Changelog for 64

64.0.3417.119 – 2019-11-20
- DNA-79677 Use FFmpeg APIs and platform decoders in AudioFileReader
- DNA-81010 Spinner takes a lot of cpu – audio indicator fix
- DNA-81096 snap packaging does not work on Ubuntu 18.04
- DNA-81310 Crash at chrome::ExecuteCommand(Browser*, int, base::TimeTicks) @selector(closeTabWithShortcut:)
- DNA-81688 [Win] Dropdown text and background are dark when system dark mode is enabled
- DNA-81934 [Advanced content blocking] After Upgrade EasyPrivacy list is disabled
- DNA-82166 Add #ffmpeg-demuxer-in-platform-audio-file-reader
- DNA-82298 Enable #ffmpeg-demuxer-in-platform-audio-file-reader by default everywhere
- DNA-82317 Crash at opera::installer::InstallerController::OnPrefsIncludeFileRead(base::OnceCallback, scoped_refptr)
- DNA-82331 Automatically rechecking the default list doesn’t apply the rules
64.0.3417.92 – 2019-11-05 blog post
- DNA-81358 Wrong key color on extension popup in dark mode
- DNA-82208 Cherry-pick CVE-2019-13721 and CVE-2019-13720 onto O64
64.0.3417.83 – 2019-10-30 blog post
- DNA-79676 Use FFmpegDemuxer to demux ADTS
- DNA-81010 Spinner takes a lot of cpu
- DNA-81385 Keys on some popups in dark mode can’t be hovered
- DNA-81494 [Mac] Snap onboarding doesn’t appear while the icon still flashes
- DNA-82003 Restore legacy path for AudioFileReader
- DNA-82019 Enable #ffmpeg-demuxer-everywhere by default in developer
- DNA-82028 Enable #ffmpeg-demuxer-everywhere by default in stable on macOS
64.0.3417.73 – 2019-10-23 blog post
- CHR-7598 Update chromium on desktop-stable-77-3417 to 77.0.3865.120
- DNA-80049 The upper border of “Add to bookmarks bar” popup is cut off in white mode
- DNA-80395 Menu popup borders in Settings are invisible in Dark mode
- DNA-81263 Change the continue section buttons visibility as in description
- DNA-81304 Crash at chrome::NewTab(Browser*)
- DNA-81650 Easy Setup Style looks weird
- DNA-81708 Missing dependency on //chrome/common:buildflags
- DNA-81732 [Mac][Catalina] Cannot maximize a window after it’s been minimized
- DNA-81737 Renderer crash on
- DNA-81753 Pinned tab only remembered after next restart
- DNA-81769 Investigate reports about slow speed dial loading in O64 blog comments
- DNA-81859 [Mac 10.15] Crash whenever navigating to any page
- DNA-81893 Get Personalised news on SpeedDials broken layout
64.0.3417.61 – 2019-10-16 blog post
- DNA-80423 [Mac] 3-finger swipe (back/forward) does not work
- DNA-80760 Sidebar Messenger icon update
- DNA-81165 Remove sharing service
- DNA-81211 [Advanced content blocking] Can not turn off ad blocking in private mode
- DNA-81323 content_filter::RendererConfigProvider destroyed on wrong sequence
- DNA-81487 [VPN disclaimer][da, ta] Text should be multiline
- DNA-81543 [Windows] Fonts on VPN popup looks too thin and blurry in dark mode
- DNA-81545 opr-session entry for Google ads not working
- DNA-81580 Speed dials’ colours change after Opera update
- DNA-81597 [Adblocker] Google Ads link hides if clicking
- DNA-81639 Widevine verification status is PLATFORM_TAMPERED
64.0.3417.54 – 2019-10-09 blog post
- DNA-80583 [Mac] Certificate dialog hidden after switching to another tab
- DNA-81091 [Mac] Can’t load internal pages and close Opera in first run when Chrome is set as a default browser
- DNA-81237 [Advanced content blocking] noCoin (Cryptocurrency Mining Protection) is not enabled by default
- DNA-81375 Adblocking_AddToWhitelist_Popup and Adblocking_RemoveFromWhitelist_Popup metric not recorded in stats
- DNA-81413 Error in console when Start Page connects to My Flow
- DNA-81435 Adjust VPN disclaimer to longer strings [de]
64.0.3417.47 – 2019-10-08 blog post
- DNA-80531 [Reborn3] Unify Switches
- DNA-80738 “How to protect my privacy” link
- DNA-81162 Enable #advanced-content-blocking on developer stream
- DNA-81202 Privacy Protection popup doesn’t resize after enabling blockers
- DNA-81230 [Mac] Drop support for 10.10
- DNA-81280 Adjust button width to the shorter string
- DNA-81295 Opera 64 translations
- DNA-81346 Enable #advanced-content-blocking on all streams
