Opera developer 45.0.2548.0 update

Unusual for a Thursday and unusual for the second time one week – we’ve got a developer update for you!
Recently, we started to get significantly more crashes on x86 builds. We are still trying to figure out cause for this sudden boost of crashes. That’s why the Windows 32-bit builds will, for now, come without PGO in order to to help us asses if optimization is to be blamed for this.
Besides that, there are plenty of ad blocker and narrow sidebar fixes for you to start testing this week.
Known issues:
Windows 7 users might notice that there is a crash notification after the update. We discovered that it does not cause further issues for Opera after the update and it will be fixed shortly.
Take a look at the changelog for more details.
See you soon!
Installation links:
- Opera developer for Windows (Using Opera developer for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages