortcut interfere with Opera’s `ToggleSearchInOpenTabs` shortcut
- DNA-97921 [Win] Add “Autostart” toggle in the installer with default set by rollout
- DNA-97946 Can’t switch search engine with shortcut
- DNA-98028 Extension chrome.omnibox API event chrome.omnibox.onInputCancelled not send on dropdown dismissal
- DNA-98033 Suggestion favicon might be missing
- DNA-98047 Show unfiltered suggestion when pressing ‘down arrow’
- DNA-98056 AA doesn’t work well with EasyList enabled ‘in a wild’
- DNA-98092 Crash at views::MenuItemView::GetMenuController()
- DNA-98112 [Mac] Address bar suggestion selected without hovering mouse over it
- DNA-98136 Middle button mouse click on tab bar does not open a new tab
- DNA-98147 Not possible to drag link to tab strip
- DNA-98148 [MAC] Javascript dialog button should be blue
- DNA-98156 Links in installer welcome screen are not accessible separately
- DNA-98158 [Win] Update ‘eula on start’ with new copy and documents
- DNA-98178 Weather icon has inversed colors
- DNA-98204 Automatic popout happens when video is paused
- DNA-98210 Reduce number of “Tab: Speed Dial” processes
- DNA-98224 No maps suggestion for some cities
- DNA-98226 Hide Booking and Google Maps from opera://settings/searchEngines
- DNA-98229 Excessive CPU usage involving browser, background extension, speed dial processes
- DNA-98230 Unfiltered suggestions flicker when triggered
- DNA-98231 Shortcuts are blocked by displayed tab tooltip when triggered quickly after tooltip appears
- DNA-98239 [Scrollable tab strip] Every other newly opened tab doesn’t show up fully
- DNA-98244 Unable to dismiss address dropdown clicking on UI elements
- DNA-98247 Add always-present pinned tab for Shopping Corner
- DNA-98250 Install extension on startup
- DNA-98271 Add script for listing expired flags
- DNA-98280 One LPAC capability for network service used on all channels
- DNA-98292 Wrong highlight color in context menus in dark mode
- DNA-98306 Weather icon looks bad when hovered
- DNA-98320 [Mac] Unable to delete recent search entries
- DNA-98321 Add thinlto-cache warnings to suppression list
- DNA-98323 gx-booster visible on non-gx build
- DNA-98324 Missing dependency on process_monitor in browser_assistant
- DNA-98333 Suggestions can be deleted with right click
- DNA-98334 Blank dropdown after deleting all suggestions
- DNA-98339 run-at-startup set to false when selecting autostart-checkbox
- DNA-98341 Fix tiktok icon on desktop
- DNA-98349 [Linux] Crash at bluez::BluezDBusManager::Get()
- DNA-98351 Enable #adblock-sitekey for all channels
- DNA-98360 Remove internal suggestion match upon typing “about://”
- DNA-98378 [Win] Installer UI initialization fails
- DNA-98385 Remove unused classes in suggestions/providers
- DNA-98387 [mac-arm] Freeze on startup after CHR-8779
- DNA-98397 Implement DNS over HTTPS fallback mechanism when connecting to Autoupdate & Download services
☣ = bugfix
86.0.4351.0 – 2022-03-07 blog post
- DNA-97250 Add a setting to disable showing tabs from the same domain in the fast tab tooltip
- DNA-97415 [Workspaces] Emojis 1-9 can’t be applied as Workspace icon
- DNA-97609 Failing MetricsReporterTest.TimeSpent* smoketests
- DNA-97733 [Scrollable tab strip] Newly opened tabs don’t show up properly when on the right-most tab
- DNA-97752 Bundled wallpaper initialization must not affect browser startup performance
- DNA-97770 Autocomplete city name and show weather information
- DNA-97888 Turn on #scrollable-tab-strip on developer
- DNA-97956 Site not works with Opera browser
- DNA-97960 Crash at dawn::native::AttachmentState::HasDepthStencilAttachment() const
- DNA-97994 Add ‘settings’ button in first category header
- DNA-98039 Dark theme top sites have black background
- DNA-98052 Add test switch to allow overwrite default threshold to show top sites in dropdown
- DNA-98054 Refactor opera_components/input/
- DNA-98073 Unhandled Disconnect list category: “emailstrict”
- DNA-98074 Fix pylint issues in opera_components/product/