- DNA-81434 Turn on #new-vpn-flow in all streams
- DNA-81436 Import translations from Chromium to O64
- DNA-81460 Promote O64 to stable
- DNA-81461 Snap onboarding is cut
- DNA-81467 Integrate missing translations (Chinese, MS and TL) to O64/65
- DNA-81489 Start page goes into infinite loop
64.0.3417.41 – 2019-10-02 blog post
- DNA-79609 Crash at views::Widget::CloseWithReason(views::Widget::ClosedReason)
- DNA-80234 Add prefs for “Remind me Later” delay
- DNA-81123 Crash at base::internal::WeakReference::IsValid()
- DNA-81166 Avoid loading touch enxtension on startup if it’s not paired
- DNA-81172 New copy for VPN section and styling changes
- DNA-81229 Update tooltip of shield icon
- DNA-81275 Crash at PrefNotifierImpl::RemovePrefObserver(std::__1::basic_string const&, PrefObserver*)
64.0.3417.32 – 2019-09-26 blog post
- CHR-7564 Update chromium on desktop-stable-77-3417 to 77.0.3865.90
- DNA-78443 BABE not displayed until suggestions appear.
- DNA-79610 Crash after detaching tab with javascript dialog
- DNA-80088 Allow Continue Shopping API to register listeners
- DNA-80109 [Mac][Retina] Snap tool snaps wrong region
- DNA-80196 Serve extended URL from the API
- DNA-80253 History page displays incomplete history records
- DNA-80258 Add “Block Trackers” to EasySetup
- DNA-80260 [Mac] Use new Privacy popup on Mac
- DNA-80318 [win10] Fix installer tests
- DNA-80401 Create browser tests for Continue Shopping
- DNA-80434 Make whitelisting work from popup
- DNA-80435 Count blocked trackers in popup
- DNA-80436 Make update from older version work correctly
- DNA-80497 Remove checkout detection mechanism
- DNA-80498 Make whitelisting work from popup WP2
- DNA-80504 Merge translated lists of forbidden words with English
- DNA-80530 Turn-off button in Adblocker pop-up doesn’t work
- DNA-80552 Refresh section when data changes
- DNA-80554 [win 10] installer tests – add switch to disable import in tests BrowserAssistantInstallations
- DNA-80564 DCHECK when loading rules
- DNA-80567 Whitelisting is not reliable
- DNA-80590 Remove all customizations (ie. IsCustomizationEnabledDEPRECATED calls)
- DNA-80613 Make whitelisting work from popup WP3
- DNA-80629 Enable build flag new_mac_bundle_structure
- DNA-80630 Add new options to setting page
- DNA-80631 Separate the exception management for ads and trackers
- DNA-80632 Separate the list management for ads and trackers
- DNA-80634 Turning VPN on – redesign of the entry point flow
- DNA-80643 Create continue-shopping-2 feature flag
- DNA-80644 Scrap aliexpress offer webpage and save it to offers database
- DNA-80645 Expose aliexpress offers in continueShoppingPrivateAPI
- DNA-80651 Allow Continue on Booking API to register listeners
- DNA-80652 Change offer data format
- DNA-80674 Crash at views::View::SchedulePaint()
- DNA-80679 Random lists enabled after enabling tracker blocking
- DNA-80681 [Win] Adblocker pop-up closed after turned ON
- DNA-80703 Make Aliexpress API offer urls attributed with Opera affiliated IDs
- DNA-80712 Record aliexpress page views and checkouts
- DNA-80717 Tab menu issues
- DNA-80739 “Blocking content can cause some websites…” text on popup should have white font
- DNA-80777 Content blocking toggles act funny in easy setup
- DNA-80778 Remove LOG(INFO) debug logs from
- DNA-80834 Fail to turn on content blocking the first time when both content types are off
- DNA-80838 Make content filtering icon visible when features are turned off
- DNA-80845 desktop_browsertests.TestDifferentContinueShoppingFeatures/ContinueShoppingPrivateApiFeatureFlagTest has error on Win
- DNA-80850 Create new-vpn-flow feature flag
- DNA-80860 Mac builds with symbol_level=1 are bigger than with symbol_level=2
- DNA-80909 TestDifferentContinueShoppingFeatures/ContinueShoppingPrivateApiFeatureFlagTest.ShouldReturnMostDesiredOffersReturnedByService.* fail on Mac
- DNA-80965 Renderer crash when going to opera://inspect
- DNA-81022 Backport AliExpress to O64
- DNA-81026 Support all Aliexpress site languages
- DNA-81067 [Continue on Booking] No hotels returned when one hotel requested
- DNA-81101 Backporting Privacy to Opera 64
