Opera Developer 19.0.1324.0 update

The Battlefield 4 plug-in crash have been resolved. Now on to the next great battle:
Opera Sync
Experimental synchronization support can be enabled in flags: opera://flags/#sync. After enabling the flag, you can find Synchronize in the main menu.
You can login with your social network of choice or your Opera Account.
Initially, only Speed Dials, Stash item, and custom search providers will be synchronized. Support for synchronizing other data and settings will come later.
BIG BADASS DATA LOSS WARNING: The servers operate under no guarantee of even attempting to function properly. Your data may be lost or corrupted or the servers made inaccessible at any point in time. Keep a local backup! For your own (and our debugging) sake! Please submit as detailed as possible bug reports containing as much data as you can offer. PS: Do not try to enable sync on Opera 18 or older builds. It will not be pretty.
Usage statistics
You may be prompted to opt-in to voluntarily share statistics information with Opera Software. The information collected will include details on how you configure and how often you use features in Opera. The data will be used in aggregate to guide future development. No personal data — such as name, location/IP, or visited URLs — will be collected.
- Battlefield 4 plug-in crash fixed
- Experimental synchronization support
- Opt-in usage data sharing
- Quick-Access Bar renamed to Bookmarks Bar
Known problems
- DNA-13623: Default Speed Dials can be deleted when synced if region settings are changed
- DNA-13546: Speed Dial folders consisting only of extensions can be deleted when syncing