Opera 47 beta

Opera 47 is heading to its beta stage after only two rounds as a developer build. Based on Chromium 60, this version comes with a variety of visual and functional fixes to help improve the overall user experience.
Some highlights:
- Sometimes, the map was not visible on airbnb.com if ad blocker was turned on. Now it’s fixed, and you can book your holiday
- Language fixes
- Visual fixes for some annoying glitches (you might not have spotted them, but we did)
- Video pop out received more tweaks
- [macOS] Sidebar extensions have regained focus and are working correctly again
- [macOS] Full screen is not broken anymore after auto-playing videos on YouTube
- New check intervals for personal news: 3 and 6 hours
- Bookmarks pop up sometimes contained “Finished” button while “View in Bookmarks” was expected – fixed
- Bookmarks manager didn’t allow to restore folder from the trash bin – fixed
- [Windows] [Security] We added .scf to the risky file extensions list
- ‘Blinking address’ issue is fixed (some of you complained about that)
- We extended the ‘Recently Closed’ tabs list limit to 32 from the original 10
- The difficult-to-read white text seen on folders in dark theme, with no wallpaper, on the Speed Dial has now been made readable
- Windows 7 Aero users should no longer see occasional flashes of background images when switching between Youtube videos
- Improved color contrasts in light theme for better readability
- There is a “copy” when hovering over the currency converter to copy the value to your clipboard
- Chromium updated to 60.0.3112.20
- Dark favicons are now visible in dark theme. Try it yourself by visiting spotify.com
See the list of all changes in the changelog
Installation links:
- Opera beta for Windows (Using Opera beta for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera beta for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera beta for macOS
- Opera beta for Linux – deb packages
- Opera beta for Linux – RPM packages