View tabs easier, get sidebar extensions and restore bookmarks with Opera 30

The mobile web is a fast-growing phenomenon. More and more people are getting online with their phones and tablets. And, we have several mobile browser options for you.
Nevertheless, desktop computers and laptops are still very important platforms. You use a computer for work, research, studying and other stuff that takes more of your time. So, we continue working hard on Opera for computers.
Opera 30 brings you better tab management, multitasking with sidebar extensions, more careful ways of removing or restoring your bookmarks.
Switch between tabs faster
If you research online – for example, I’ve been reading about one of the latest product in our portfolio – VPN service SurfEasy, you may find yourself in a situation where you have a dozen or so tabs open that you need to switch between. Now, you can cycle through tabs even faster. Opera 30 switches tabs in chronological order and, using tab previews, creates a great, visual tab cycler. So, you can finish your tasks faster with fewer key strokes.
Customize even more with sidebar extensions
Multitasking is not always an efficient habit, especially if you want to accomplish more in less time. However, sometimes you need to compare results or see something in context to squeeze more information out of what you’re doing. That’s why Opera 30 includes sidebar extensions. These little add-ons have the full flexibility of extensions but get more space to be effective. Write notes, tweet on the go, or get a dedicated media player. Give them a try and tell us what works for you the best.
Restore bookmarks or delete them permanently with the trash folder
We do like reading comments on this blog and even answer a few of them. 😉 Quite often you give us very exact bug reports or ideas to improve the product. So, I bookmark links to the comments and revisit them when release fever has calmed down. When ideas are logged and bugs are submitted, I start to remove these bookmarks. But now, I don’t need to worry if I remove something I may need. Opera 30’s trash folder lets me restore anything I might accidentally remove.
Security fix
Some of you might have been aware of the recent logjam attack that was affecting browsers. Don’t fear! Your Opera browser is safe. Read more about the logjam attack here.
Yes, Desktop is doing well. Tablets have not managed to kill PCs, yet; they are perceived as entertaining devices or sales equipment. Nevertheless, ‘desktops’ do not depend on devices. They depend on your use and needs. It does not matter what device you connect to the biggest screen in your space. It could be your mobile phone, USB-stick size computer or an oversized wearable. But, add a wireless keyboard, a mouse and anything will your desktop computer, just by the way you use it.