Opera 50.0.2759.0 developer update

To start the week, we have an Opera 50 developer update which focuses on Speed Dial and bookmarks bar refactoring and bug fixes between the two.
We have addressed the issue of being unable to drag a Speed Dial tab up into your bookmarks bar to create a bookmark. This should be working now. Also, users were experiencing a stubborn bookmarks bar which would continue to appear despite being told to hide. We have fixed this bug.
You can read check out more fixes for the Speed Dial, bookmarks bar and other changes in the changelog. You can also read about our Opera 49 beta release candidate here.
Check changelog for the full report.
Installation links
- Opera developer for Windows (Using Opera developer for Windows installer means Opera for Computers EULA is accepted)
- Opera developer for Windows (Portable version)
- Opera developer for macOS
- Opera developer for Linux – deb packages
- Opera developer for Linux – RPM packages