Opera 105.0.4957.0 developer update

We are excited to announce the latest developer release of Opera 105! This release comes with several enhancements and bug fixes to improve your browsing experience. Here are some of the key changes included in this update:
- Improved functionality of dragging multiple tabs.
- Enhanced tab cycling functionality. The currently selected tab will now animate to a smaller size when cycling backwards.
- Adjusted context menu. The tab group handler will now be visible when highlighted.
- On macOS Sonoma, the Opera developer name is now displayed correctly.
We are still working on the issue that apps icons from sidebar are blurred after being hovered over.
All changes included in this update are expected to improve user experience and make browsing more enjoyable.
Here’s the link to the full changelog.
Happy browsing!
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using the Opera developer for Windows installer means you have accepted the Opera for Computers EULA)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages
- Opera developer for Linux – snap package