Sync your bookmarks, with Opera 28

Bookmark syncing is here! Following the release of shareable, visual bookmarks, today we’re giving you Opera 28, which allows you to sync bookmarks across computers, phones and tablets.
Synchronization has been one of the top priorities on our feature list, and it’s been one of the most requested features. So, we’re excited to take the first step in bringing you a complete data-syncing experience. We hope you like our new, improved synchronization feature.
How to sync bookmarks
Bookmark synchronization is available on Opera for computers, Opera Mini for iOS and Opera for Android. Opera synchronizes bookmarks across all your devices, merging bookmarks from each device you sign in with. To use this option, click the sync icon or select Settings from the main menu; then, create an Opera account or sign into your existing one.
Sync bookmarks for a seamless experience
In a recent study, we found that surfing frequency and preferences for content are very similar across devices. The percentage of Opera for computers users who are active at least five days a week is only slightly higher than the percentage of those users who browse with Opera on mobile, with mobile users more active during weekends. A key finding is that users tend to look for the same content on different devices, which is where the ability to sync bookmarks can enhance the browsing experience. You can check out more findings from this study in this post.
Can I sync other data??
We are still working on a full synchronization solution. We’ve started with bookmarks, and additional data-synchronization options will be implemented in phases. Stay tuned, as we are working hard to release them soon.
What does Opera 28 offer?
We’ve incorporated bookmarks into the search suggestions in the combined search and address bar. Opera 28 also brings a better integration with Mac OS, as “vibrancy” of the address field and improved Mac fullscreen mode have been added. Last, but not least, we’ve updated a bundled themes selection, to give you a fresh look for your start page.
Download Opera 28
Opera 28 for Windows
Opera 28 for Mac
Opera 28 for Linux
Take a look at the Opera 28 changelog.
Opera’s option-rich bookmarks let you do more than any other browser. Let us know what you think about all the latest improvements, below.