- DNA-98075 Switch back from mobile to desktop version
- DNA-98095 scrollable-tab-strip flag prematurely disappeared in O86
- DNA-98097 Shopping corner internal API access
- DNA-98098 [Snap Text] Delay flag expiration
- DNA-98117 Clicking current tab information should hide tooltip
- DNA-98118 Do not fetch documents when not creating packages
- DNA-98140 Log ActivatedWithKeyboard event for unfiltered suggestions
- DNA-98141 Enter key does not work on unfiltered suggestions
- DNA-98162 Category titles should be uppercase
- DNA-98164 Dropdown doesn’t fit content
- DNA-98166 City autocomplete shouldn’t be done with less than 3 letters
- DNA-98167 CrSettingsOperaVpnBypassRulesTest.All fails
- DNA-98173 Can’t open top site with keyboard using Shift + Enter when address field is empty
- DNA-98185 Use neutral name for search engine keywords
- DNA-98187 Crash at bool StartupBrowserCreator::ProcessCmdLineImpl(const class base::CommandLine& const, const class base::FilePath& const, chrome::startup::IsProcessStartup, struct StartupProfileInfo, const class std::__1::vector& const)
- DNA-98190 Use search engine favicon in hotel/map suggestion
- DNA-98206 Fix createicns build issues on arm64
- DNA-98207 Fix nesting context manager to work with python 3.8
- DNA-98225 Improve sorting of contributor names
- DNA-98227 Builds on ARM machines are by default configured as x64
86.0.4344.0 – 2022-02-28 blog post
- CHR-8759 Update chromium on master to 100.0.4878.0
- DNA-96954 Loomi’ sidebar visibility pref is reported as true, even when the feature is disabled.
- DNA-96995 [Player][Spotify] Full screen mode inside Spotify app is bugged
- DNA-97049 Add support to open suggestion in a new tab|window using Enter
- DNA-97227 Default submodule feature state vs. flags.json state
- DNA-97333 ‘Add a site’ label on start page tile barely visible
- DNA-97354 [Mac] Update Network Installer with new copy and documents
- DNA-97355 [Win] Update installer with new copy and documents
- DNA-97415 [Workspaces] Emojis 1-9 can’t be applied as Workspace icon
- DNA-97572 No browser window when starting from OS notification
- DNA-97573 [Win][Lin]”Close tab” button is not displayed on tabs playing media when many tabs are open
- DNA-97576 Fetch legal documents from repository before producing installers
- DNA-97599 Top Sites thumbnails are sometimes mismatched
- DNA-97650 [Mac][Linux] Snapped area in snap can’t be scrolled down using keyboard.
- DNA-97658 Incorrect image taken when cropping multiple times
- DNA-97752 Bundled wallpaper initialization must not affect browser startup performance
- DNA-97871 Google meet tab’s icons don’t fit on pinned tab
- DNA-97872 Tab is being unpinned when video conferencing button is clicked
- DNA-97909 Address dropdown tiles are stretched to fill the width
- DNA-97918 [Win]Crash at ExtensionViewViews::GetNativeView()
- DNA-97928 Crash at SSLErrorHandler::HandleCertDateInvalidErrorImpl(base::TimeTicks)
- DNA-97953 Segfault in network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryStubDispatch::Accept() when running FreedomProxyBrowserTest.ProxyAuthHeaderSet/0
- DNA-97957 [Mac] Closing tab with shortcut doesnt close dropdown
- DNA-97972 25th workspace icon has broken display in the sidebar
- DNA-97981 Speed dial tab should be closed after ‘Switch to tab’
- DNA-97982 Enable #snap-upstream-implementation on all streams
- DNA-97985 Do not break network tests with the new dropdown
- DNA-97992 Do not show URLs for BABE entries
- DNA-98005 Deb packages are not created due to missing resources template
- DNA-98010 Crash at opera::SnapController::OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent const&)
- DNA-98024 Wrong autofill warning style
- DNA-98026 Recent search suggestion icon might be missing
- DNA-98035 Remove expired feature flag #static-tab-audio-indicator
- DNA-98057 Dropdown is being re-rendered when clicking address bar continuously
- DNA-98079 Turn on #snap-crop-tool on developer
- DNA-98082 Turn on #snap-text-selection on developer
☣ = bugfix