Opera Developer update 23.0.1522.0

Today we’re moving the developer stream to version 23.0.1522.0. We have a new feature that is fairly close to being finished, and we’ve also fixed an important issue based on your feedback (scroll to the bottom of the post for more information).
Import from other browsers on first run
We want the conversion from other browsers to Opera to be as convenient as possible, and with this build we’re doing a silent import on first run (or if you have an empty profile). The feature looks up your current default browser, and then imports passwords, cookies, history and bookmarks to get you up and running with Opera without having to start from scratch.
How you choose to import them is up to you. Open opera://bookmark-importer or use the menu (the option may be not accessible if there is noting to import):
- Windows: Opera menu > More tools > Bookmark importer
- Mac: Menu View > Show Bookmark Importer
The importer allows to convert bookmarks to either Speed Dial or the bookmarks bar. If you can’t see the bookmarks bar, you can enable it from Opera’s settings:
Known issues:
- Opera does not support silent import from Firefox 3.xx and below.
- Mac: Can’t import password from Firefox.
You may notice that we have disabled the heart animation on the address bar. It will return when we’ve improved it a bit.
Opera doesn’t start after updating
Some were having problems restarting Opera after the previous upgrade (23.0.1514.1). We identified and fixed an issue with extensions which will hopefully solve the problem.