Opera 96.0.4693.50 Stable update

Hello again,
Today, we’re updating Opera 96 Stable, which now supports rich content entries from Google Autosuggest in the address bar dropdown.
This means that some of the suggestions in the address bar dropdown will also have images and descriptions attached to it, making it easier to identify results and sometimes giving you the answer without performing a search at all.
For example, if you type “Brad” in the address bar, the search suggestion for “Brad Pitt” will now have a photo of Brad Pitt and a description (“Actor”) attached to it.
Here’s the full changelog for Opera 96.
We take this opportunity to wish you all the best on International Women’s Day. Have a wonderful day, and happy browsing!
Installation links:
- Opera Stable for Windows
- Opera Stable for macOS
- Opera Stable for Linux – deb packages
- Opera Stable for Linux – RPM packages
- Opera Stable for Linux – snap package