- DNA-81137 [Win] Fonts of Rate me popup differ
- DNA-81172 Redesign few things
- DNA-81089 Gather strings for Privacy for translation
- DNA-81107 Optimize API calls by caching the offers results
64.0.3417.19 – 2019-09-19 blog post
- CHR-7516 Update chromium on master to 78.0.3887.7
- CHR-7538 Update chromium on desktop-stable-77-3417 to 77.0.3865.56
- CHR-7547 Update chromium on desktop-stable-77-3417 to 77.0.3865.75
- DNA-79399 Move Freedom configuration data and related logic to UI thread
- DNA-79509 Crash at opera::`anonymous namespace”::ContinueOnBookingBrowserTest::VerifyStartPageOffers
- DNA-79621 Add support for new bundle structure to old autoupdate clients
- DNA-80247 Foolproof asistant’s bootstrapping
- DNA-80416 Crash at opera::assistant::ProcessMonitorImpl::ObserveProcess(std::__1::basic_string const&, opera::assistant::ProcessMonitor::Observer*)
- DNA-80417 [assistant] Crash at opera::avro::event_driven::StatSenderImpl::NetworkThread::SetTrafficAllowed(bool)
- DNA-80448 Fix Freedom syncing config client to multiple NetworkContexts
- DNA-80449 Fix Freedom binding accessing context after it is destroyed
- DNA-80467 Crash when inspecting sidebar extension content.
- DNA-80512 Change dynamic imports not to use the eval function
- DNA-80551 Simplify FreedomSettings initialization
- DNA-80690 FreedomProxyStartEnabledBrowserTest.RequestSuspendedUntilProxyConfigKnown/{1,3} times out
- DNA-80966 [Linux] Integrate a new key into our packages
64.0.3417.11 – 2019-09-10 blog post
- DNA-79835 Animation of X appearance is slow
- DNA-80146 Snapshot Onboarding animated icon: Reuse the WIN implementation on MAC
- DNA-80350 Crash at browser_assistant.exe@0x489e
- DNA-80607 [macOS]`Try it` button on onboarding popup is inactive
64.0.3417.8 – 2019-09-05 blog post
- CHR-7517 Update chromium on desktop-stable-77-3417 to 77.0.3865.42
- DNA-65422 [Snapshot] The beginning of the text (first letter) is not blurred
- DNA-74031 Download indicator doesn’t match progress
- DNA-75414 Notification should not show when Opera browser is running
- DNA-77042 Something went wrong message in crypto wallet in private window
- DNA-78968 Add drag&drop support to the tree component
- DNA-79137 Crash at opera::installer::OptionsScreen::OnLanguageChanged()
- DNA-79359 Static background when selecting animated theme
- DNA-79398 [Linux] Context menus are broken
- DNA-79596 Login dialog disappears after switching tab
- DNA-79622 Rewrite lazy session feature to avoid page view usages
- DNA-79714 Prototype submission: startpage controller
- DNA-79757 Line divider under address bar disappears after opening and closing Bookmarks Bar
- DNA-79769 Address bar suggestions’s labels has wrong font weight
- DNA-79817 Wrong tab order after session restore
- DNA-79972 Create new Content Filtering UI elements
- DNA-79974 [Views] Change current address field UI to match design
- DNA-79982 [Mac] Change current address field UI to match design
- DNA-80103 Investigate best ICECC_THREADS for faster Mac builds
- DNA-80105 O63 translations (08.08.2019)
- DNA-80110 Bug when changing the install path in installer
- DNA-80135 [Linux] Crash when switch theme with reborn-3-dropdown is enabled
- DNA-80143 “Remind me tomorrow” section flashes when new tab is opened
- DNA-80144 Create Animated Icon for Windows
- DNA-80145 Create Animated Tooltip for Windows
- DNA-80150 Convert Search Box to ES modules
- DNA-80151 [Dark Mode] Certificate > ‘Issued to’ is grey on black
- DNA-80155 Add pagination for Downloads page
- DNA-80165 Investigate best ICECC_THREADS for faster Linux builds
- DNA-80191 Fix opera_components/tracking_data/
- DNA-80200 Magnifying glass on settings and extensions has strange elipse when clicked
- DNA-80211 Fix clear button on opera://settings/keyboardShortcuts
- DNA-80219 DCHECK at ExtensionDownloader::HandleManifestResults
- DNA-80221 Change channel to “stable” in permissions features for wallpapersPrivate
- DNA-80222 Patch which hide Opera UA for Win10, Mac and Lin
- DNA-80235 Fold section when title is clicked
- DNA-80237 Prevent data collection when feature is off
