Opera 108.0.5063.0 developer update

We want to announce the release of the latest developer update for Opera Browser (108.0.5063.0), addressing various issues and introducing enhancements to improve your browsing experience.
Here’s a glimpse of the key changes in this update:
- Chromium has been updated to version 122.0.6238.2
- Fixed flickering issues in tab strip when dragging to OMenu logo
- Addressed the loading of Opera with corrupted extensions
- Improved arrow Down and Up keyboard navigation in “Move to” sub-menu on macOS and Linux
- Tweaked search box animation for a smoother experience
- Enhanced visibility of buttons in the ‘Zoom’ row within the OMenu
Our developers are fully aware of the ongoing issue with the social apps missing inside intro extension and are actively working towards a solution. Your user experience is our priority, and we appreciate your patience as we address and resolve this issue promptly.
Find more improvements in the full changelog here.
Thank you for choosing Opera and happy browsing!
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using the Opera developer for Windows installer means you have accepted the Opera for Computers EULA)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages