Legacy Opera Presto source code appearance in online sharing sites

Opera recently became aware that source code from our legacy browser engine, Presto, has appeared in some online code and file sharing sites. This code is the property of Opera Software and has been published illegally and without our permission. Opera has taken legal steps to have the source code removed from these sites.
The snapshot of Presto engine code that has been published was used in Opera’s browsers up until 2013. This code is not the complete source code for a modern web browser and has not been maintained for several years.
Today, Opera is using an improved version of the open source Blink/Chromium browser engine. Modern web browsers are much more than engine code, comprising a package of services, providing support for fast-evolving web technology and continuous protection against online threats and against crashes.
While some of Opera’s products are not currently fully open source, Opera has great respect for the open source community. Opera has been an active participant in the Chromium and Blink projects since 2013, and publish some of our own projects at https://github.com/operasoftware.