- DNA-80242 Implement per-type whitelist WP1
- DNA-80244 Introduce another feature flag for changing the default value of folded state
- DNA-80257 Change ‘Chromium’ to ‘Opera’ in Cookies and site data
- DNA-80261 Convert Discover news to ES modules
- DNA-80262 Convert Zen news to ES modules
- DNA-80263 move SessionTabHelper to chrome_imports
- DNA-80265 Onboard new tools in the snap window
- DNA-80274 Remove PageViewObserver::OnPageViewRestored
- DNA-80297 Create styleguide host
- DNA-80305 Change section title to “Continue Shopping”
- DNA-80306 Fix BrowserJSPatches.testQuestodCoUk on Win10
- DNA-80314 Include Assistant symbols in archive_browser_sym_files
- DNA-80327 Some extensions network requests are blocked by our adblocker
- DNA-80332 Remove DNS prefetch block that is now redundant
- DNA-80348 [Mac][Retina][Snap] “Capture Full Screen” captures wrong region
- DNA-80357 Convert Start Page view to ES modules
- DNA-80383 Lazy load optional sections on Start Page
- DNA-80422 Continue shopping section is too close to Speed Dial tiles when tiles are big
- DNA-80463 Add shadow to shopping tiles
- DNA-80476 Allow filter to compare offers with the list of forbidden words not considering letter case
- DNA-80495 Middle click navigations are not attributed
64.0.3416.0 – 2019-08-21 blog post
- DNA-65422 [Snapshot] The beginning of the text (first letter) is not blurred
- DNA-74031 Download indicator doesn’t match progress
- DNA-75414 Notification should not show when Opera browser is running
- DNA-77042 Something went wrong message in crypto wallet in private window
- DNA-78968 Add drag&drop support to the tree component
- DNA-79359 Static background when selecting animated theme
- DNA-79398 [Linux] Context menus are broken
- DNA-79596 Login dialog disappears after switching tab
- DNA-79622 Rewrite lazy session feature to avoid page view usages
- DNA-79714 Prototype submission: startpage controller
- DNA-79817 Wrong tab order after session restore
- DNA-79972 Create new Content Filtering UI elements
- DNA-79974 [Views] Change current address field UI to match design
- DNA-80002 Some opera functionalities start with noticeable delay
- DNA-80105 O63 translations (08.08.2019)
- DNA-80110 Bug when changing the install path in installer
- DNA-80135 [Linux] Crash when switch theme with reborn-3-dropdown is enabled
- DNA-80144 Create Animated Icon for Windows
- DNA-80151 [Dark Mode] Certificate > ‘Issued to’ is grey on black
- DNA-80164 [opauto] installer, add test for installation to the folder with existing gx
- DNA-80165 Investigate best ICECC_THREADS for faster Linux builds
- DNA-80191 Fix opera_components/tracking_data/
- DNA-80200 Magnifying glass on settings and extensions has strange elipse when clicked
- DNA-80201 Record number of clicks for the trash folder in opera://bookmarks
- DNA-80211 Fix clear button on opera://settings/keyboardShortcuts
- DNA-80219 DCHECK at ExtensionDownloader::HandleManifestResults
- DNA-80221 Change channel to “stable” in permissions features for wallpapersPrivate
- DNA-80222 Patch which hide Opera UA for Win10, Mac and Lin
- DNA-80224 [ContentFilter] Whitespaces in adblocker_rules.json
- DNA-80241 [ContentFilter] Generated Adblocker lists do not contain resource types
- DNA-80242 Implement per-type whitelist WP1
- DNA-80261 Convert Discover news to ES modules
- DNA-80262 Convert Zen news to ES modules
- DNA-80297 Create styleguide host
- DNA-80299 DCHECK fail in BrowserDialogBubbleDelegateView
- DNA-80314 Include Assistant symbols in archive_browser_sym_files
- DNA-80317 Stop testing with navigation on IO thread
64.0.3409.0 – 2019-08-14 blog post
- CHR-7503 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3865.10
- CHR-7512 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3865.19
- DNA-73985 Display more meaningful information in installer load failed message box
- DNA-79482 “mht” format incorrect
- DNA-80103 Investigate best ICECC_THREADS for faster Mac builds
- DNA-80131 Sign Opera Helper(GPU).app
- DNA-80139 Magnifying glass icon half cut in the search field on Start page
