Opera developer 48.0.2643.0 update

We continue to improve our converter tools in today’s Opera 48 developer update. We already introduced 14 different unit converters for you last time.
Today we’re changing how converters are triggered. You don’t need to precisely select the value to convert; Opera is more flexible in locating units of measurements within a highlighted text.
Today’s build also comes with stability fixes, visual improvements and new functionalities. You might notice some of these changes:
- Opera was crashing after loading all tabs from a folder on the bookmarks bar
- [Mac] The ad blocker doesn’t cover very long web addresses anymore
- [Win] Opera can now import user content from Edge
- [Win] Updated plus icon in toolbar
- [Win] Opera was crashing when a bookmark was deleted using the keyboard
- [Win7][HiDPI] Thin Aero stripe above sidebar is not visible on the title bar anymore
- [Linux] Warning dialogs became native ones
- Chromium updated to 61.0.3128.0
Known issues:
- DNA-62304 – [Mac] Left mouse click does not work on tab of certain width
- DNA-62305: Crash when loading prerendered page after visiting opera:settings
- Workaround: Disable ‘Predict network actions to improve page load performance’
Check the changelog for the full report.
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using Opera developer for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages