Access the same tabs from your computer and your Android phone

Our Mobile and Desktop teams have never had such a good reason to cooperate.
With the release of Opera 29 today, we bring you tab synchronization, which works both in Opera 29 for computers and the latest version of Opera for Android. Now, you can access the same open tabs, whether you are on your laptop or your mobile phone — perfect for those moments when you need to continue reading your favorite website but need to be on the go.
How it works
To sync your tabs and see them across your devices, select a profile icon next to the address field and create an Opera account or sign into your existing one. Then, you will see your open tabs from other devices directly in the newly refreshed start page, under the Tabs button. From there you’ll find a list of your tabs that are open on other devices, as well as your Speed Dial entries.
Small improvements for serious stuff
We’ve done research in several countries recently that shows people browse on many devices, but when they browse on computers, it’s for serious stuff — work, research, banking or purchasing stuff online.
To do serious stuff* you need a browser that allows you to be more productive.
This is why Opera 29 is packed with many productivity improvements. Some of them are significant, some of them are small, but they all allow you to do more:
- You can now customize your keyboard shortcuts by setting any keyboard shortcut combination in the settings page.
- You don’t necessarily want to listen to audio at full volume when you open a browser session. The new audio indicator will make it much easier for you to find a tab that is blasting sound.
- Other productivity improvements include more mouse gestures, centered standalone images and integrated history in the start page, among others.
*Of course, to us “serious stuff” includes gaming and entertainment, since we also take having fun seriously.
Download Opera for computers now to try these cool features out!