- DNA-80154 [Mac] Snapshot dialog buttons wrong way around
- DNA-80159 Search on SpeedDials (Yandex/Google) opens under the tile
- DNA-80170 [Mac] Crash when using shortcut in popup windows
- DNA-80179 Scroll on start page isn’t working correctly
- DNA-80194 Fix crypto wallet tests for windows 10
- DNA-80198 Fix snap tests on windows 10
64.0.3407.0 – 2019-08-12 blog post
- CHR-7488 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3860.5
- DNA-71651 Remove old extensions url from opera consts after switching to new extensions page
- DNA-76869 Opening links from cryptowallet doesnt hide the panel when unpinned
- DNA-79041 [Win10] Snapshot emojis don’t appear in the right place
- DNA-79075 Magnifying glass icon missing from search field in settings
- DNA-79621 Add support for new bundle structure to old autoupdate clients
- DNA-79715 Prototype submission: fix references to kOperaUIStartPageURL
- DNA-79717 Prototype submission: startpage webcontents helper
- DNA-79720 [Start Page] Error “suggestion” name RU
- DNA-79805 Divide content blocking into separate types
- DNA-79836 [Mac] Broken buttons on snapshot window
- DNA-79895 Remove kFeatureUpdateRecoveryPage flag
- DNA-79899 Toolitips look bad in dark mode (white border + unreadable text)
- DNA-79913 ‘Suggestions’ title is visible even if there’s no suggestion display
- DNA-79917 When saving a bookmark to another selected folder, it quickly appears on the bookmarks bar and then changes its place
- DNA-79929 Protect installer from installing wrong product on top existing Opera installation
- DNA-79966 The $domain parameter of exceptions in the ad-blocking list is ignored
- DNA-79993 Remove the input field from FAB
- DNA-79994 [Win/Lin] Make old address bar and the new drop down view work together
- DNA-80008 Fix to use icecc
- DNA-80009 Use lowercase for search country matching
- DNA-80012 Zoom popup appears each time clicking ‘heart’ icon
- DNA-80019 Unable to close tab when “Add to Bookmarks Bar” dialog is displayed
- DNA-80027 Feature “safe-zone-extensions” is used before being registered
- DNA-80051 [Mac] Pinned tab should not be possible to close with shortcut
- DNA-80053 [Mac] Snap window should be closed with ‘CloseTab’ shortcut
- DNA-80058 [Mac] Crash after pressing ESC on permission dialog for microphone
- DNA-80065 [Linux] Crash when quit opera without showing the dropdown even once
- DNA-80070 Web UI debug mode broken by AdBlocker
- DNA-80092 Create overlay to cover the webpage
- DNA-80094 [Mac] Zoom indicator popover missing accessibility name on mac
- DNA-80115 Crash at opera::NotificationCollectionBase::Contains(opera::OperaNotificationDelegate const*)
- DNA-80121 Fix search toolbar on opera://extensions
- DNA-80124 Clean up rendering of sections on Start Page
64.0.3401.0 – 2019-08-06 blog post
- CHR-7473 Allow suppressing subpixel rendering in Combobox
- DNA-76692 Last tabs menu – “pin” icon isn’t readable in dark mode
- DNA-77137 Blacklisted speeddial is added again to Start Page on country change
- DNA-78777 Add SD-filtering opauto tests suite
- DNA-79162 Organic search sessions are not logged as sequences of searches in Sessions logs
- DNA-79467 Stop copying views::Combobox
- DNA-79474 Stop copying files from ui/views/controls/table
- DNA-79615 Linux implementation
- DNA-79706 Add #ffmpeg-demuxer-everywhere
- DNA-79777 Enable flag on all streams
- DNA-79816 Create tree dots menu according to bookmarks functionality behavior
- DNA-79824 Add to Opera – modal: the dropdown with suggestions is cut
- DNA-79848 Snapshot tool: Emojis are broken
- DNA-79878 Add few basic tests for new bookmarks panel
- DNA-79881 Override search box style for Yandex
- DNA-79882 Control search box styling dynamically
- DNA-79893 Crash at opera::wallpapers::ResizeWallpaperPreview(opera::wallpapers::WallpaperResource const&, opera::wallpapers::WallpaperResourceRepositoryImpl::Size)
- DNA-79901 Whitelist not working for elements hiding
- DNA-79902 Spurious include in
- DNA-79904 Failing browser quit tests
- DNA-79906 Fix package build
- DNA-79916 Remove unused entries in submodule_features
- DNA-79919 Add opauto tests for the quit dialog
- DNA-79926 Crash at extensions::TabsEventRouter::DispatchActiveTabChanged(content::WebContents*, content::WebContents*, int, int)
- DNA-79927 Use the actual shortcut for the option in the setting page
- DNA-79946 Turn the flag on
- DNA-79952 Even better line smoothing in snap
- DNA-79958 Crash at chrome::Snapshot(Browser*, bool)
- DNA-79969 Crash at AutomationJSONReply::SendError(automation::Error const&)
64.0.3396.0 – 2019-08-01 blog post
- DNA-71383 “Default” entries lost the actual value in opera://flags
- DNA-74436 Allow creating wallpapers from images (“Use image as wallpaper”)
- DNA-78899 Extract tab cycling logic from PageViewCollection
- DNA-79485 Make speed test work with network service
- DNA-79505 Snap shapes detection finds the least rotated rectangles instead of best fitting rectangles
- DNA-79521 Input field of “Add to bookmarks” dialog window is too small and input data are invisible
- DNA-79611 Update
- DNA-79614 Mac implementation
- DNA-79630 [Mac] Cmd+W closes window instead of tab
- DNA-79675 Use FFmpegDemuxer to demux MP4+H.264+AAC
- DNA-79707 Tune code paths to account for kFeatureFFmpegDemuxerEverywhere
- DNA-79712 Prototype submission: feature flag
- DNA-79713 Prototype submission: startpage placeholder webui page
- DNA-79744 opr-session meta tag is broken
- DNA-79753 Bookmark manager doesn’t open in private mode
- DNA-79774 Add translations to opera_resources_private.api
- DNA-79796 Input field in add SD modal is not always focused on open
- DNA-79800 Use Scrollable component for suggestions
- DNA-79809 Web push notifications are displayed with Chrome icon when there are no Opera shortcuts in start menu.
- DNA-79814 Keyboard shortcuts involving Ctrl do not work in startpage/bookmarks
- DNA-79822 Opera://flags in dark mode contains too much arrows on flags
- DNA-79847 [Linux] Crash when opening Settings
- DNA-79853 Heart icon missed
- DNA-79856 Can’t delete folder with clicking on icon
- DNA-79869 [Mac] Crash on opening Create Search Engine dialog
- DNA-79891 Mac build compilation fails
- DNA-79896 [Mac] Pressing ‘w’ closes tab
64.0.3394.0 – 2019-07-30 blog post
- CHR-7476 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3850.0
- DNA-74431 Resize preview images (thumbnails)
- DNA-76062 Opera displays some elements in the language from the top of the list and not in the default one.
- DNA-76484 [Mac] Chromecast icon is not displayed in toolbar
- DNA-77509 [Mac] Create dark version of Create Search Engine dialog
- DNA-78224 Sidebar buttons for internal pages not working on internal pages
- DNA-78244 Extract AUNetwork to opera_components
- DNA-78526 Remove IPC call from JS adblocker calls
- DNA-78690 Add message that a site will be saved in private mode
- DNA-78958 Create new sidebar panel
- DNA-78960 Move the post-investigation code as module to the new WebUI
- DNA-79222 Allow to run FreedomURLLoaderThrottle on UI thread
- DNA-79298 Convert “Folder” modal to ES module
- DNA-79337 Deprecate PageView/Collection related methods
- DNA-79341 advice when opening my home banking web page
- DNA-79505 Snap shapes detection finds the least rotated rectangles instead of best fitting rectangles
- DNA-79517 [Mac] Unable to type in javascript prompt dialog
- DNA-79547 News header is not visible on start page without scrolling down
- DNA-79604 ‘Manage printing destination’ leads to nonexistent section in settings
- DNA-79650 Clean up Modals component
- DNA-79651 Improve handling of Escape key in modals
- DNA-79687 Strings on the private window need few changes
- DNA-79718 Fix accname for Speed Dial filtering popup
- DNA-79722 Remove forward declarations of 10.10 types from media patch
- DNA-79736 Add test for DNA-79695 update
- DNA-79742 [Dark mode] [Personal news] Error message is invisible
- DNA-79775 Long folder title doesn’t fit the content
64.0.3388.0 – 2019-07-24 blog post
- DNA-74801 Go to web address button should be added in search/copy popup.
- DNA-75522 Links highlight – inconsistency
- DNA-76510 Currency converter recognize ¥ as a Japanese Yen.
- DNA-76905 Notification window unreadable in dark mode (extensions)
- DNA-76974 Crash at opera::FlowRequestManagerImpl::OnURLFetchComplete(opera::FlowRequestManagerImpl::ActiveRequest*, std::__1::unique_ptr)
- DNA-77798 [macwinlin] Address bar text colour is wrong [light]
- DNA-78235 Remove kFeatureCryptoWalletInCpp flag
- DNA-78385 [MacOS] Pinned communicators are not visible in full-screen mode
- DNA-78805 [macOS] – Tabs font colour is too light [light mode]
- DNA-78848 [Mac] Can not paste clipboard content into sidebar apps
- DNA-79187 Remove feature kFeatureCryptoWallet
- DNA-79188 Remove feature kFeatureCryptoWalletNewServer
- DNA-79254 [linux] [gnome] Double “New window” button in Launcher bar
- DNA-79274 No warning notification on quitting Opera with multiple tabs open after update
- DNA-79297 Extend modals service to lazy load ES modules
- DNA-79299 Convert “Add a site” modal to ES module
- DNA-79300 Convert “Rate Opera” modal to ES module
- DNA-79302 Convert “News locales” modal to ES module
- DNA-79361 Right navigation arrow of gallery not always loads when opening settings
- DNA-79415 ‘Don’t show again message’ overlaid with PM text
- DNA-79430 Add the information about VPN (as on the attached mockup)
- DNA-79455 Crash at views::MenuController::FindNextSelectableMenuItem(views::MenuItemView*, int, views::MenuController::SelectionIncrementDirectionType, bool)
- DNA-79473 Add new emojis to the Snapshot Tool
- DNA-79481 [Mac] Some pop-up windows are too bright and transparent in dark mode
- DNA-79487 Private window start page shown after “do not show again”
- DNA-79513 Crash at opera::BookmarksFavoriteCollection::MaybeRemoveFolder(bookmarks::BookmarkNode const*)
- DNA-79522 [Win] Heart button popup in dark mode has white background
- DNA-79544 Crash at TabMenuTabStripModelObserverBridge::~TabMenuTabStripModelObserverBridge()
- DNA-79545 Broken dependency on update_check_handler
- DNA-79555 Basic layout
- DNA-79557 Convert “Edit tile” modal to ES module
- DNA-79569 Don’t provide default value for titleTextColor in opr.wallpapersAPI
- DNA-79579 Continuous packages using new_mac_bundle_structure do not run
- DNA-79588 Remove runtime checks for macOS 10.10 from media patch
- DNA-79638 Make OK button unclickable, when ‘Edit tile’ address is empty
- DNA-79646 Fix paths for History and Downloads in debug mode
- DNA-79666 kFeatureMediaVR should be long gone
- DNA-79683 Installer crashes when showing progress
- DNA-79694 Realign more media-related content_browsertests with Chromium
- DNA-79695 Link VPN promo to VPN help page
- DNA-79703 Remove kFeatureOperaFcmInvalidation
64.0.3380.0 – 2019-07-16 blog post
- CHR-7466 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3833.0
- DNA-75879 Remove white border from context menus
- DNA-76461 Inactive hovered tabs are too high (about 1 pixel)
- DNA-78143 Load async resources before rendering the page
- DNA-78392 [Mac] Crash when trying to change theme in easy setup
- DNA-78665 Create tests for new Private Mode page
- DNA-78742 Crash at extensions::api::DeveloperPrivateSetShortcutHandlingSuspendedFunction::Run()
- DNA-78846 Get rid of PageViews in FocusStateController
- DNA-78959 Create new WebUI backend for bookmarks panel page
- DNA-78980 Don’t show SD filtering popup until first someone clicks on any speeddial at the startpage
- DNA-79012 Remove PageViewObserver::OnPageViewDestroying
- DNA-79063 Address bar icons are hardly visible in private window in light mode
- DNA-79102 Make AU to be always server IPC endpoint when new AU logic is enabled
- DNA-79103 Saving link to bookmarks saves it to Other bookmarks folder
- DNA-79163 Adding bookmarks to AddressBar are not logged as “Add” actions in feature_events
- DNA-79205 [Mac] Dev tools in separate window – the bottom of the page isn’t visible
- DNA-79219 Crash at url_matcher::BaseSubstringSetMatcher::NodeVectorFlat::GetLabelLength(unsigned __int64)
- DNA-79285 Inactive VPN badge is cut off
- DNA-79290 Reset to default Wallpaper when ProfileResetter is ran
- DNA-79303 Snapshot elements don’t get highlighted after having been selected
- DNA-79309 Crash at opera::AddressBarControllerImpl::RestoreTabAddressBarState(GURL const&, opera::FocusStateController::FocusState const&)
- DNA-79310 Crash at content::NotificationRegistrar::Remove(content::NotificationObserver*, int, content::NotificationSource const&)
- DNA-79323 Remove FreedomResourceThrottle
- DNA-79326 Create “Modal” component in the styleguide
- DNA-79333 Fix Freedom netlog code for NetworkService
- DNA-79335 Broken buttons and header in extensions page
- DNA-79338 Remove Outline when colour is set as black.
- DNA-79347 gen_product_customization doesn’t list all of its sources
- DNA-79354 Handle webcontents replacements in tab_strip
- DNA-79380 Blur doesn’t work when screen was resize
- DNA-79383 Incorrect strings
- DNA-79391 Show Easy Setup panel with API from welcome/upgrade page
- DNA-79402 Remove non-NetworkService path from automation handlers
- DNA-79416 Add Opera Styles to cr_button
- DNA-79423 Crash at -[TabMenuOpenTabView isMuted]
- DNA-79426 Content settings: content/flash overview should display correct setting option
- DNA-79427 Change the order of buttons when taking the snap
- DNA-79429 Smooth the line drawn by user in snap edit window
- DNA-79430 Add the information about VPN (as on the attached mockup)
- DNA-79434 Crash at opera::BrowserSidebarErrorPage::BrowserSidebarErrorPage(content::WebContents*, Browser*, GURL const&)
- DNA-79440 Update Toolkit to version 0.63.0
- DNA-79444 Update Toolkit to version 0.64.0
- DNA-79450 Refactor main function in
- DNA-79466 bookmark_node_data_unittest unstable
- DNA-79483 Add opauto test for notifications priority and incorrect format
- DNA-79489 [Mac] “Show warning before quitting with ⌘Q” flag is disabled after browser restart
- DNA-79491 Crash in opera::PageView::RemoveObserver(opera::PageViewObserver*)
- DNA-79511 EasySetup sliding animation doesn’t work anymore
- DNA-79517 [Mac] Unable to type in javascript prompt dialog
- DNA-79520 Resources not properly registered
- DNA-79540 Bookmarks and news pages won’t load
64.0.3372.0 – 2019-07-08 blog post
- CHR-7445 Update chromium on master to 77.0.3824.6
- CHR-7465 Allow overridding NativeTheme color from ViewsDelegate
- DNA-78143 Load async resources before rendering the page
- DNA-78380 Crash while clicking Manage passwords in the VK app on the side bar
- DNA-78562 Remove illegal dependencies on desktop/browser/ui/views/theme from desktop/chrome_imports/ui/views
- DNA-78665 Create tests for new Private Mode page
- DNA-78780 Use “tab_strip_model” interface instead of “page_view_collection” where it is possible
- DNA-78897 Remove last_activated_time from PageView
- DNA-79000 ProcessManagerBrowserTest.* failing
- DNA-79042 Remove Freedom code not used with NetworkService
- DNA-79103 Saving link to bookmarks saves it to Other bookmarks folder
- DNA-79138 Broken dependency on theme_reborn3_generated
- DNA-79174 [Snapshot] Blur doesn’t work with small picked out area
- DNA-79208 Add proper headers for thumbnails
- DNA-79212 Adblocker opauto failures in Network Service world
- DNA-79229 Translation: Crypto Wallet welcome/pairing page – string modification [PL, DE, RU]
- DNA-79234 Crash at extensions::(anonymous namespace)::WallpaperIdToString(opera::wallpapers::WallpaperID const&)
- DNA-79237 Fix minor bugs in Snap tool onboarding animation
- DNA-79238 Don’t show again checkbox won’t work
- DNA-79241 Wrong title in Private window tab
- DNA-79245 Remove kFeatureWarnOnClosingMultipleTabs
- DNA-79258 chrome://wallpapers/* WebUI access forbidden with network service
- DNA-79264 Enable flag on developer
- DNA-79272 Enable #crypto-wallet-ios-instructions on O63
- DNA-79288 FFmpeg library verification breaks ASAN build packaging
- DNA-79289 Ensure ThemeService doesn’t start when kFeatureWallpapersApi is enabled
- DNA-79291 Enable “wallpapers-api” everywhere
- DNA-79311 Old style theme file not loaded
- DNA-79327 Inconsitency between _api_features.json and api_availability_unittests for wallpapersPrivate API